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Are you sitting down? Good, because youu2019re about to discover some mind-blowing facts about the humble office chair. These unsung heroes of the workplace do more than just provide a place to perch u2013 theyu2019re an essential tool for productivity and well-being. But donu2019t take our word for it. Check out these fascinating facts!
LOGIN/REGISTER0₹0.00 BULKORDERS WFHFURNITUREERGONOMICOFFICECHAIROFFICETABLEWORKSTATIONSOFFICESTORAGEOFFICEFURNITURE EXPRESSDELIVERY HOTDEALS TRANSCRIBE HOME/ERGONOMICCHAIRS CATEGORIES ERGONOMICCHAIRS,INSPIRATION,WORKSPACE DESIGNTRENDS 5FascinatingFactsAboutOfficeChairs Postedby WEBMASTER ERGONOMICCHAIRS INSPIRATION OFFICEFURNITURE 24 APR OFFICESTORAGES Tables WELLNESS WORKSPACE RECENTPOSTS 5FascinatingFactsAbout OfficeChairs 24April2023NoComments TheImportanceofLumbar Support 18April2023NoComments 20DeskOrganizationIdeasFor AProductiveandStress-Free Workspace 15April2023NoComments 00:00 03:08 Are you sitting down? Good, because you’re about to discover some mind-blowing facts about the humble oce chair. These unsungheroesoftheworkplacedomorethanjustprovideaplacetoperch–they’reanessentialtoolforproductivityandwell- being.Butdon’ttakeourwordforit.Checkoutthesefascinatingfacts! Fact1:OfficeChairsareUsedHeavily Didyouknowthattheaverageoceworkerspendsabout10hoursadaysittingintheir chair?That’sover2,600hoursofuse per year! It’s no wonder that manufacturers have to design their chairs to withstand daily wear and tear. But if properly maintained,mostocechairscanlastuptoadecade. Fact2:CharlesDarwinHelpedCreatetheModern-DayOfficeChair Here’s another interesting fact: English biologist Charles Darwin, known for his groundbreaking scientic discoveries, actually playedaroleincreatingthemodernocechair. GetHelp
Asaworkaholic,Darwinmodiedhischairtoincludewheelsonthefeet, allowinghimtomovearoundwhileseated.Andthus, theocechaircasterwasborn! Fact3:GermanChancellorOttovonBismarckPopularizedtheOfficeChair Butitwasn’tuntilGermanChancellorOttovonBismarckorderedhundredsofcustom-builtchairsfortheGermanParliament thato cechairs becameacommon xturein workplaces.Andforgoodreason!The righto cechair can actuallyprotect againstinjuries, likecoccydyniaortailbonepain. Withproperlumbarsupport,ocechairscanalsoreducetheriskoflowerback injuries. Fact4:StayingFitWhileYouSit Oce chair are designed for active sitting! What if we told you that some oce chairs are designed to help you stay in shape whileyouwork?Activesittingchairs,liketheMuvmanstool ortheSwopperchair,aredesignedto engageyourcoreandimprove yourposturewhileyousit. Fact5: OfficeChairsareDesignedwithErgonomicsinMind Andnally,ergonomicsplaysacrucialroleinthedesignofocechairs. Ergonomicchairsarespecicallydesignedtominimise stress on the body and reduce the risk of MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). So, the next time you’re sitting in your oce chair, remember that it’s not just any old seat – it’s a specially designed piece of furniture that keeps you comfortable and healthy whileyouwork. So there you have it! Who knew that o ce chairs could be so fascinating? They may seem like simple pieces of furniture, but they play a crucial role in our work lives. From the early modi cations by Charles Darwin to the rise of active sitting chairs, oce chairs have come a long way. So, next time you take a seat at your desk, take a moment to appreciate the humble oce chair andallthatitdoestokeepuscomfortableandhealthy. TheImportanceofLumbarSupport OLDER EXPERIENCECENTRE’S Experience Centre in Ahmedabad Experience Centre in Bangalore Experience Centre in Chennai Experience Centre in Delhi Experience Centre in Hyderabad Experience Centre in Mumbai ExperienceCentreinPune FURNITURECATEGORY Ergonomic OceChairs ErgonomicOce Tables Ergonomic Oce Workstations Ergonomic O ce Storages Study Desk&Table WFHFurniture OFFICETABLES O ce Tables In Bangalore O ceTablesInMumbai O ce Tables In Chennai Oce TablesInPune O ce Tables In Delhi O ce Tables In Hyderabad CUSTOMER My Account My Orders OrderTracking Return Policies TermsOfSale CONTACTUS Transteel Seating Technologies Private Limited CIN:U36109KA1995PTC017137 Registered Address: No.28,4thMain, Industrial Suburb, Yeshwanthpur, BangaloreKA560022,India. :contact@transteel.com :8095346346 WeareavailableBetween FURNITURECOLLECTION QUICKLINKS OFFICECHAIRS O ce Chairs in Bangalore Oce Chairs in Hyderabad Oce ChairsinMumbai O ce Chairs inChennai Oce Chairsin Delhi O ceChairs inPune Alchemy Collection Fluid Collection Fluid Lite Collection BossSeries Hot Deals ExpressDelivery ErgonomicChairsUnder10K FAQ Career PrivacyPolicy Store Locations CustomerSupport O cesBy Transteel Terms&Conditions TranscribeByTransteel 10 AM & 6 PM Monday - Saturday except onMajorHolidays COPYRIGHT©2023TRANSTEEL GetHelp