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Are you tired of constantly fiddling with knobs and levers to find the perfect seating position? Do you dream of a chair that intuitively adjusts to your bodyu2019s unique needs without any manual intervention? Well, your dreams have become a reality with Transteelu2019s revolutionary SmartSense Technology u2013 Indiau2019s first of its kind! Say goodbye to the hassle of adjusting your chair and embrace a new level of comfort and freedom in seating<br><br>
LOGIN/REGISTER0₹0.00 BULKORDERS WFHFURNITUREERGONOMICOFFICECHAIROFFICETABLEWORKSTATIONSOFFICESTORAGEOFFICEFURNITUREEXPRESSDELIVERY HOTDEALS TRANSCRIBE HOME/ERGONOMICCHAIRS CATEGORIES ERGONOMICCHAIRS,WORKSPACE DESIGNTRENDS Introducing India’s First SmartSense Technology: Redefine FreedominSeating Postedby WEBMASTER ERGONOMICCHAIRS INSPIRATION OFFICEFURNITURE OFFICESTORAGES 29 JUL Tables WELLNESS WORKSPACE RECENTPOSTS IntroducingIndia’sFirst SmartSenseTechnology: RedefineFreedominSeating 29July2023NoComments HowToCreateTheBestHome OfficeSet-upForMaximum Productivity? 10July2023NoComments 5WaystoImprovePosture 28June2023NoComments UnleashtheNewEraofEortlessComfort! Are you tired of constantlyddling with knobs and levers tond the perfect seating position? Do you dream of a chair that intuitively adjusts to your body’s unique needs without any manual intervention? Well, your dreams have become a reality with Transteel’s revolutionary SmartSense Technology – India’srst of its kind! Say goodbye to the hassle of adjusting your chair andembraceanew levelofcomfortandfreedominseating TheFutureofSeatingTechnology Transteel, known for its innovation in ergonomic oce furniture, has taken a leap forward with the introduction of SmartSense Technology. This groundbreaking technology has been integrated into their latest chairs, elevating the sitting experience to a whole new level. Unlike conventional center tilt mechanism chairs, which require manual adjustments using tension knobs and levers,theSmartSenseTechnologychairsarealeagueoftheirown. EortlessCustomizationforOptimalComfort With SmartSense Technology, the chair’s tilt mechanism and ergonomics are automatically adjusted based on the weight and height of the person sitting on it. Imagine sitting down, and the chair instantly and seamlessly adapts to your body, providing unparalleledsupportandcomfort.Nomorestrugglingtondtherightangleortension– thechairdoesitallforyou, eortlessly. EmbracingFreedominSeating TheconceptoffreedominseatingisattheheartofTransteel’sSmartSenseTechnology.Webelievethattruecomfortmeans unrestricted movement and support tailored to each individual. The SmartSense chairs liberate users from the limitations of manual adjustments,allowingthemtofocusontheirworkandwell-beingwithoutdistractions. ComparingTraditionalvs.SmartSenseTechnologyChairs Let’s explorethestark contrastbetweentraditional centertiltmechanismchairsandTransteel’sSmartSenseTechnologychairs: Manual Adjustments vs. Intuitive Adaptation: Traditional chairs require users tone-tune the tension using knobs or levers. In contrast, SmartSense Technology chairs automatically adjust based on the user’s weight and height, providing seamless adaptation. Complexity vs. Simplicity: Manual chairs often come with multiple levers and locking mechanisms, making the adjustment process confusing and time-consuming. On the other hand, SmartSense Technology chairs feature a sleek and minimalistic designwithnovisibleknobsorlevers, ensuringacleanandclutter-freeworkspace.
TrialandErrorvs.InstantComfort:Achievingtheperfectsettingonmanual chairsofteninvolvestrial anderror.SmartSense Technologyeliminatesthis hasslebyinstantlycustomizingthechair’sergonomicstosuittheuser’s body type. Transteel’s SmartSense Technology represents a signicant leap forward in the world of o ce furniture. By redening freedom inseating,this revolutionarytechnologyenhancesproductivity,reducesdiscomfort,andpromotes better posture.Experience theultimateincomfortandsupport–thefutureofseatingishere! Take the next step towards unparalleled comfort and discover Transteel’s SmartSense Technology chairs today. Revolutionize yourseatingexperienceandembraceaneweraofeortlesscomfortandfreedom. OLDER HowToCreate TheBestHomeOfficeSet-upForMaximum Productivity? LEAVEAREPLY Youmustbeloggedintopostacomment. EXPERIENCECENTRE’S Experience Centre in Ahmedabad Experience Centre in Bangalore Experience Centre in Chennai Experience Centre in Delhi Experience Centre in Hyderabad Experience Centre in Mumbai Experience CentreinPune FURNITURECATEGORY Ergonomic Oce Chairs Ergonomic Oce Tables ErgonomicOceWorkstations Ergonomic O ce Storages StudyDesk&Table WFHFurniture OFFICETABLES O ce Tables Ahmedabad Oce TablesInBangalore O ceTables In Mumbai O ceTables In Chennai OceTables In Pune O ce Tables InDelhi O ceTables In Hyderabad CUSTOMER My Account My Orders OrderTracking ReturnPolicies TermsOfSale CONTACTUS Transteel Seating TechnologiesLimited CIN:U36109KA1995PLC017137 Registered Address: No.28,4thMain, Industrial Suburb, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore KA 560022,India. :contact@transteel.com :8095346346 WeareavailableBetween FURNITURECOLLECTION Alchemy Collection FluidCollection Fluid Lite Collection BossSeries Hot Deals ExpressDelivery O ceWorkstation Furniture OFFICECHAIRS OceChairsinAhmedabad O ceChairs in Bangalore O ceChairsinHyderabad Oce ChairsinMumbai OceChairs inChennai OceChairsin Delhi O ceChairs in Pune QUICKLINKS FAQ Career PrivacyPolicy Store Locations Customer Support OcesBy Transteel Terms & Conditions BlogsbyTranscribe 10 AM&6PMMonday-Saturday COPYRIGHT©2023TRANSTEEL