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While looking for a good school for your ward, boarding school might have crossed your mind. Enrolling your ward in a boarding school is a good idea, especially when their overall development is your only motive. In a boarding school, your children make lifetime friends, learn to respect different religions and cultures, and imbibe moral values. However, this is not the only reason why children should study in a boarding school. There are other reasons as well, and the two most important among them are:t
Two ReasonsWhyYouShould SendYourChildrentoa BoardingSchool
Brief Introduction You want your children to get the best quality of education. At the same time, you also want them to grow into responsible and cultured adults.Forthat,youneedtolookfor a school that has a good education structure and also imparts valuesto theirstudents.
Whilelookingforagoodschoolfor boarding school might have crossed your your ward, mind. Enrolling your ward in a boarding school is a good idea,especiallywhentheiroveralldevelopmentisyour only motive. In a boarding school, your children make lifetime friends, learn to respect different religions and cultures,andimbibemoralvalues. However, this is not the only reason why children should study in a boarding school. There are other reasons as well, and the two most important among themare:
Look at theIllustrations Individualexercisesextendastudent’sgraspofthelesson.Itallowsthemtosynthesizeontheirownand thinkofwaystheycanapplytheirnewlearningsinreallife.Asidefromseatworks,student-ledactivities thatcanbedonebypairsorbygroupwidentheirgraspandinterpretationofthelesson.Becreativewith theactivitywithcleardirectionsandasetnumberofminutestofinish. EnglishClass|LaredoYorkPrimarySchool
Childrenbecome Independentand Responsible In a boardingschool,youarenotaroundtotell themwhattodoandwhatnot.Theyareontheir ownandthismakesthemresponsible independent. They learn to take care of and their belongings,keeptheirsurroundingorganised,and developtheabilitytofigureouttherightsolutionto theirproblems.
Children becomeFocused Boardingschoolsareknownforprovidingholisticeducationtokidsthatensureall- rounddevelopmentandalsohelpthemgrowintowell-behavedanddisciplined individuals.Theyhavewell-definedrulesandregulationsthatallstudentsneedto follow.Thishelpstudentshaveafocusedapproachingintheirlearningwhichhelp themachieveacademicexcellence.
Kasiga School: One of the Best BoardingSchoolsinIndia KasigaSchoolofDehradunisknownforhavingexperiencedand qualifiedfaculty.Theschoolbelievesinmakingchildrenall-rounder andthus,maintainabalancebetweenstudyhoursandtimeforco- curricularactivities. EnglishClass|LaredoYorkPrimarySchool