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RPVC Pipes & Fittings are used for a variety of applications like, agriculture, irrigation, water supply, etc. Kasta Pipes & Fittings manufacture premium quality pipes which is durable and give a longer life.<br><br>Visit us at: https://kritiindustries.com/rpvc-pipes/ <br>
dkLrk fiNys 35 o"kksZa ls d`f"k lEca/kh fofHkUu t+:jrksa ds fy, ikbIl o fQfVaXl esa fdlkuksa dh igyh ilan cu pqdk gS- vkSj bldh otg ;gh gS fd ftu [ksrksa esa gS dkLrk] ogka Wikuh dh ugha gksrh dksbZ leL;k- [ksrksa esa dkLrk ykrk gS ikuh dk fujarj lIyk;] fcuk fdlh f'kdk;r o ijs'kkuh ds- rks gS u ikbi ds vanj] Qly dk earj! lIyk;] fcuk fdlh f'kdk;r o ijs'kkuh ds- rks gS u ikbi ds vanj] Qly dk earj! [ksrksa esa dkLrk ykrk gS ikuh dk fujarj • fo’oLrjh; xq.koRrk okyk 100% oftZu eVsfj;y eq[; eq[; • et+cwr] fVdkÅ o Hkjkslsean • vR;k/kqfud rduhd ds iz;ksx ls fufeZr • mi;ksfxrk ds vuqdwy fMt+kbu • yxkus esa vklku fo’ks"krk,a fo’ks"krk,a & &
{deofVmE§ VH$ZrH$s {ddaU • H¥${f/Am¡Úmo{JH$/Kaobw Ed§ AÝ` Cn`moJ • TIR 10% cm^ • a|O 20 2.5 go 400 go 10 oH$.J«m. o_._r. o_._r. oH$.J«m. g{_r / 2 Kriti Industries (India) Ltd. REGD. OFFICE : Mehta Chambers, 34, Siyaganj, Indore - 452 007 (Madhya Pradesh) INDIA CORP. OFFICE : Chetak Chambers, 4th Floor, 14 R.N.T. Marg, Indore - 452 001 (Madhya Pradesh) INDIA +91-731-271 9100, 2719191 +91-731-404 2118, 2704701 info@kritiindia.com www.kritiindia.com 1800 270 1080 CIN : L25206MP1990PLC005732 @ The content in this literature highlights the features of the products and does not qualify as any kind of guarantee or warranty. Information shared is subject to change without notification.