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In this post, you will learn how to reset family Tree Maker 2017 to default. Please know that this blog is only for Mac (apple computers). For Windows computers, please read our other blog. Sometimes, if your program does not work properly then you can restore it to default. Please know that resetting to default will not cause any data loss.
HowtoResetFamilyTreeMaker2017todefaultfor AppleComputers? familytreemakersupport.com/reset-family-tree-maker July27,2020 LastupdatedonFebruary1st,2022at09:48am In this blog, we are going to explain how you will be able to reset family Tree Maker 2017 to default. Please know this blog is only for Mac (apple computers). For Windows computers, please read our other blog. Sometimes, if your program does not work properlythenyoucanrestoreittodefault.Pleaseknowresettingtodefaultwillnotcause anydata loss. Let’sfollowthestepsbelowtoresetfamilytreemaker ClickonGoonthetopbarofyourmacscreenonthemenubarandthenclick onLibrary. IntheLibraryfolder,GotoPreferencesand findcom.mackiev.FamilyTreeMaker2017.plist.weneedtoremovethisfile fromthecomputer.Youneedtoclickonthefileandholdandmoveittotrash.You needto make sureyou empty yourtrash folder aswell. Afterdeletingthisfile,youwillneedtorestartyourcomputer. Note:Pleasedonotdeleteanythingelse.Ifyoudodeleteanyofyourimportantfiles,you may lose them, and you will not be able to get them back. If you are not tech-savvy, then youshould hire a techand let them doit for you. ThisishowyouresetFamilyTreeMaker2017.Ifyouhavefollowedthestepsasdescribed, youwill beable to successfullybe resetting yourfamily treemaker. RememberasIsaid,youwillnotloseyourfamilytreedata,butyouwillnotseeanyfamily
tree files there and you will need to register your copy of Family tree maker again. Once youaredonewithyourregistration.Youneedtoimportallyourfamilytreefilesbackto yourFTM software. IfyouneedpremiumtechnicianservicethenpleasechatwithourFamilyTreeMaker supportExpertstogethelp.Wewouldliketotellyou,wearenotMacKievsupportand wehave no relation with MacKiev. Also,read–HowtoGetSupportforFamilyTreeMaker2019