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The Buy Accessible Wizard and Data Center: Web-based Tools for Section 508 Compliance

The Buy Accessible Wizard and Data Center: Web-based Tools for Section 508 Compliance. Presentation Objectives. Provide an overview of how the Buy Accessible system (the Acquisition Wizard and the Data Center) works to help government and industry meet the intent of Section 508

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The Buy Accessible Wizard and Data Center: Web-based Tools for Section 508 Compliance

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  1. The Buy Accessible Wizard and Data Center: Web-based Tools for Section 508 Compliance

  2. Presentation Objectives • Provide an overview of how the Buy Accessible system (the Acquisition Wizard and the Data Center) works to help government and industry meet the intent of Section 508 • Data Center Demonstration • How vendors can participate to make their E&IT accessibility information readily available to government purchasers • Acquisition Wizard Demonstration • How government buyers make use of the vendor provided information to procure E&IT products and services

  3. Background • Section 508 legislation makes federal agencies responsible for acquiring accessible E&IT • Any federal acquisition must meet applicable technical, performance, and documentation standards for accessibility • The intent is to: • Make government accessible to all citizens • Make government work more accessible to federal workers with disabilities • Provide a market incentive for companies to produce more accessible products and services • And it is codified in Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)

  4. Responsibilities Under the Final FARRule For Implementing Section 508 “The requiring official must identify which standards apply to the procurement, using the Access Board’s EIT Accessibility Standards at 36 CFR part 1194.” 1 2 “Then the requiring official must perform market research to determine the availability of compliant products and services; vendor websites and the Section 508 website would be helpful here.”

  5. The Buy Accessible System Reduces This Complexity • The Buy Accessible Data Center helps companies that provide E&IT products and services to the government: • Describe how their products and services conform to the applicable provisions of the standard • Maintain current and consistent accessibility information about the availability of conformant products and services • Influence government purchasers during their market research • The Buy Accessible Wizard helps people with federal procurement responsibility: • Identify which specific provisions of the standard apply • Develop accessibility solicitation language • Test products and services • Demonstrate “due diligence” (audit trail for compliance) • Document all steps taken for compliance Effectively, consistently, and efficiently

  6. The Buy Accessible System Overview Buyers and Requiring Officials • Wizard • The Law • The Standard • The FAR comply with Section 508 in acquiring E&IT Standard Reports Compliance Audit Trail Evaluation Guide Design Guide Market Research Information E&IT Companies Buy Accessible Data Center provide accessibility information for products and services

  7. Data Center Demonstration • How to register your company with the Data Center • How to link government buyers with accessibility information about your E&IT products and services • How registered information is maintained and updated

  8. Wizard Demonstration • How government buyers meet their Section 508 responsibilities by using the Wizard to: • Determine specific provisions of the standard that apply to their E&IT products and services • Find accessibility information about available E&IT products and services • What E&IT companies should consider when providing market research information to the Data Center • How companies can also use the Wizard to determine specific provisions of the standard the apply to their E&IT products and services

  9. Benefitsto Companies Providing E&IT Products and Services • Easy way to provide and maintain information for buyers throughout the government • For micropurchases the Data Center is becoming the primary source of market information • Assures consistency in information across companies, products and services • Standardized format through the VPAT • More consistent content through “best practices”

  10. The GSA Sponsored Buy Accessible Wizard A Web-based application developed and continuously improved by a Focus Group of stakeholders • Major stakeholders include government buyers, industry vendors • Participation by ATIA members, Accessibility Advocacy groups The Wizard • Guides government users through a process of gathering data and providing information about electronic and information technology (E&IT) and Section 508 compliance • Provides a summary of the process and its results

  11. The GSA Sponsored Buy Accessible Data Center • A Web-based application that brings together vendor information about: • Company commitment to accessibility and Section 508 • Product conformance to specific technical accessibility requirements • Service capability, examples, or references for accessible results • All of the information contained in the Data Center is owned, registered, and maintained by the E&IT companies • The Data Center is available to anyone in the world for recording market research information about E&IT products and/or services! • http://emgbaw.altarum.org/bad

  12. Panel Discussion • Helen Chamberlain, GSA • Ken Salaets, ITIC • Skip Crane, Accessibility Forum

  13. Q&A

  14. Thank You! For more information contact Terry Weaver / GSA(terry.weaver@gsa.gov) Skip Crane / Accessibility Forum(cranes@aticorp.org)

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