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  1. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  2. Legal Disclaimer • LEGAL DISCLAIMER • No income guarantees or promises of any type are being made! • Your results will vary and you can easily fail to make money. These results were taken from reliable sources but I can't guarantee their accuracy. The information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. These statements apply to any and all slides in this series. Use these techniques and strategies at your own risk. • Search engine algorithms run on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software and are not made public. A risk of exclusion from a search engine exists when a search engine views your Web site(s) as an unfair manipulation of their service. Many search engine strategies, to improve search engine placement, including the information presented here, poses such a risk. • MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT LOSSES, OR MAKE NO MONEY AT ALL. • YOU AGREE THAT OUR COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOUR BUSINESS DECISIONS RELATING TO ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  3. Think BIG www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  4. Go Wide www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  5. Go Deep www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  6. Take Massive Action www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  7. Leverage www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  8. Automated Software www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  9. Hire Able People www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  10. Different Markets www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  11. Niche Markets www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  12. Different Keyword Websites www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  13. Huge Keyword Lists www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  14. Legal Disclaimer • LEGAL DISCLAIMER • No income guarantees or promises of any type are being made! • Your results will vary and you can easily fail to make money. These results were taken from reliable sources but I can't guarantee their accuracy. The information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. These statements apply to any and all slides in this series. Use these techniques and strategies at your own risk. • Search engine algorithms run on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software and are not made public. A risk of exclusion from a search engine exists when a search engine views your Web site(s) as an unfair manipulation of their service. Many search engine strategies, to improve search engine placement, including the information presented here, poses such a risk. • MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT LOSSES, OR MAKE NO MONEY AT ALL. • YOU AGREE THAT OUR COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOUR BUSINESS DECISIONS RELATING TO ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  15. Jeff Johnson had $454,096.78 in sales in his first 95 days as an Amazon.com affiliate. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  16. Jeff Johnson produced approximately $40,000.00 in google adsense income in his first 69 days as an adsense publisher. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  17. Legal Disclaimer • LEGAL DISCLAIMER • No income guarantees or promises of any type are being made! • Your results will vary and you can easily fail to make money. These results were taken from reliable sources but I can't guarantee their accuracy. The information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. These statements apply to any and all slides in this series. Use these techniques and strategies at your own risk. • Search engine algorithms run on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software and are not made public. A risk of exclusion from a search engine exists when a search engine views your Web site(s) as an unfair manipulation of their service. Many search engine strategies, to improve search engine placement, including the information presented here, poses such a risk. • MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT LOSSES, OR MAKE NO MONEY AT ALL. • YOU AGREE THAT OUR COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOUR BUSINESS DECISIONS RELATING TO ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  18. Feeder Feeder Feeder Money Site Money Site Definition: A site that makes you money. Purpose: To convert your traffic into money. Location: Primary domains. Protect at all costs… no funny SEO stuff allowed! www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  19. Feeder Feeder Feeder Money Site Feeder Site Definition: A site the sends your Money Site traffic. Purpose: To send your Money Site traffic. Location: Disposable domains. • How to make money with your Feeder sites. • Ad revenue on site (banners, text ads, selling links, etc.) • Email capture for primary Money Site. • Aggressive promotion of affiliate programs. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  20. Feeder Blog Blog Blog Feeder Money Site Blog Definition: Content Management System. Purpose: To lead the search engines to your Money Sites. Location: Money Site, Feeder Site, stand-alone blogs. • How to make money with your Blogs • Ad revenue (affiliate ads, text ads, sell links, banners) • Create link popularity for your Money and Feeder Sites. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  21. RSS Feed Definition: A way to distribute content and links to end users. Purpose: To attract the search engines. Location: Blogs, Feeder Sites, Money Sites. • How to make money with your RSS Feed • Place ads in the feed itself. • Use it to attract the search engines to your Money and Feeder sites. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  22. Datafeed Feeder Site Datafeed Feeder Site Datafeed Money Site Datafeed Definition: A bunch of junk that makes sense to software programmers. Purpose: To create content for your Blogs, Feeder and Money Sites. • How to make money with your Datafeed sites • Use off-the-shelf software to create instant content sites with tens of thousands of pages with your affiliate link in them. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  23. As of May 6, 2005 Jeff has a single site that has Just under 200,000 pages indexed and listed in Google… and he has many more… www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  24. Content Definition: Food for the Search Engines. Purpose: To attract the Search Engines. Sources of Free Content: Datafeeds, RSS feeds, Public Domain, Affiliate programs, Site Visitors. • How to make money with your Content: • Use it to build as many pages as humanly possible to promote your Money Sites. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  25. Blog Tweaks Definition: Things that can help your Blogs Get More Traffic! • Don’t use www.Blogger.com exclusively, spread your risk around to many blog/cms platforms. • Use multiple categories per post • Use XML/RPC to ping remote servers. • Use OPML for Blogrolling. • Blog your index pages and site maps. • Use keyword-rich headlines • Use RSS aggregators to cross link sites. • Submit blogs to as many directories as possible. • Place ads in each posting. • Add RSS feed to www.my.yahoo.com • Use your blog to promote your ebay auction listings. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  26. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  27. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  28. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  29. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  30. Wordpress.org • Blogrolling.com • Technorati.com • RadioUserland.com • Newsgator.com • ExpressionEngine.com www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  31. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

  32. No Guarantees or Promises • LEGAL DISCLAIMER • No income guarantees or promises of any type are being made! • Your results will vary and you can easily fail to make money. These results were taken from reliable sources but I can't guarantee their accuracy. The information presented is for illustrative and informational purposes only. These statements apply to any and all slides in this series. Use these techniques and strategies at your own risk. • Search engine algorithms run on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software and are not made public. A risk of exclusion from a search engine exists when a search engine views your Web site(s) as an unfair manipulation of their service. Many search engine strategies, to improve search engine placement, including the information presented here, poses such a risk. • MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE SIGNIFICANT LOSSES, OR MAKE NO MONEY AT ALL. • YOU AGREE THAT OUR COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF YOUR BUSINESS DECISIONS RELATING TO ANY INFORMATION PRESENTED. www.searchenginevoodoo.com

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