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Sydney Heaters And Pizza Ovens

Sydney Heaters has created a niche for itself over the last twenty five years. They are the most popular providers of gas and wood heaters in Australia.

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Sydney Heaters And Pizza Ovens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Syd Sydne ney y He Heaters aters and and Piz Pizz za a Ove Ovens ns

  2. In Int tro rod duct uction ion Sydney Heaters has over 25 years experience in the heating industry combined with 20 years of customer service experience. Provides both gas and wood heaters. It also offers installation services to customers.

  3. T Typ ype es s o of f H He eat aters ers There are different types of heaters and pizza oven's available for fulfilling your requirement. •Wood Heaters •Gas Heaters •Pellet Heaters

  4. W Wood ood H He eate aters rs Wood heaters vary in style and design, from an inbuilt heater to a free standing heater and so on. Wood heaters offer you reliable heating without excessive bill at the end of the month.

  5. G Gas as H He eate aters rs Gas Heating offers a great convenience as you can turn them on and off instantly. The fuel is easily available and they require minimal maintenance.

  6. Pe Pellet llet H He eat aters ers A pellet heater or stove burns recycled material at a low combustion rate by reducing the fuel load. It creates warmth by burning small wood pellets, which burn efficiently because they are so dense.

  7. C Co ontact ntact U Us s S Sy yd dn ney ey H He ea at ter ers s & P & Piz izz za a O Ove ven ns s A Add ddres P Ph ho on ne e N No o : : 1300 938 346 E Em ma ail il : : enquiries@sydneyheaters.com.au We Web bsite site : : www.sydneyheaters.com.au ress s : : 151 Briens Rd, Northmead, NSW, 2152

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