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Simon is a police officer who recently lost custody of his six-year old son in a divorce. ... Simon wants to spend one last holiday alone with his son, but their ...
Slide 1:KEVADHOOAEG/SPRING SEASON 14.01.2010-13.05.2010
Slide 2: THURSDAY, 14 January 2010 at 18.00 The Gronholm Method" (“El método Grönholm”) Spain 2005 Director: Marcelo Pińeyro Cast: Eduardo Noriega, Najwa Nimri, Eduard Fernández etc. Subtitles in English, 116 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Embassy of Spain. With the screening we mark the Spanish EU Presidency of the first half of 2010. Madrid. Thousands of people are demonstrating at a protest rally against the International Monetary Fund. Amidst this tense atmosphere, interviews are being held in the skyscraper of a supranational financial corporation for a high managerial position. Seven candidates are going through the selection process which involves the application of the so-called Gronholm method of elimination, based on psychological tests, which German army officers had to go through after the 1st World War. Now the method has been adopted by big business. After conquering a senseless bureaucratic labyrinth, the candidates must then undergo a test whose principle is founded on a cunning drama of mutual suspicion, character-bashing, the forming of alliances, humiliating manipulation, and buck-passing, with the comforting reassurance that “no-one is forcing you to do this”. Some of the candidates would rather be outside in the street with the demonstrators, but haven’t the nerve to admit it.
Slide 3: THURSDAY, 21 January at 18.00 “Echo” („Ekko“), Denmark 2007 Director: Anders Morgenthaler Participants: Kim Bodnia, Villads Milthers Fritsche, Stine Fischer Christensen etc. Subtitles in English, 80 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Royal Danish Embassy. Simon is a police officer who recently lost custody of his six-year old son in a divorce. In desperation, he abducts his son and takes him to the country where they hide out in a vacated summerhouse. Simon wants to spend one last holiday alone with his son, but their week together brings back a nightmare from his own childhood, reviving bad memories, and soon the ghosts from his past threaten to drive Simon mad.
Slide 4: THURSDAY, 28 January at 18.00 "Adventurers" ("Kalandorok"), Hungary 2008 Director: Béla Paczolay Cast: Péter Haumann, Péter Rudolf, Milán Schruff etc. Subtitles in English, 100 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Hungarian Institute. Geza is a trumpeter in his fifties, who settled in Hungary decades earlier. On his fourth marriage now, he lost whatever he had in the divorces. His son, András supports himself by odd jobs, often for the underworld, and usually losing on them too. They are coming to a small village to take Grandpa to Budapest, to save him from the misery his life has become due to Grandma’s senility. The journey begins, but will they ever get anywhere?
Slide 5:THURSDAY, 4 February at 18.00 "Dambé – The Mali Project", Ireland 2008 Director: Dearbhla Glynn Participants: Afel Bocoum, Toumani Diabate, Paddy Keenan, Liam O'Maonlai etc. Subtitles in English, documentary, 94 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Embassy of Ireland. Irish musicians Liam O’Maonlaí and Paddy Keenan embark on a musical adventure to the Heart of Africa; Mali. Travelling over 3,000 miles they meet and collaborate with everyone from legendary musicians (Afel Bocoum, Toumani Diabaté) to Nomadic Herders, culminating in a unique performance at the world’s most remote musical festival; The ‘Festival au Desert’. Web-page of the movie: http://www.luachra.com/dambe/
Slide 6:THURSDAY, 11 February at 18.00 “Everything is Love” (“Alles is liefde”), Netherlands 2007 Director: Joram Lürsen Cast: Michiel Romeyn, Thomas Acda, Anneke Blok, Carice van Houten, Jeroen Spitzenberger etc. Subtitles in English, 110 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Embassy. The story is inspired by the UK film Love Actually (2003). Klaasje has left her husband Dennis, because he cheated on her with a young and attractive elementary school teacher. Dennis wants her back, but his chances seem to be reduced to nothing when she has a fling with a 16-year-old boy. Meanwhile, Klaasje's best friend Simone is the boss at home. Her husband Ted has just lost his job, but he is afraid to tell his dominant wife about this. The movie also follows swimming instructor Victor, who is about to get married to the (male) love of his life, Kees. However, during the wedding ceremony the younger Kees calls it off, afraid to get settled. Meanwhile, Victors sister Kiki is dreaming of her very own prince charming. She becomes romantically involved with a real prince, Valentijn. With the arrival of a mysterious SaintNicolas, the historical figure who traditionally distributes presents in the Netherlands on December 5th, all of the couples finally know what to do with their lives.
Slide 7:THURSDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2010 at 18:00 „Pool of Princesses„ ("Prinzessinenbad"), Germany 2007 Director: Bettina Blümner Subtitles: in English Documentary, 92 min. Festivals and awards: Berlinale, DIALOGUE en Perspective for best direction, Deutscher Filmpreis 2008 This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Tallinn Goethe Institute and the Embassy of Germany. Klara, Mina and Tanutscha are all fifteen and live in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. They have known each other since childhood, they party together or while away the summer days at the local outdoor swimming pool, ‘Prinzenbad’. They argue with their mothers and share their ideas on boys, partying, love and friendship, school, mistakes of the past and future plans. All this brings out both their similarities and differences. It also hints on the fact that these young people might not be as tough as they act.
Slide 8:THURSDAY, 25 February at 18.00 (reception starting at 17.30) “Sisters Across the Gulf of Finland” Finland/Estonia 2009 Director: Imbi Paju Documentary, 59 min, subtitles in English This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Director of the movie Ms Imbi Paju and Allfilm. Ms Imbi Paju will be present at the screening. The historical-psychological documentary ”Sisters across the Gulf of Finland” tells the story of the cooperation and friendship between members of the Estonian and Finnish voluntary auxiliary organizations for women (Naiskodukaitse and Lotta Svärd) that began in the 1920’s and was cut off by World War II, the Soviet occupation of Estonia, and the subsequent realpolitik of the Cold War. The reminiscences of Estonian and Finnish women, supplemented by rare archival materials and footage, illustrate the vulnerability of ordinary people and small nations in the power politics maelstrom of large totalitarian nations. The film also shows the rise of totalitarianism in Europe in the 1930’s, peoples’ surrender to mass psychosis and the decline of democracy.
Slide 9:THURSDAY, 4 MARCH kell 18.00 “Welcome” („Welcome“), France 2009 Director: Philippe Lioret Cast: Vincent Lindon, Firat Ayverdi, Audrey Dana etc. Subtitles in English and in German, 110 min. The movie has won various prizes at international movie festivals, including receiving the LUX Prize of the European Parliament in 2009. Bilal is 17 and comes from Iraq. He left his native land shortly after his girlfriend emigrated to England and is now in the midst of an adventurous journey across Europe in order to see her again. However, his trek has now come to an abrupt end here on the northern coast of France and he can go no further. In a flash, the boy decides to head for the local swimming pool in order to begin training. This is where he meets lifeguard Simon, to whom he eventually confides his grand plan. Simon takes Bilal under his wing and secretly teaches the young Kurd how to crawl…
Slide 10: THURSDAY, 11 MARCH kell 18.00 „Puskás Hungary“, Hungary 2009 Director: Tamás Almási Subtitles: in English Documentary, 116 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Hungarian Institute. This documentary tells the story of legendary soccer player Ferenc Puskás, who started from the Budapest slums and became an international star, living his life irrespective of politics, war and conventions of society, doing the one thing he loved and knew best: play soccer. Our movie is about this mystic figure, the captain of the legendary Magical Magyars Team of the 1950s, who overcame poverty, calamities such as World War II, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and who, after a physical and mental breakdown, returned to the top with an amazing effort once again in his 30's, and became a world- renowned forward for the Real Madrid.
Slide 11:THURSDAY, 18 MARCH at 18:00 „I am from Titov Veles“ (“Jas sum od Titov Veles”), Macedonia 2007 Director: Teona Strugar Mitevska Cast: Labina Mitevska, Ana Kostovska, Nikolina Kujaca, Dzevdet Jasari etc. Subtitles in English, 102 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Representation of the former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia. "Jas sum od Titov Veles" is a story of three sisters who try to survive, though they seem ill equipped for the cruel society. The socialist revolution has failed. The social welfare is forbidden by the imposed neo-liberal transition formulas. The doors have been opened wide for the nouveau rich, the ruthless profiteers hungry for recognition who believe that everything has a price and they can afford it. The complicated historical past of the Balkans affects the lives of our main characters adding another layer of complexity to their everyday life.
Slide 12:NELJAPÄEV, 25 MARCH at 18.00 “HannaHannaH”, Netherlands 2007 Director: Annemarie van de Mond Cast: Barry Atsma, Luciano Balestra, Kees Boot, John Buijsman etc. Subtitles in English, 77 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Embassy. Hannah is a stubborn outsider within a large family. She watches her family with mixed feelings as they welcome her new boyfriend. Hannah tries to avoid the preparations for her parents wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along. For the family, he soon proves to be an ideal son-in-law. As Victor assumes full responsibility for organizing the anniversary river cruise, Hannah is left with mixed feelings...
Slide 13:NELJAPÄEV, 1. aprill 2010 kell 18.00 „Karamazovid“ („Karamazovi“), Tšehhi 2008 Režissöör: Petr Zelenka Osades: Martin Mysicka, Michaela Badinková, Jerzy Michal Bozyk jt. Subtiitrid: inglise keeles 110 min. Filmi toome teieni koostöös Tšehhi Vabariigi Suursaatkonnaga. Prahast pärit teatritrupp saabub Krakówisse, et esitada sealsel alternatiivteatrite festivalil Dostojevski „Vendade Karamazovite” pőhjal kirjutatud näidendit. Näidendi ettekandmise kohaks on valitud terasetehas. Proovidega tehakse algust ning vaatajate ees rulluvad lahti kaks paralleelset tegevusliini: Dostojevski emotsionaalne jutustus usust, surematusest ja inimhinge pääsemisest ning lisaks sellele veel näitetrupi omavaheliste suhete lugu, milles peegelduvad omal moel ka romaani tősised teemad. Kui ühe pealtvaatajaga juhtub proovide ajal őnnetus, kandub laval esitatav draama üle reaalsesse ellu.. „Mind huvitab, missugust vastutust kannab mőtlev inimene nende ideede eest, mida ta kuulutab ühiskonnale, kes on kaotanud usu jumalasse ja ühes sellega ka elementaarse moraalitaju,” selgitas filmi režissöör Petr Zelenka. Filmi autorid on hakkama saanud nii vormi kui ka sisu mőttes erakordse teosega, mis balansseerib őnnestunult fiktsiooni ja dokumentalistika piirimail ning jagab vaatajatega Praha Dejvice teatri edukat lavatükki.
Slide 14:THURSDAY, 8 APRIL at 18.00 “Three Wise Men” („Kolme viisasta miestä“) Finland, 2008 Director: Mika Kaurismäki Cast: Kari Heiskanen, Pertti Sveholm, Timo Torikka, Irina Björklund etc. Subtitles in English, 105 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Finnish Embassy. Three Wise Men is the story of a trio of middle-aged men who all come together by chance on Christmas Eve. They’re old friends but haven’t seen one another for years. Matti the cop has just become a father, although his wife admits the child is not his. The baby girl’s father is actually Erkki, a ladies man and photographer dying of incurable cancer. What’s more, film actor Rauno has just returned from Paris to find his ex-wife has just died and his estranged son has turned against him.
Slide 15:THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 2010 at 18:00 “Duska”, Netherlands 2007 Director: Jos Stelling Participants: Gene Bervoets, Sylvia Hoeks, Sergei Makovetsky, Ruslana Pysanka etc. Subtitles in English, 110 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Embassy. In 2008, the movie was Dutch nominee for Oscar in the category of foreign language film. A Dutch film critic and a poor Russian vagabond make for a very odd couple. Bob, an intellectual film critic and screenwriter visits an obscure film festival in Kiev, where he meets the poor but engaging vagabond Duska. "Whenever you're in Holland, do not hesitate to visit me," the over-enthusiastic Bob suggests, knowing for sure that Duska will never leave Kiev. He is therefore stunned when, a few months later, Duska is standing at his door. The timing couldn't be worse. Since Bob is finally meeting the girl he was longing for: the attractive cashier from the movie theatre across the street.
Slide 16:NELJAPÄEV, 22. aprill 2010 kell 18.00 "Teispool silda – Istanbuli hääled", Saksamaa 2005 Režissöör: Fatih Akin Dokumentaalfilm, 90 min, subtiitrid inglise keeles Festivalid ja auhinnad: Flandria Genti filmifestival (publikuauhind), Mexico City filmifestival (publikuauhind) Filmi toome teieni koostöös Tallinna Goethe Instituudi ja Saksamaa Liitvabariigi Suursaatkonnaga. Berliinist pärit muusik Alexander Hacke, saksa kultusbändi „Einstürzende Neubauten“ bassimängija, suundub avastusretkele Istanbuli, kaasas mobiilne helistuudio. Viimasega salvestab ta teel kuuldud muusikat alates tänavamuusikast ja lőpetades türgi megastaarideni loominguga. Vahepeal mängib Hacke ka ise koos kohalike muusikutega. Reis Istanbuli soundi otsingul saab alguse kuulsal Bosporuse sillal nimega Bogaziçi Köprüsü ning viib läbi rahvahulga räppari Ceza, saz´i meistri Orhan Gencebay ja diiva Sezen Aksu juurde. Pulseeriva linna muusikaline portree, kus hommikumaa kultuur kohtub őhtumaa kultuuriga.
Slide 17:THURSDAY, 29 April at 18.00 „Panic“ („Pánik“) Hungary, 2008 Director: Attila Till Cast: Ági Gubik, Ildikó Bánsági, Péter Valcz etc. Subtitles in English, 94 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Hungarian Institute. Zsuzsi has everything a girl can dream of: at thirty, she has two degrees, a great job, a nice car, and a place of her own. One day, however, the young PR manager wakes up to realize that something is wrong… She can’t breathe and her heart races.When she is even dumped by her lover Kirill, she decides to check into the Panic Clinic. Here she finds herself under the care of a highly ambitious therapist, who uses strange methods for treating her and the other patients. Very soon a tiny goal becomes a huge task for Zsuzsi: she needs to be able to leave the clinic, go through the gate, and try to fit back in. Zsuzsi has a choice: she remains anxious forever or she pulls herself together and starts a new life.
Slide 18:THURSDAY, 6 May at 18.00 „Any Way the Wind Blows" Flanders, 2003 Director: Tom Barman Cast: Jonas Boel, Natali Broods, Diane De Belder, Titus De Voogdt, Eric Kloeck, Sam Louwyck, Dirk Roofthooft, Matthias Schoenaerts, Frank Vercruyssen. Subtitles in English, 122 min. The movie is brought to you in cooperation the Embassy of Belgium and the Flemish Representation. Antwerp. On a sweltering Friday afternoon in June, eight people dream of a different life. There’s music and wind, police and paranoia, hints and allegations. There’s an ancient virus, a wandering frisbee, a dead horse, and, drifting through town, an enigmatic phenomenon called Windman who feels the pain of everybody else but can’t seem to help himself. At night, a party welcomes all...
Slide 19:THURSDAY, 13 MAY at 18.00 (reception at 17.30) „The Silence Before Bach" (“El silencio antes de Bach”) Spain, 2007 Director: Pere Portabella Cast: Christian Atanasiu, Féodor Atkine, George-Christoph Biller etc. Subtitles in English, 102 min. This film is brought to you in cooperation with the Embassy of Spain. With the screening we mark the Spanish EU Presidency of the first half of 2010. There was music before there was Johann Sebastian Bach, but what his genius brought to bear was a multitude of magic, the likes of which had never been heard before. Throughout its history, cinema has more often than not failed to faithfully depict the lives of artists, writers, and musicians. But in veteran Spanish director Pere Portabella’s wise and elegant film, Bach, in many forms and guises, comes vibrantly alive. Whether it’s a tune played passionately on a truck driver’s harmonica, a Goldberg Variation dancing sprightly over the keys of a player piano, or an actor as Bach teaching his son piano, the muscular richness and joyful beauty of the music go straight to the heart and enrapture the soul.