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Increase visibility and awareness of the activities carried out by ... process and challenges. visualArts: painting, sculpture, film, photography, new media ...

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  1. NorthBoundSymposia Series Dr. Maria Angela Ferrario Research Associate Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages

  2. NorthBound:: In General • What is It? • Who is it About? • What is For? • Topics #1 Italy • Programme • Extra Curricula • When & Where

  3. NorthBound:: What is It? Lives, facts and stories of people who left their countries to live their cultures in Northern Ireland… and vice versa • A series of Symposia organised by the Academy • Four events over a two-year period (Nov'06–May'08) • Focus: both the established and the emerging European cultural landscapes in today’s Northern Ireland.

  4. NorthBound:: Who is it About? • Each symposium will look into a specific European community in Northern Ireland including: • Italy[17 Nov 06] • The Baltic Regions[May 07] • France & Germany[Nov 07] • The Balkans[May 08]

  5. NorthBound:: Whatis For [Aim] To promote the culture, support the presence & provide networking opportunities to people & communities who, from Europe, have come to Northern Ireland to live, work & study.

  6. NorthBound:: Whatis For [Obj] • Increase visibility and awarenessof the activities carried out by such communities within N.I, R.O.I and their respective countries • Strengthen the cultural links between N.I. and their respective countries • Facilitate the creation of networks that can support cultural, social and economic activities between N.I., R.O.I and their respective countries

  7. NorthBound:: Topics Topics are broad in scope and they may overlap. Different symposia will cover different topics and each symposium may not cover all the topics • mobileSociety: migrations, barriers to mobiliy • footPrints: literature, prose, journalism • changingWords: Language learning process and challenges • visualArts: painting, sculpture, film, photography, new media • design&technology: fashion, design, architecture • performingArts: theatre, comedy, dance, music, magic • livingMemories: history & stories through the eyes of people • within&Beyond: mind, spirit, philosophy, religion, rituals

  8. NorthBound#1:: Topics • slowBites: food & drink, life style and culinary traditions • footPrints: literature, prose, journalism • visualArts:painting, sculpture, film, photography, new media • livingMemories history & stories through the eyes of people • within&Beyond:mind, spirit, philosophy, religion, folklore

  9. NorthBound #1:: Programme 17.11. 06 Morning Programme 17.11.06. Afternoon Programme 13.00 Prof Robert Welch Dean of Faculty , University of Ulster Lunch Break with Madeleine Specials 10.00 Welcome Dr M.A.Ferrario Associate Researcher and Symposium Coordinator, AICH Mr Eddie McVeigh Head of EU Commision N.I. NI and Europe, Present Tracks and Future Trends 14.00 10.20 Keynote Overview Mr Leo D’Agostino Honorary Consul in N.I. The Italian Community: its Pasts and Presents Vox Pops, radio InterviewsfromPeople in Northern Ireland 14.30 10.30 Keynote John Fleming, Director SlowFood UK – The Cittaslow Network Silvia Calamati, writer, journalist An Italian Eyewitness 14.40 11.00 Coffee Break + Q&A Coffee Break + Q&A- the Disposable Gallery 11.20 15.00 Coffee Dr Roger Logues,Love and War… A perfect marriage? Prof. Fabio Mugnaini professor of European Ethnology, Univ. Siena The heirs of a wonderful misery. 11.40 15.20 Discussion -Symposium closes at 16.00 Mr Liam Campbel Westway Films From Homeland to Townlands Introduction and video cuts 15.40 Closure 12.00

  10. NorthBound#1:: Extra Curricula • voxPops: Italy and the Italians according to N.I. people (radio piece) • disposableGallery: small photographic exhibition of max 50 pieces from Italians in N.I. and their disposable cameras • madeleineSpecials: Each speaker (& audience) is asked to send their favourite/forgotten italian recipies. The best memories will be served for lunch…. • changingWords: anyone for a half-day language workshop to start doing things the Italian way?

  11. NorthBound#1:: When & Where • Friday 17th November ’06 • Great Hall, Magee Campus, Derry www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/aich/nbsymposia/

  12. NorthBound#1:: Contacts Maria Angela Ferrario t:: 00-44-28-71-37-5304 (direct) e:: ma.ferrario@ulster.ac.uk w:http://www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/aich/nbsymposia

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