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Tennis, cricket, surfing, rugby, sailing. UTS:ENGINEERING. Undergraduate and Postgraduate ... be ranked in top performance band in Australian Government Rankings ...
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs Welcome to UTS:Engineering
SydneyLarge, beautiful, cosmopolitan, safe; spectacular beaches, friendly people; culture of outdoor living – restaurants and coffee shops, great food; sports; shopping; acceptance, tolerance and diversity UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F UTS: SYDNEY’S CITY UNIVERSITY Quick facts PeopleOver four million from over 180 different nationalities ClimateAverage summer temperature 25°C (fabulous beaches); average winter temperature 14°C (yes, there is snow and skiing in Australia, but not in Sydney). It averages 240 days of sunshine and blue skies each year! SportTennis, cricket, surfing, rugby, sailing
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F UTS: SYDNEY’S CITY UNIVERSITY What’s different about UTS ? • Location • right next to central station; largest footprint of any organisation in Sydney CBD • Facilities • anything not already on campus is just next door or around the corner • Quality of Teaching & Learning • The only Sydney metropolitan university to be ranked in top performance band in Australian Government Rankings • Won 2 out of 10 Carrick Learning Institute (Australian Government) grants awarded to only 7 universities Australia wide in 2006 • Won many major awards in many different faculties, including engineering • Roots are in a teaching only institution • Links to Industry - Focus on the real-world • Many research projects with industry partners • Major industry and community input on courses and curriculum • Relatively New University • Only 20 years young; still adaptable to change
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F UTS:ENGINEERING Profile One of the largest in Australia –teaches about 4100 students Faculty’s international focus is reflected in engineering courses offered in Asia Engages in leading edge research and development with more than 165 research students Close links with industry, business and community
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F UTS:ENGINEERING Profile Courses are built on the philosophy that the education of engineers requires a combination of academic study and guidance with experience in real workplace settings. Many teaching staff are also practising professionals. Their first hand insight into the industry produces the kind of graduates employers want. Facilities include computer, research and specialist laboratories; 2 learning and design centres; and a library. There are 85 academic staff. In 2007, 2,820 undergraduate students and 1,235 postgraduate students were enrolled in courses (1,075 postgraduate coursework and 165 postgraduate research). Website:www.eng.uts.edu.au
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Teaching Awards Professor Archie Johnston, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, was appointed as an Advisory Professor to Shanghai Jiao Tong University and also appointed Honorary Advisor to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India Australian National Award University Teaching DuPont Australia and New Zealand Innovation Award Boeing Medal Excellence Engineering Education UTS Teaching Award 2006 – ‘Remote Access Laboratories for Promoting e-Learning Engineers Australia Award for Excellence in Engineering Design Award AAEE Young Engineering Educator Award
Australian Government’s National Learning and Teaching Performance fund. Only Sydney based University to be ranked in top band for engineering Commonwealth Learning Excellence in Distance Education Materials Award for MeKong eSim, an internet based learning activity Successful collaborative research including work on Ventrassist, the artificial heart which has now been developed by the company Ventracor. UTS academic, Dr Peter Watterson, invented the hydrodynamic bearing and motor used in Ventrassist which has been successfully implanted in three patients PhD graduate Dr Hokyong Shon, together with Professor S Vigneswaran and Professor J H Kim, were awarded the Water Environment Award (WEMA) for their research into sustainable water reuse and sludge recycling UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Other Faculty Achievements
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Undergraduate Programs
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Courses Bachelor of Engineering Science 3 years full time Bachelor of Engineering 4 years full time Bachelor of Engineering, Diploma in Engineering Practice 5 years full time – includes 2 x 6 months periods of paid work experience (internships)
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Majors Are you interested in specifying, designing, commissioning and maintaining complex computing systems? Choose Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Engineering ICT Sub majors Are you interested in designing and rolling out the next generation of advanced telecommunications technology? Choose ICT (Telecommunications) Engineering Are you interested in the security and environmental sustainability of physical systems such as building services management and air traffic control? Choose ICT (Software) Engineering Are you interested in designing and building next generation products and services with embedded computers? Choose ICT (Computer Systems) Engineering
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Majors Are you interested in designing, constructing, managing, maintaining, rehabilitating and renovating all types of industrial and commercial buildings in the private or public sector? Choose Civil Engineering Are you interested in designing environmentally sustainable strategies and collaborating with others to enhance the possibilities for sustainable management? Choose Civil & Environmental Engineering Are you interested in designing, controlling, managing, repairing and developing mechanical systems that transform energy and materials into useable forms? Choose Mechanical Engineering
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Majors Are you interested in designing and maintaining devices that use electrical energy efficiently and developing next generation devices for the shift from fossil fuel to renewable energy? Choose Electrical Engineering Are you interested in combining engineering practice with business, driving innovation and commercialisation within an existing enterprise or creating a new company or venture? Choose Innovation Engineering Are you interested in developing robots and micro-electro machines in a range of industries including manufacturing, energy management, building, biomedical and entertainment? Choose Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering For information on subjects go to: www.handbook.uts.edu.au/eng/lists/alpha.html
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Postgraduate Programs
Technology & Innovation Management Judgment & Decision Making Quality & Operation Management System Management of Information Technology in Engineering UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Technical Masters Master of Engineering Studies (MEStud) 1 year full time – 8 subjects If you are a recently graduated engineer, this program will provide you with an opportunity to pursue further studies in your chosen field. The degree is structured in such a way that you may choose a program of study that will deepen the body of knowledge acquired in your first degree as well as expand your knowledge boundaries into policy and engineering management areas. No work experience required. To graduate with the MEStud, complete: 3 subjects from Group A: plus 5 technical subjects from your chosen major
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Majors Computer Control Engineering Energy Planning & Policy Groundwater Management Manufacturing Engineering & Management Software Engineering Structural Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Telecommunication Networks TelecommunicationsEngineering & Telecommunication Networks Water Engineering For information regarding subjects relating to these majors go to: www.eng.uts.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/majors.htm
Accounting: Concepts and Applications Economic Evaluation Engineering Financial Control Judgment & Decision Making Leadership and Responsibility UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Management Masters Master of Engineering Management (MEM) 1 year full time - 8 subjects If you are a recently graduated engineer seeking a career in engineering management and who aspires to perform management tasks while maintaining currency in their technical specialities, this program will provide you with an opportunity to pursue further studies that place greater emphasis on the interface between technology and management. No work experience required. To graduate with the MEM, complete: 6 core subjects from the following Managing People: Concepts and Applications Managing Projects Quality Planning and Analysis Systems Engineering for Managers + 2 elective postgraduate engineering subjects
Software Technologies Software Quality Processes Software Analysis and Design Managing Projects UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Management Masters Master of Software Engineering Management (MSEM) 1 year full time - 8 subjects If you are a recently graduated engineer with at least six months’ relevant work experience in software development projects, this program will show how to successfully manage a software development project in a systematic and professional manner. The program covers the elements of software engineering and how the technology and the project team can be used to deliver on time to budget and within specification. To graduate with the MSEM, complete: 7 core subjects Software Project Management Judgment and Decision Making Software Architecture and Middleware + 1 elective postgraduate engineering subject
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Management Masters Master of Environmental Engineering Management (MEEM) 1 year full time - 8 subjects The MEEM is designed to enable engineers and other technical specialists to take a leadership role in the field of environmental engineering. It combines a set of key subjects that contain information on the nature of environmental problems together with engineering techniques for their solution. This is supplemented by management and policy subjects to empower the engineer, or technical specialist, to lead multidisciplinary teams working in the field of environmental engineering. No work experience required. To graduate with the MEEM, complete: 6 core subjects from the following Air and Noise Pollution Contaminated Site Management Ecology & Sustainability Engineered Natural Water Treatment Systems Environmental Assessment & Planning Environmental Management of Land Environmental Risk Assessment On-site Water and Wastewater Treatment Waste & Pollution Management Water Quality Management + 2 elective engineering subjects
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F UTS:Engineering also offers two distinct two-year programs Technical and Management Master of Engineering Studies / Master of Engineering Management Engineering Management and Business Management Master of Engineering Management / Master of Business Administration No work experience required
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Technical and Management Master of Engineering Studies / Master of Engineering Management (MEStud/MEM) Duration: 2 years - 14 subjects To graduate with the MEStud/MEM, complete: MEStud – Semesters 1 & 2 MEM – Semesters 3 & 4 Submit to UTS:Engineering the Application for Recognition of Prior Learning for 2 subjects from the MEStud. Students must complete 8 postgraduate subjects offered by the Faculty of Engineering. A minimum of 3 subjects must be from Group A and 4 subjects from your chosen major. Enrol in 6 core subjects making sure you meet the requirements of the MEM. Your program must reflect six core and two elective subjects, including your two credits. For full details ask your agent for a copy of the UTS:Engineering Postgraduate Programs brochure
UTS:ENGINEERING Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Engineering Management and Business Management Master of Engineering Management / Master of Business Administration (MEM/MBA) Duration: 2 years – 16 subjects To graduate with the MEM/MBA, complete: Core subjects MEM Core subjects MBA Economics: Concepts and Applications Human Resource Management: Concepts and Applications Financial Management: Concepts and Applications Marketing: Concepts and Applications OrganisationAnalysis & Design: Concepts and Applications Strategic Management Accounting: Concepts & Applications Judgment & Decision Making Managing People: Concepts & Applications Managing Projects Quality Planning and Analysis Systems Engineering for Managers + 2 elective subjects + 2 elective subjects
UTS:ENGINEERING Research Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Research Programs UTS:Engineering offers Doctor of Philosophy Master of Engineering (by thesis) For further information on research go to www.eng.uts.edu.au/courses/research/degrees.htm
UTS:ENGINEERING Offshore Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Offshore Programs The Faculty of Engineering offers offshore programs through its overseas partnering agents. The programs are administered through the International and Enterprise Development Office within the Faculty of Engineering and its Partnering Agents. The programs offered are: Master of Engineering Management Master of Environmental Engineering Management Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Engineering Science in Aerospace Operations For further information on offshore go to www.eng.uts.edu.au/international/offshore/index.htm
UTS:ENGINEERING Scholarships CRICOS Provider No: 00099F Scholarships UTS:Engineering offers scholarships for both undergraduate as well as postgraduate international students – for further information go to www.eng.uts.edu.au/international/Scholarships/index.htm
UTS:ENGINEERING Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs CRICOS Provider No: 00099F What to do next? Pick up a brochure from your UTS agent or ask your agent if you would like to know more about UTS engineering courses or contact: UTS: International Faculty of Engineering Phone: +61 3 9627 4816 Phone: +61 2 9514 2666 Fax: +61 2 9514 1530 Fax: +61 2 9514 7803 Email: international@uts.edu.au Email: engineering@uts.edu.au Internet: www.uts.edu.au/international/ Internet: www.eng.uts.edu.au/ PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA The Faculty attempts to ensure that the information contained in this presentation is correct as at June 2007. The Faculty reserves the right to vary any matter described in this presentation at any time without notice.