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Case Study Case Study—Plantronics ChannelView Channel Visibility Challenges Company Background Plantronics delivers simply smarter communications with innovative design and technology. From unified communication solutions to Bluetooth headsets, Plantronics is a world leader in personal audio communications for professionals and consumers. • TimelagforAccount Managerstoreceiveaccurate, actionablesalesdata • Limitedusefulnessofdata forpartnerconversationsdue toaccuracyandformatting issues Plantronics’ Challenge Plantronics’ partner sales teams work with more than 70 distributors and resellers across Europe. The company wanted to: • Lostproductivityasfieldsales resolvedataexceptions • • • Manageandmeasurepartnerperformanceonaweeklybasis Getatimely,accurateviewofsalesactivity IntegratechannelsalesdatawithSalesforceCRMsothesalesteamdidnot have to access multiple systems Improvesalesteamproductivity • DifficultyidentifyingAccounts andmarketstoprioritize Plantronics’ Goals • • Improvepartnerperformance management Totracksalesatagivenpartner,AccountManagerstypicallyneededtorequest the information from Plantronics’ internal systems and organizations. Due to the timing of partner data collection, it could take anywhere from a week to a month toreceivetherelevantdata.OnceAccountManagersreceivedthedata,theywere reluctant to share with partners, due to accuracy and format issues. • Improvesalesandinventory visibilityinEMEAregion • Streamlinesystemsusagefor salespeoplebyintegrating salesdatawithSalesforce CRM The visibility challenge was compounded by the fact that Plantronics was receiving more than 150 sales-out and inventory files per month, representing over 50,000 monthlytransactions.Salespeoplespentvaluabletimetrackingdownmissingdata and resolving exceptions—valuable time in which they could have been selling instead. • Improvesalesproductivity • Improvedatatimelinessand accuracy Realized Benefits Solution Implementation Toimprovethequalityoftheunderlyingchanneldataandprovidethenecessary analytics, Plantronics first selected Zyme’s TrueData solution. Additionally, PlantronicschoseZyme’sChannelViewforSalesforcesolution,whichenables AccountManagerstoseeaccurate,up-to-datesalesandinventorydatafor channelpartnersworldwidewithinSalesforceCRM. • Improvedpartner performancemanagement • Bettertrackingofmarketing ROI,byproductandpartner • Moreprecisetrackingofsales byproductmix • Betteridentificationof “up-and-coming”accounts ChannelView Workfow • Improvedchannel developmentindeveloped andemergingmarkets ChannelView Data Aggregation Data Quality Validations Partner Identifcation Link POS to Accounts and Opportunities POS Data Account, Product and Opportunity Information Channel Data Matched with Salesforce CRM Accounts and Opportunities Global Channel Directory powered by ISO 27001-certifed environment; SAS 70 Type-II compliant Figure 1: How ChannelView works
Plantronics ChannelView Case Study Injust4weeksandwithminimalinvolvementofthePlantronics’ITdepartment, ChannelViewwasupandrunning.Plantronics’AccountManagersnowhavepart- nersalesdataattheirfingertipsinSalesforceCRMwhentheyneedit.Account planningmeetingsandquarterlybusinessreviewsarebasedonasinglesetofdata thatpartnersandAccountManagerscanreference.Additionally,Plantronicshas createdreportstoprovidethein-depthknowledgerequiredforeffectivechannel development,includingsalesbyproduct,partner,andgeography. “With ChannelView, it feels like we just installed a Ferrari engine in Salesforce CRM…” —Sr. Manager EMEA Partner Programs Plantronics Top 10 Resellers—Sales Account Manager Leaderboard Account Owner: Full Name Sum of YTD ChannelView Features E-tailer A POS Reseller B • ViewPOSdataby: Kevin James $5.5M E-tailer C – – – Partner or Tier-1 distributor Bill-to/sold-to party Ship-toorSKU Sold to: Account Name Reseller D MaryDawson $4.8M Reseller E Partner F • ViewInventorydataby: BobSmith $4.6M Reseller G – – – – Tier-1 distributor SKU On-handquantity Weeks-of-Inventory Partner H Tim Kelly $4.2M Reseller I Parther J SallyNolan $3.9M $0.00 $1.00 Sum of Ext Price (Millions) $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 • Linksalestransactionsto Opportunities Figure 2: ChannelView dashboards • IdentifynewTier-2partners Realized Benefits Effective partner performance management—Withreadyaccesstocurrentand historicalsalesdata,AccountManagersareabletosetrealisticpartnersalestar- gets,trackprogresstowardtargets,andraiseissuesappropriatelyduringregular meetingsandquarterlybusinessreviews. • CreatenewAccounts • Channelanalytics • LeveragesZymeGlobal ChannelDirectory(GCD) – 400K+ high-tech resellers, distributors and retailers Coverageof180countries Improved sales productivity—Fieldsalesteamsspendmoretimeanalyzingpart- nerdataandlesstimeoninternalqueriesforweeklypartnersalesperformance data.Additionally,newAccountscanbeeasilyidentifiedandaddedinjustaclick. – Ability to track channel marketing ROI by partner or product—Plantronicsis nowabletoviewsalesbyproduct,geography,regionandpartner,enablingthem tomoreaccuratelytrackandadjustmarketingspend. Improved identification of up-and-coming partners—ChannelViewhasenabled Plantronicstoidentifypartnerswithhighsalesvolumesthatwerenotbeingtracked asAccounts.Ultimately,thisbettervisibilityhasledtoincreasedsales. Better market penetration and channel development—Plantronicshasbeen abletopopulateSalesforceCRMwithprospectivepartnerdataforcountriessuch asPolandandSouthAfrica.Thisknowledgehasimprovedchanneldevelopment effortsinthesecountries. Any sales or inventory data presented in this demo area is fictitious and used for demonstration purposes only. The names of any actual business entities are used purely for illustrative purposes and do not imply any business relationship with Zyme, or any actual knowledge of their business activity. This demo/presentation and its contents are confidential and are Zyme’s intellectual property. Zyme is the leading provider of channel data solutions for global technology companies. We offer cloud-based SaaS applications and managed services for multi-tier channel visibility, which seamlessly integrate with CRM and ERP systems such as Salesforce, SAP and Oracle. Zyme supports customers with verified channel sales and inventory data from distributors, retailers and resellers in 180 countries to better manage mission-critical business processes, including revenue recognition, incentive payments, partner network management, sales commissioning, and supply chain planning. For more information, contact Zyme at 1-877-262-8993 (US) or www.zyme.com. CS-CV-09082012-250 Copyright©2012Zyme.Allrightsreserved.