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Kids City Dental is a premier pediatric dental practice located in the vibrant city of Brighton. Our dedicated team of experienced pediatric dentists specializes in providing exceptional dental care for infants, children, and adolescents. We understand the unique needs of young patients and strive to create a fun and comfortable environment that promotes positive dental experiences. From baby dental exams to kids' braces and myobrace treatments, our goal is to help children achieve and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology, inc
EmergencyDentalCare forChildren:Whatto DoinCaseofaDental Injury AChippedor KnockedOutTooth Ifyourchildhasachippedorknocked-outtooth,it’simportantto actquickly.First,trytolocatethemissing toothortooth fragments, as there may be a chance for it to be re-implanted or re-attached.Ifyou’reabletofindthetooth,rinseitoffwithwater, beingcarefulnottoscrubtherootortouchtherootifpossible.It’s important to seek dental care immediately, as most situations needtobeaddressedwithinthefirst1-2hours. BustedLiporGums Ifyourchildexperiencesabustedliporgums,thefirststepis togentlycleantheareawithawetwashclothorgauze.Apply acoldcompresstotheaffectedareatoreduceanyswelling.If thereisanybleeding,applypressurewithacleanclothuntilit stops. If the bleeding persists or you suspect a broken jaw, seek emergency dental care immediately at the nearest hospital. At-HomePediatric Dental Injury First Remedies Thereareseveralat-home remedies that may help alleviatepainordiscomfortuntilyou’reabletoseeyour emergency dentist. Over-the-counter pain medications, suchasibuprofen,mayhelpreduceanypainorswelling. WhotoSeefor EmergencyDentistry (forKids) It’simportanttoseeapediatricorfamilydentistforanydental emergencyinvolvingchildren.Notalldentistsareequippedto handlepediatricdentalemergencies,andit’simportanttoseek carefromsomeonewhohasexperienceworkingwithchildren. AtKid City Dental, our team is trained to handle pediatric dental emergencies and provide gentle, compassionate care foryourfamily. EmergencyFamilyor PediatricDentistNearYou If you’re in need of emergency dental care for your child, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Our team is here to provide the care and support your child needs in the eventofadentalemergency.Weoffersame-day appointments and are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Call now for an appointment. https://kidscitydental.com/