Week: 2nd Date: 4th -8th December, 23 Developed by: Ms. Kiran Sana Taught by: ______________ Daily Lesson Plan Subject: English Language Class: IV Topic: School lunch Subtopic: Party plans No of Period: 3 •SLO (s): Students will be able to: •scan a text for specific information •differentiate and use quantifiers accurately in party-related sentences. •use appropriate expressions to express feelings •share their own experiences related to the party Skills focused on: Read, Critical thinking, Understand, Application, Identify •Resources: Cambridge Global English APSACS 3rd. edition, Learner’s Book page 84-85 •Cambridge Global English APSACS 3rd. edition, Activity Book 4 Pg# 36-39 •Cambridge Global English Teacher’sGuide for Class 4. •Cambridge Global English Teacher’sResource 4 •Dictionaries •Internet Methodology: •Explain the Language detective box on Quantifiers. Students to make some sentences of their own using the quantifiers. •Students will bring some pictures of their own parties or form some magazines etc., to share and describe to the class using quantifiers. These concepts will be explained to them before the task is given using the information given in the information Language Detective box. •Students will understand the Reading strategy: Reading for gist Box by using skim & scan strategy before they read the lesson in detail. ➢Announcement of Topic ➢Sharing of SLOs •Activity 1: Students will use Quick Write strategy which is an informal assessment tool requiring students to write for a short time (for about 10 minutes), focusing on content, not grammar. Here the students will write about any party they have had with their friends, in school, family or with relatives. What was the party about? What games were played? What was special about it? Did they have fun? How & why? How much did they enjoy it? Was there any aspect that they did not like or enjoy? What would they like to add or subtract from the party? •Activity 2: Students will share their written first draft with their partner to get feedback on the party itself not on the grammar aspects of the writing. They will use the Think- Pair-Share strategy which involves students thinking about a question, pairing off and discussing the question with a classmate, and then sharing their answers with the whole class. •Activity 3: Students will now be seated in Groups of 3-4 students in each group to talk about what party plans they would make for hosting their own party. Encourage them to use their imagination and follow rules for turn taking so each member is able to share their ideas. Each member may be allowed to talk for about 2/3 mins only. •Activity 4: Use the resource Weblink/ Digital resource given to learn more about the quantifiers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rH3zGr0u1g Learner’s Book (Pgs. 84-85)
•Ex 1 Oral work. · •Ex 4 Pronunciation. Oral work. •Ex 5 and 6. Do as instructed Activity Book: Party Plans (Pgs. 70-71) •Ex 1 Complete the work as instructed. •Ex 2 Oral work •Ex 3-5 Do as instructed Success Criteria: Remember to: • Clear differentiation between various quantifiers when expressing quantities needed for different party aspects. • Share your own experience by using quantifiers • Precise application of quantifiers to estimate costs and quantities of items essential for the party. Assessment For LearningUse of reading strategy i.e.: skim & scan C.W: LB Page 84-85 •Ex 2 Listen and note the items on loose sheets. •Ex 3 Listen and complete the work as directed. (In textbook) •Ex 6 Listen and complete as instructed. Activity Book Page 70-71 •Ex 1 Circle the correct words. •Ex 3 Complete the sentences. •Ex 4 Circle the correct words. •Ex 5 Challenge. Complete as directed. H.W: LB Page 85 Ex 5 Complete as directed. Ex 7 Write. Notebook work. Activity Book Page 71 •Ex 5 Do as instructed Online Assignment: None Sign / Name & Date: Subject Coordinator _________________
Daily Lesson Plan Developed by: Ms. Kiran Sana Week: 2nd Taught by: ______________ Date: 4th -8th December, 23 Class: IV No of Period: 2 Topic: School Lunch Subtopic: All about chocolate Subject: English Language •SLO (s): Students will be able to: •learn how chocolate is made. •Who manufactured the first chocolate bar •To use purpose linkers appropriately to connect ideas and clarify intentions in writing and speaking. •apply reading strategies to scan/locate specific information •Skills focused on: Read, Scan, Analyze, Weblinks •Resources: Cambridge Global English APSACS 3rd edition, Learner’s Book 4. •Cambridge Global English APSACS 3rd edition, Activity Book 4. •Cambridge Global English Teacher’sGuide for Class 4. •Cambridge Global English Teacher’sResource 4 •Dictionaries Methodology: •Generate a class discussion on what kind of chocolate do students prefer to eat? Dark, normal or white? Nutty, fruity or plain? Why do they love to eat? •How frequently do they eat chocolates? •Students to conduct a class survey to find out the favourite class chocolate. •Students will understand the Writing tip given. Explain the concept and how to use Linkers of purpose Ex 1 Talk about it. Class discussion. Ex 2 Read and check your answers. Oral work. Warm-up ➢Students will be asked to describe the different types of chocolates we are going to discuss in this chapter, and how are they similar or different from one another? ➢Announcement of Topic ➢Sharing of SLOs Activity 1: •Students will talk/speak about the advantages/ disadvantages of eating chocolates. Students will use strategy / technique of writing One-sentence summary which challenges students to answer the questions "Which kind of chocolate is their favorite? Why do they like it? Hoe frequently do they eat it? When do they like to eat it at tea-time/ after dinner? Students will synthesize their answers to the Qs. into a one simple informative, grammatically correct summary sentence. They will use connecters/ quantifiers while writing the sentence. Activity 2:Predicting: Ask the students to look at the pictures to try to predict what is happening. Then read the text in pairs and look up any new vocabulary in their dictionaries. Students will read and understand the information boxes given in the lesson for further knowledge. Activity 3: Purposeful Pairing: Provide students with index cards containing different purpose linkers. Ask students to pair up with classmates holding a complementary linker to theirs. In pairs, they collaboratively construct sentences expressing specific intentions or purposes using the linked words. Encourage them to articulate these sentences aloud to the class, highlighting how the purpose linkers enhance clarity. Conclude with a brief discussion on the various linkers used and their effectiveness in conveying intentions. Activity 4:
•Weblink/ Digital resource for showing Eco-homes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDvnlLSlD •Teachers to use their own discretion to show some parts of the video or all of it depending on time available. •Ex 5 Describe. Success Criteria: Remember to: • Identify the purpose of using linkers • use purpose linkers effectively to connect ideas logically and sequentially. • identify the first chocolate bar's maker accurately. Assessment For Learning: •brainstorming strategy for collecting ideas •discussions in pairs and groups for peer learning C.W: LB Pg# (Pgs. 86- 87): •Ex 3 Write T or F for given sentences. •Ex 4 Notebook work. •Ex 6 Notebook work. Activity Book: (Pgs. 72-73): C.W: •Ex 2 Complete as directed. •Ex 3 Word study. Match the sentences. •Ex 4 To be completed as instructed. H.W: Learner’s book: •Ex 5 Complete as directed. Online Assignment (if any): None Sign / Name & Date: Subject Coordinator _________________
Daily Lesson Plan Week: 2nd Developed by: Ms. Kiran Sana Date: 4th -8th December, 23 Taught by: ______________ Class: IV Subject: English Literature Period: 2 Topic: The Railway Children; Chapter 7 SLO (s): Students will be able to; •read & comprehend. •brainstorm examples of heroic deeds from real life experience •comment on: - the fire scene - advantages & disadvantages of living on a houseboat •identify: - who said the words to whom? Skills focused on: Predicting, reasoning, identifying Resources: The Railway Children pgs. pgs 26-29, 52, 53, teacher’s book, multi- lingual glossary, audio CD, board, dictionary. Methodology (lecture and explanation) •Begin by briefly recapping the key events of the previous chapters to refresh students' memories and provide context for the current chapter. Discuss any important characters, settings, and the overall plot. Pre Reading: •Post-classwork, conduct a targeted session where selected students, particularly those identified as Low Readiness Learners, are prompted to read aloud the letter addressed to the elderly gentleman. During this session, the teacher and classmates actively listen, offering guidance and assistance as needed in pronunciation, comprehension, and content clarification. Foster an open discussion about the letter's content and purpose, creating a supportive environment that encourages participation and provides constructive feedback to enhance students' reading and comprehension skills. Brainstorm: •What a barge is? Students to explain it by looking at the picture of a barge (pg 27). •Opportunities in life where you can express courage such as; saying sorry, learn from your mistakes, take responsibility, forgive everyone, practice gratitude etc. •Begin chapter 7. Students to listen to the CD, then read the chapter to identify main points / general meaning and feedback like who? What? Where? When? •Ask critical thinking Qs from the text and the pictures e.g., - advantages & disadvantages of living on a houseboat - describe children’s fishing experience to canal bridge - narrate the incidents of the barge on fire. Activity 1: •Ask the following Qs after showing the fire scene in the movie “The Railway Children’’. Pause the scene for class discussion. - Identify the characters in the scene? - Why were the children called heroes? - Describe the scene / situation? - What happened at the Canal Bridge? Activity 2: Role Play: Children’s conversation with the bargeman and his wife. Students of mixed ability groups to present the dialogues in the form of a role play. Activity 3: •Discussion on theme of chapter 7. Talk about: - helping others in difficult times - disaster management skills - staying calm and acting wisely while managing disaster
Activity 4: •Group work: Students to design 5x true/false Qs, initially modelled by the teacher to check students’ grasp on the gist of the text. •Keeping the reader closed, teacher to read aloud the dialogues. Students to listen to them & identify: - the speaker - the words spoken to whom - the occasion when these were spoken Success Criteria: Remember to •Identify the theme of the chapter •Talk about the characters of the story. •Take an active part in class discussion Assessment For Learning: Vocabularyand its usage to be assessed through games. C.W: •· Comprehension: - Ex 1, 4 (Textbook work pg 52) -Follow-up activities - Ex 5 Q 1 & 2 (Notebook work) pg 53 - Ex 5 Q 3 & 4 (Discussion only) - Ex 6 (Notebook work) H.W: Vocabulary: - Ex 3, 4 (Textbook work pg 52, 53) Online Assignment: none Sign / Name & Date: Subject Coordinator _________________