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Have been injured in a motorcycle accident? Contact a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney Howard Kornberg from the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg to schedule a consultation today. Let him review your injuries and determine what type of compensation you should seek.<br>
You can be as safe as possible when riding your motorcycle and a driver near you could cause an accident. The Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney Howard Kornberg would like to discuss the most common motorcycle accident injuries in today’s post. Road Rash Broken Bones Injuries to the Head Damage to the Muscles Injuries to the Spinal Cord
Road Rash One of the most common types of motorcycle accidents is that of road rash. When a motorcycle is hit by another vehicle it will throw the rider off the bike and onto the road. It doesn’t matter how fast the other vehicle is going, there is no protection around the biker to prevent him or her from being thrown from the bike. As the body slides across the road it will suffer road rash, which often looks like burns on the skin.
Broken Bones It’s also common for victims of motorcycle accidents to suffer broken bones. Since there is no protection to the body it’s easy for an arm, leg, hand, foot or arm to break in the crash. Most breaks occur when the rider braces him or herself for the fall, straightening their arm as they hit the ground.
Injuries to the Head Whether you ride with a helmet or take the risk of riding without one, you can suffer an injury to your head in a motorcycle accident. Head injuries can include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), skull fractures, facial fractures, facial burns and much more. Your head can easily be injured in a motorcycle crash even when you are wearing a helmet. It all depends on the force of the impact of your head with the other vehicle or the road.
Damage to the Muscles It’s not uncommon for victims of motorcycle accidents to suffer damage to their muscles. This damage might not be present right after the accident as it could develop over a period of weeks or months. The muscle damage could be limited or it could be permanent, which could lead the accident victim to struggle with motor skills.
Injuries to the Spinal Cord Motorcycle accident victims could also suffer spinal cord injuries. These injuries could range from minor to severe, with the most severe causing the victim to be disabled permanently. Spinal cord injuries can also lead to issues with your vision, arms, legs and other areas of the body.
Seek Medical Treatment Even if you did not suffer a severe injury in your motorcycle accident you should still seek medical treatment. It’s quite possible that you could have delayed onset of pain. This is common because of the adrenaline in your body blocking the pain from presenting itself to you. If you seek medical treatment the doctor will be able to run a series of tests to spot internal bleeding and other damage.
Contact an Attorney Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident? Contact a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneyHoward C. Kornberg at The Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg to schedule a consultation today. Let’s review your injuries and determine what type of compensation you should seek.
Contact: Address: 10880 Wilshire Blvd #1840, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone: 310-997-0904 Website: https://www.kornberglawfirm.com/contact-html/