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The Cares act employee student loans allows employers to pay up to $5,250 toward student loans on behalf of employees and the employees would not owe US federal income taxes on the payments. That could make a significant dent in a borrower's total debt load. To know more about our services, consider visiting our official website https://www.coredocuments.com/2020-cares-act-employers-repay-employee-student-loans-up-to-5250-tax-free/.
CoreDocuments,Inc. coredocuments.com
About Core Documents,Inc. CoreDocumentshasbeenprovidingfreeplan design consulting, as well as cost-effective,IRS- compliantplandocuments tothousandsof satisfiedagentsandemployergroupsnationwide. We sell documents and annual document as state-of-the-art web- maintenance,aswell basedadministrationservices,andDo-It-Yourself Exceladministrationsoftware.
Cares Act EmployeeStudent Loans The Cares act employee student loansallows employers to payup to$5,250towardstudent loansonbehalfofemployeesandtheemployees wouldnotowe US federal incometaxesonthe payments.Thatcould make asignificantdentina borrower'stotaldebtload.To know moreabout ourservices,considervisitingour official website.
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