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What is concealer and why do you need it? Concealer is a makeup product that can cover up any skin concern and highlight your best features. Read on to learn more about the types and benefits of concealer.
WhatisConcealerinMakeup? Types,&Benefitsof Concealer Concealeris atypeof makeupproductthat can helpyou cover up imperfectionsonyour skin, suchasblemishes, darkcircles, scars,and redness.It usuallyhasathicker consistencyandmorepigment than foundation,which isused to even outyourskintone.Concealer can also be used tohighlightand contouryour face,byusing shadesthatare lighteror darker thanyourskin tone. TypesofConcealer There aredifferent typesof concealers,such asliquid, cream,stick,and color-correcting. The best type foryoudependsonyourskintype, the coverageyouwant,and the areayouwant toconceal.Here aresome general tipsonhowto choose and useconcealer: LiquidConcealer Liquidconcealerisversatile andworkswellfor most skintypes, especially normal and oily skin. It can cover blemishes and dark circles, andhas anatural finish.It canbe appliedwith abrush,a sponge,oryour fingers. CreamConcealer Creamconcealeris thickerandcreamierthanliquid concealer, and providesmore coverage.Itisidealfordryand mature skin, asit can
moisturizeandsmoothoutfine lines.Itcanalsocoverhyperpigmentation and acne scars.It can beappliedwith abrush ora sponge. Stickconcealer issimilar tocreamconcealer,butcomesina stickform.It is convenient andeasyto use,andprovidesfullcoverage.Itcancover darkcircles,blemishes,and scars. Itcan be applieddirectlyon the skin, and blendedwith abrush, a sponge, oryour fingers. Color-correctingconcealer Color-correcting concealer is a specialtypeofconcealer thatuses complementarycolorsto neutralizedifferentskin concerns.Forexample, greenconcealer can canceloutredness,yellowconcealer can brighten dullness, andpeachconcealercanhidedarkcircles.Itcanbeapplied beforeor after foundation,and blendedwith abrush ora sponge. BenefitsofConcealer Concealercanhave manybenefitsforyour skin, suchas: Enhancingyourcomplexionand makingyour skin lookmoreflawlessand radiant. Boostingyourconfidenceandself-esteembyhiding anyflawsthatyou mayfeel insecureabout. Protectingyourskinfromsundamage and environmentalstressors, ifit containsSPF and antioxidants. Hydrating andnourishingyour skin, if itcontainsmoisturizing and soothingingredients.
Conclusion Ifyouwant tolearn moreaboutconcealer,youcan checkoutthisblog post that explains thedifferent types ofconcealerand their uses.Italso featuressome productsfromL Factor NewYork, a brandthatoffershigh- quality and affordable makeup for all skin tones and types. You can browsetheirwebsite and findtheperfect concealerforyou. Source:https://medium.com/@Neha_Rana/what-is-concealer-in-makeup-types- benefits-concealer-5c27171bb2c6