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Do You Need A Living Will Attorney? • Most of us know the phrase “the only thing certain in life is death and taxes”, but one other inevitability that we often forget about is the fact that there will become a time when we will eventually be too ill or too old to take care of ourselves. So what does happen to us during times of incapacitation? While many of us plan to rely on friends, family or entrusted caregivers to watch over us if we are unable to make decisions for ourselves it is still important to address some of the more critical issues that tend to arise during these times of crisis or need. One way to assure many of our most vital wishes are met is to create a “Living Will”. A Living Will provides legal guidance for those entrusted with your care . So do you need a Living Will Attorney? If any of the following questions have meaning to your life it is highly recommended to seek the advice and services of a Living Will Attorney. • Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Deciding If A Living Will Attorney Is Necessary • Question 1: Is There A Very Specific Person I Want To Make My Care Decisions?
If there is someone in your life who you trust and you know they will make the best possible care decision possible then a Living Will is a great way to solidify this in writing. • Question 2: Is There Very Specific Types Of Medical Treatments I Want or Don't Want? • Mostly related to the topic of life support treatment and how you want it handled in regards to yourself in case the need arrives this Living Will based question aims at making sure your wished are legally met in case sensitive and controversial medical issues arrive revolving around your care. • Question 3: How Important Are My Personal Preferences and Comforts To Me? • This question covers items such as pain management administration, grooming instructions, hospice care, travel arrangements, visitation rights and generally anything you may feel crucial to the comfort of your final days can be included in and carried out through a Living Will. • Question 4: Do I Have Special Requests For Others?
This question pertains to the matters of others and if you have any special requests from anyone. Do you need someone to pray for you? Is there someone in particular you would like to visit one last time? Do you want to be taken care of by others at home or somewhere else? These are the types of final wishes a Living Will can account for in case of emergency incapacity. • Question 5: Final Messages For Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Cause and Acquaintances • Focusing mostly on funeral and memorial plans this question deals with any last words or memories you want highlighted before your departure. A Living Will lets you set your last days and thoughts into legally binding requests. • If you found any of the above questions important to your life you will certainly want to contact Living Will Attorney to find out what legal options are available to you. Highly correlated to the “Five Wishes” clause, legally recognized in 42 states, the above five questions are a great barometer and foundation for understanding how important a Living Will is to you and your safety, security and future happiness. Consulting with a trusted Living Will Attorney is always a positive for everyone.