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Whether you live in La Mesa or anywhere else near San Diego, tooth removal procedure remains the same throughout. The treatment is prescribed in case of any injury, infection or fixing a dental growth issue. If your dentist has told you that a tooth extraction is in order, don’t be frightened. Here’s what you need to do to prepare yourself.
Fasting You will be required to fast for the night before your surgery. Fasting reduces the risk of inhaling any of the contents of your stomach into your lungs when you’re out. The standard amount of time you should fast before your surgery is up to 12 hours. Your dentist will let you know how many hours you need to fast. If you’re suffering from diabetes or take any medications, you should follow your routine. In any case, consult your dental surgeon beforehand.
Transport Depending upon the prescribed extraction and the severity of your case, it may be a good idea to ask a family member or friend to accompany you to your dentist. If not, then try arranging a taxi ride. This is because you may be a little zoned out after the extraction and in need of some time to regain your senses. You need someone to take the wheel.
Anesthetic Many people fear teeth removal due to the pain involved. What they don’t know is that dental surgeons use local or general anesthetic before removing a tooth. Local anesthetic can numb the area around the extraction, whereas the general one will put you to sleep throughout the procedure. Anesthetics make tooth removal process easy, straightforward and pain-free for the patient.
Safety After the removal is complete, try to avoid all strenuous activities for some time. This is because applying pressure across the dry tooth socket can result in bleeding. Don’t even blow your nose too hard as changes in air pressure can cause gum bleeding.
Pay special attention to your posture after the tooth has been removed. Keep your head elevated at all times to facilitate the healing process. Use wedge pillows or stacked pillows to keep your head above your heart, when sleeping. You need not wait till your surgery for this. You should correct your postures as soon as possible. Try keeping your head straight and sleep with stacked pillows before extraction, so that you may not have any hard time adjusting later. It is always best to consult your oral surgeon on the best waking and sleeping postures that help recover from teeth extraction and keep pain at bay.
Foods Before getting your teeth removed, it is advisable to switch to a soft diet- because this is what you’ll be eating for some time after your surgery. Stick to a semi-liquid diet and try not to chew too hard from the teeth that need to be extracted. Stay away from extremely hot foods. These foods tend to stick to the extraction site and cause irritation. Eat room-temperature foods. Small items, such as popcorn, rice, seeds and nuts can also clog up the extraction site. So stop eating them before your surgery.
Presentation Shared By • La Perle Dental LA Perle Dental a Dentist in La Mesa, offers complete and comprehensive oral exams and oral cleanings in San Diego. We believe in a holistic approach to dentistry that not only covers screening and treatment, but also post-treatment recovery options. Website: http://www.laperledentalsandiego.com/