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Landmark Dental Arts is a top-rated cosmetic dental clinic in Kearny Mesa, committed to providing the best dental care services to patients of all ages. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile that you can be proud of. As the best cosmetic dentist in Kearny Mesa, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth whitening, veneers, and Invisalign, to help you achieve the perfect smile. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional dental care in a comfortable and relaxing environment, using the latest technology
WhatiSaRootCanal? Everytoothinyourmouthcontainsanerveandbloodvessels. Healthytissuesfeedyourtoothandkeepitalive.But die sometimesnervesbecomeinfected,abscessed,or becauseofpasttrauma.Thankfully,rootcanaltreatment (endodontictherapy)canhelpyouavoidadentalextraction. RootCanalSExplained Rootcanaltherapyisrequiredtotreatanydamageorinfectioninside dental nerve tissue ,beyond what can be repaired with a filling or crown. Our dentist in Kearny Mesa will remove the damaged nerve tissue from your tooth then fill it to seal out new infection. Normally you’llalsoneedacrownoverthetoothafterward. 1 WhenRootCanalSareRecommended You’llalmostalwaysneedarootcanalifyourtoothhasexperienced: Severehypersensitivityorpain Largecavitiesextendingintothenerve Crackedroots Traumaticinjuries,evenifyearsprior Abscesses 2 WhatCanYouExpectDuringaRootCanal? Is root canal treatment painful? Not at all. Root canals are gentler than you might think. Endodontic treatment can be as painless as routine fillings, crowns, and other dental work, despite what you may have heard. Thorough numbing medication and modern technology ensure a predictableprocedurewhereyoucanfeelatease. 3 HowMuchDoeSRootCanalTreatmentCoSt? Even though a root canal will cost more than a filling or extraction, it can saveyoumoneyinthefuturebypreservingyournaturaltooth.Pricingisalso dependentuponthetooth(andthenumberofnervechambers)beingtreated. AtLandmarkDentalourinsurancecoordinatorswillworkupatreatmentplan that itemizes all of the fees and benefits expected so that you have an estimateofthepricingbeforeschedulingyourendodonticappointment. 4 Long-TermCareforYourTooth Althoughendodontically-treatedteetharenolonger“alive”(since thenerveshavebeenremoved),youstillneedtotakecareofthem every day. Tooth decay can still occur along the gumlines and edges of your crown. Periodontitis can also infect your gums and compromisethestructuresaroundyourtooth 5 Areyouinneedofarootcanaltreatment?CallLandmark DentalinKearnyMesatodayforaconsultationwithour gentlefamilydentistteam. Formoreinformation,pleaSeviSit: httpS://landmarkdentalartS.com/