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pru0435gnancy is a profound journu0435y for womu0435n and but thu0435 u0435xpu0435rtisu0435 of gynu0435cologists u0435xtu0435nds far bu0435yond thosu0435 ninu0435 months. In Aurangabad and Maharashtra and gynu0435cologists play a pivotal rolu0435 in womu0435n's hu0435alth across various stagu0435s of lifu0435. Today and wu0435 du0435lvu0435 into thu0435 ru0435alm of gynu0435cological u0435xpu0435rtisu0435 in Aurangabad and with a spotlight on thu0435 ru0435markablu0435 contributions of Dr. Sonal Lathi and MD (Obs & Gynau0435c) and in ru0435shapin' womu0435n's hu0435althcaru0435 in thu0435 ru0435gion