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if you are want the deliciuse food to come to the Indian Restaurant Glen iris. We are offrin the one of the best dish in glen iris, hawthorn. Laung Laachi is a well-known Hawthorn dine-in Indian restaurant that invites you to enjoy a memorable dining experience with a selection of scrumptious original Indian delicacies cooked to perfection. Our cooks produce delicious, fresh dishes.<br><br>Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/jLCvkSx3hyc9MH767<br>Address: 361 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia<br>Phone: 61398180037
IndianRestaurant Gleniris welcometolaunglaachiindianrestaurant https://www.launglaachi.com.au/
Taste of real Indian food and spices with takeawayfoodanddine-incuisine Ifyou'relookingfordelicious Iris, go no food further. around You've HawthornandGlen arrivedat the correct place, Laung Laachi Indian Restaurant, which serves the best Indian cuisine. If you're looking for delicious food around Hawthorn and Glen Iris,go no further. You've arrived at the correctplace,LaungLaachiIndianRestaurant, whichservesthebestIndiancuisine.
AboutUs Ourchefshaveyearsofculinaryknowledgeand canproducedishesthatareuniqueyetdelicious ineveryway.Atourrestaurant,youmaysample everythingfromchickenmadrastomixedveg andkadhaipaneer.
OurMenu Ifyoutryingthebestfoodyou cometoatLaungLaachiindian Restaurant.Itwasoffringthe greatdishforourcustomerand greatexperiance. Visitourrestaurant
ThankYou Contactus info@launglaachi.com.au (03)98180037 361BurwoodRd.HawthornVIC3122,Australia