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Order Cheap Dimmable LED Downlight. Available 4-inch, 5/6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch. We also offers square led downlights in 4-inch, E26 Base u2013 Free shipping u2013 Buy Today! For More Info: https://www.ledmyplace.com/collections/led-downlights
noboDy wouLD say Yes, i’d like to pay more for my utility bills each month! so, what’s thE soLution? Install LED Downlights in your home or office by replacing the outdated and conventional incandescent, halogen or compact fluorescent lamps. LED DownLights Are great for recessed ceilings and ceilings of low heights. EnErgy-savings from LED DownLight As indoor lighting fixtures good for bathrooms, kitchens, dining halls, reading rooms, living rooms, hallways, patios etc. Save up to 88% by replacing outdated halogen, incandescent or compact fluorescent light fixtures. LED downlight can replace anywhere from 50W-250W of the conventional. Occupies very less space and so ideal for congested spaces. Can illuminate an indoor space uniformly without focusing on specifics. Save more because of LED downlight being available as dimmable. The dimming capacity of LED downlight - 0-10V. The product is a combination of aesthetics and functionality. It’s time, money and energy-saving luminaire. Easy installation, maintenance and operation. avaiLabLE spEcifications avaiLabLE typEs wattagE rangE: from 9w-40w sizE: 4, 5/6, 8 & 10 inches. LumEn output rangE: 600-3000 lumens shapE: Baffle-trim, square, eyeball and disk coLor tEmpEraturE: 3000K, 4000K, 5000K cri: 80+ LED DownLights Are An Answer To Your ouT-of-HAnd uTiliTY CosTs!