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Adulthood. Where we are going…. Physical Changes. Physical Peak is 18-35 Hair starts to gray around 40 Hair Thins out Weight gain because of less activity Wrinkles appear Bags under eyes Notable differences in walking and strength. Physical Changes. Health Issues.
Adulthood Where we are going…
Physical Changes • Physical Peak is 18-35 • Hair starts to gray around 40 • Hair Thins out • Weight gain because of less activity • Wrinkles appear • Bags under eyes • Notable differences in walking and strength
Health Issues • Practice good Health Now; pays dividends in the future. • Heath problems include Heart disease, Cancer, Cirrhosis of the liver. • Proper diet and exercise set a pattern of physical and mental health.
Menopause • Starts to happen to women in their mid-late forties. • The irritability often times more mental than physical, but hormones trigger changes. • The “discomfort” part of the change is usually during the early stages of menopause called climacteric
Menopause • Uhh…not sure if I would “sing” about this, regardless of gender.
Menopause • Women’s cycles will end • Men do not go through menopause, but men go through hormonal changes. • Men able to produce sperm throughout their life.
Marriage and Divorce • 90% of people will marry at least once • 40-60% will end in divorce • Number probably higher since the publication of the text. • Tricks of the trade: compatibility and how a married couple deal with stress more than likely to be an indicator of marital success.
Marriage and Divorce • Keys that will help: • Marrying young often a factor • Children leaving home a factor • Reliance on one or the others income a factor • Dramatic change a factor • Simply the idea that people change is a factor
Sex and Middle Age • Masters and Johnson concluded there is no physical reason to stop having intimate contact with advancing age. • Decline usually deals with psychological factors such as boredom, lack of confidence, stereotyping • Decline has physical factors as well such as illness or loss of a partner.
Cognitive Changes • Younger Years—Skills include problem solving shifts, speed, coordination, and fluid intelligence (learning new items more easily remembered. Older Years—Skills include: experienced problem solving, crystallized intelligence (older memories are more easily recalled), and logic.
Social Development • Basic temperament and character remains stable. • Positive people remain positive • Character flaws in youth continue • Passive people and Aggressive people are more likely the product of experience and may see profound changes. • Overall, surround yourself with people that will help you grow in your adult years and you will be happier.
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development • Entering the Adult World— explore and make commitments to adult roles – establish a life style—work leads to career choice—intimate relationships lead to marriage, birth of children.
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development • The Age-Thirty Crisis— a reappraisal of early adult commitments and change—focus on adjustment and enrichment—“If I am to change my life, I’d better do it now”—sometimes crisis; divorce, occupational change common.
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development • Settling Down— culminating life structure for early adulthood—apprenticeship over – time to be a successful, competent adult. • BOOM period – Becoming One’s Own Man – independence from mentor—deeply absorbed in commitments to occupation, family, and activities—desire to get ahead, realize youthful ambitions.
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development • The Midlife Transition— Midlife crisis – “What have I done with my life?” he comes to terms with the dreams of one’s youth—he works on discrepancy between what is and what will be. • Life takes on a new sense of urgency—80% of Levinson’s subjects went through personal crisis and re-evaluation—crisis may include divorce, extramarital affair, and occupational change. • Men see midlife crisis as a last chance to hold onto youth • Many women see midlife crisis as a time to reassess and revitalize their creative energy
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development • Middle Adulthood— living out previously made changes—for many, the most satisfying, enriching time of life.
Female Psychological Development • The mentor - Women substantially less likely to have a mentor • Love relationship – Men seek women to support their dreams. Women seek a “special man” but see themselves as supporting his dreams.
Female Psychological Development • Men dream of occupational achievement, status accomplishment. Women – less clear dreams; more tentative mix of family and career interests • Women are a bit different at the midlife stage especially as many are going back to college or going back to work.
Female Psychological Development • The “Empty Nest” Syndrome— when the last child has left home the women may suffer from depression especially if her marriage is not so good. Otherwise, they may be at their happiest with the new-found freedom.
Female Development • Depression in Midlife— most common in middle aged women; menopause can lead to depression as mothers now sense that their role in the life cycle is over. Women also show a less orderly sequence of stages than men. Men see midlife crisis as a last chance to hold onto youth. Many women see midlife crisis as a time to reassess and revitalize their creative energy.
And In The End… • There are no guarantees that come with happiness and positive choices for adulthood, but set up the pattern now and understand that the key to the future is the behavior of the past.