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Atlan International Corporation presents: The Home of Let Me Ask You A Question… Given today’s business environment, and the chaos of our economy… What is it that people really want today? What They Do NOT Want…
Atlan International Corporationpresents: The Home of
Let Me Ask You A Question… Given today’s business environment, and the chaos of our economy… What is it that people really want today?
What They Do NOT Want… • More Government intervention in their lives, and personal dependence on it. • More economic deterioration nationally or personally. • More pessimism. • Irrational optimism. • Another ‘get rich quick’ scheme. • A bunch of foolish hype. • Another bad investment!
We Hear You! • And we agree! • We are the Atlan International Corporation and we are made up of people that feel the same way. • We are not interested in any hype, or old ideas that don’t fit todays radically different business, political, and economic environment. • We also are acutely aware of the mindset of the new economy that desires a solid return on every cost in their life. • No one is making 5-7 digit investments any longer; we are more likely making $ 5-7. purchases and watching every dollar wisely. • We have all lost a lot in the last year or two whether it was our investments, businesses, home equity, or credit. • And most have lost their business confidence. We truly understand.
Where We Start At Atlan.com • Fundamental Values As A Priority • Respect For All We Deal With • Honesty & Integrity In Every Dealing • Honoring Those Who Make The Effort • Rewarding Those Who Create Their Own Success • Delivering Real Value With Complete Guarantees • What We Are Not • A Get Rich Quick Scheme • Unreasonable Pressure • Takers/Scammers • Wasters Of Your Valuable And Important Time
What We Want To Offer You • A New Stability In An Increasingly Unstable World • Business building on a solid business foundation. • Built on dependable, proven, basic essentials every home uses. • Focused on improving an established traditional service marketplace • Moderation And Modesty In A Skeptical Business World • A focus on steady balanced growth. • Modestly reasonable expectations at every level • No focus on excesses, pushing, or unrealistic demands. • Structure And Support Built On Simplicity • A clear, simple and orderly plan to accomplish defined success goals • Backed by an extraordinary level of training, support, and systems • Opportunity That Is Extraordinary By Every Measure • An affordable and replicable business plan • Designed to help you help everyone you know • Making you a center of opportunity, and hence a center of influence.
We Begin By Cultivating Leaders • John Maxwell – renowned leadership authority and author of many leadership books defines the measure of leadership as the amount of influence we develop. • By defining ourselves as the generators of opportunity for almost everyone around us, we create and develop influence • This is the essence of creating leaders.
Making America Proud Again! • In the midst of a period of chaos, a clear, wise plan, developing and improving a traditional business model with a new approach; built on the proven network marketing model is timely, and appropriate. • Given a 10-15% unemployment market the opportunity to retrain, and strategically build our own opportunity is the American way. • Let’s make America proud of itself again!
How We Are Doing It • The essence of our program is built around the delivery of the ClubAtlan program – a Membership based package of services for homeowners delivering better value for essential services that they are already spending more on now. • In the areas of electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, appliance care and pest control. • These are every homes basic “essential services” – the things home and business owners will not do without regardless of the nations economy, or their personal economy!
The Business Plan • Brick & mortar traditional business services packaged and sold with the relatively fast incentive based marketing format of a Network Marketing program. • Systematically built, and solidly supported by an immensely well developed website data center that vertically and fully integrates a complete range of related business service programs. • The width and breadth of this website effectively creates and supports its own new economy. • All built in a model of efficient training, sales and development of service delivery for everyone involved at every level!
The Support Services • From Atlan University and Atlan.TC – our technical college, Atlan is about support for every person in every role throughout our organization backed with solid systems. • Everything is geared to ensuring motivations are met to do the right thing, give the right answer, and develop the right business, all with the right support. • Ultimately designed to deliver the right service to all of the right clients.
The Future Plans • There are plenty of plans to build on the program we have started – to build more opportunity for Associates, for CSR’s, for Partners, Managers, and Support Staff. • To build into other markets, and utilize the systems we are developing to build more service based solutions for other essential needs – including eventually, automotive services, communications, and health delivery services. • Our model is solid, adaptable, expandable, and relevant to the needs of our society.
‘Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day’ • And frankly, we are more interested in helping stop ‘Rome’ from burning any more. • Our goal is to build five essential service brand names across America in the fields of: • Heating & AC with: - Firemans Heating And Air • Electrical - Lights Electric • Plumbing - Plumbetter Plumbing • Pest Control - US Pestmaster • Appliance Care - Fridgemaster Appliance Care
Is: • Essential home systems and equipment service delivered in a $ 27./month membership program after a one time $ 97. enrollment fee. • It includes a complete inventory, documenting and data storage by trained Atlan personnel to expedite all future service. • 3 hours per year of deductible free service work on any of these 5 key systems included at no additional cost, (2 hours of which can be ‘rolled over’) • And a 10% discount on all materials, and other work or replacements done at any of your homes or office properties that are properly enrolled in the progam.
ClubAtlan is sold by our trained Atlan Associates, and all of our CSR’s, technicians, and franchisees are enrolled into the business by Atlan Associates. • Anyone that wants to be successful in the Atlan program begins as an Atlan Associate. • The initial two year program costs $ 150. but requires only $ 30. to start, while the balance is financed interest free and paid quarterly in $ 15. installments over the two (2) year training period.
Are: • The trained and contracted technicians that enroll in our program as AI Contract Partners. • They are entitled to use all of our support relationships, and technical resources to help them build their businesses more effectively and efficiently, • They are also invited to particpate as AI Business Partner Mentors for people new to the business.
Preferred Contractors • AI Contract Partners that are also registered as Atlan Associates have the opportunity to register all new ClubAtlan members when they enroll these new members with themselves as the Preferred Contractor for their own trade(s) – for up to two trades. • This means that they maintain the loyalty of their own clientele, and are always dispatched first to service their clients needs as the Preferred Contractor for each of these members. • Occasionally we will be able to offer multiple memberships for each ClubAtlan membership enrollment generated by a Preferred Contractor, adding to the incentive to build their client base with ClubAtlan.
Client Service Representatives (CSR’s)build first relationships with new ClubAtlan members when they deliver our Atlan Checkpoint service. • They begin by making an appointment to go into a members home or office, and inventory/ document all of the essential service equipment and systems we care for at that property. • This data is then used to streamline the service delivery process for future work. • CSR’s are qualified and trained Atlan Associates with an interest in doing this work, who are paid $ 45. for each report they complete - expected to take less than an hour on average.
Why You? • We want you to understand all the aspects of our program because there is a greater than 90% chance that there is an excellent opportunity for you in this progam. • It is up to you and your Atlan Associate to explore and determine with you what this (or these) opportunities may be based on your level of interest, experience, skills, and goals. • They probably have something in mind for you already - as proven by their interest in showing you this presentation. • They are building their team and need to add different types of skills in various parts of their goal building program.
Why Not You? • Whether you own a home and simply need our cost effective services for your home, • Or you need a job with which to earn a basic living, • Whether you are skilled as a technician in any of the trades we service, or are simply interested and bring no skills to the table, • We have the information, training, and support to develop a great opportunity for you if you are interested and ready to start!
Is Different. • We are not your average job opportunity. • We are not your average service company. • We are not your average training school. • We are not your average data service. • We are all of these together & much more! • You owe it to yourself to look at the entire Atlan program completely with your Atlan Associate.
Don’t Wait For Them… • Your Atlan Associate is probably introducing this program and the many opportunities it presents to a wide variety of people at this time. • Associates do not get paid a lot to get you involved (so that you don’t pay a lot to get involved!) • So don’t wait for them to ask you if and how you would like to get involved. • Be the pursuer! Simply tell the one who invited you that you are interested - Simply tell them “OK Tell Me More!” • Then get enrolled, and get started. • You can start today for only $ 30 and commit to no more than an hour a week. (Many companies charge you more than this for books, tools, or uniforms depending on the field you choose to pursue.) • Don’t miss out – the opportunity is all yours – and it is all up to you!
Thank you! for taking the time to let us make this brief introduction to you about the Atlan opportunity. We look forward to having you included! Visit us online at www.Atlan.com or the website on your Atlan Associate’s business card