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Engineering Advisory Council

Engineering Advisory Council. New Member Orientation. Thank you for being an EAC member. Your guidance helps MSU’s College of Engineering achieve its Mission, which follows:. We serve the State of Montana and the nation by. Supporting student achievement .

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Engineering Advisory Council

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  1. Engineering Advisory Council New Member Orientation

  2. Thank you for being anEAC member Your guidance helps MSU’s College of Engineering achieve its Mission, which follows: We serve the State of Montana and the nation by • Supporting student achievement • Developing and sharing technical expertise • Integrating learning and discovery 

  3. COE’s Vision We strive to be the college of choice for students seeking a learning experience that fosters innovation, discovery, and the opportunity to apply technical knowledge to improve the quality of life and economic prosperity in Montana and beyond.

  4. Academic Departments Organization Chart College of Engineering Dr. Robert Marley, Dean Centers ROTC Dean’s Office Staff

  5. ChBEDr. Ron Larsen CE Dr. Brett Gunnink CS Dr. Michael Oudshoorn ECE Dr. Jim Peterson M&IE Dr. Chris Jenkins Chemical & Biological Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Science Computer Engineering Industrial Engineering Bio-Resources Option Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Construction Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Organization ChartAcademic Departments College of Engineering Dr. Robert Marley, Dean 7.54 FTE / 89% TT 19.05 FTE / 82% TT 11 FTE / 64% TT 12.72 FTE / 96% TT IM 6.58 FTE / 76% TT ME 13.52 / 67% TT FTE = full-time equivalent TT= tenure track figures are from 2005-06

  6. Western Transportation Institute Stephen Albert Director Organization Chart:Centers and ROTC College of Engineering Dr. Robert Marley, Dean Robert Marley, PhD Dean Montana Manufacturing Extension Ctr Steve Holland Director Center for Biofilm Eng Dr. Phil Stewart Director Air Force ROTC Lt. Col. Martin Balus Army ROTC Maj. Ara Megerdichian ~ 40 FTE 13.75 FTE 36 FTE, includes 5 fac with home depts 1 MSU FTE 4 USAF FTE 1 MSU FTE 6 US FTE FTE = full-time equivalent

  7. Dr. Anne Camper Assoc Dean Res & Grad Studies Heidi Sherick Asst Dean Undergrad Prog & Diversity Linda Wyckoff Senior Dir of Development Dr. Carolyn Plumb Educ Innov & Strategic Proj KathyOsen Asst to Dean for Admin Elizabeth Brock Comm Ernest Visser Info Systems Sheree Watson Asst Proj Dir Kara Boettcher Academic Programs Asst. Linda Davis & Naomi Woienski John Baker & Scott Dowdle Heather McCartney PREP Coord. Organization Chart:Dean’s Office Staff College of Engineering Dr. Robert Marley, Dean Robert Marley, PhD Dean 11.94 FTE = full-time equivalents

  8. Contributions of EAC Members and Companies they Represent • Guide strategies and initiatives • Provide scholarships • Offer internships • Recruit graduates • Establish professorships and chairs • Sponsor design projects for capstone courses • Collaborate on research with faculty and students • Donate gifts-in-kind

  9. Examples of Strategies and Initiatives Guided by EAC • Multi-disciplinary curriculum • Promoting diversity • Incorporating “soft skills” into curriculum • Phonathon script includes providing prospects with their employers’ matching gift policy

  10. What the COE Expects of EAC Members • Represent the College of Engineering formally to many constituents • International to local • Serve informally as a COE ambassador • Attend the annual meeting when possible and provide guidance during the meeting and throughout the year

  11. How this Meeting Proceeds We try to follow the agenda and the schedule, but... dialogue, feedback, and questions are welcome at any time.

  12. What happens after this meeting? • Follow-up and ongoing communication • When we have made substantial progress on initiatives discussed here, we will send you an update. • In response to a suggestion from last year’s meeting, we sometimes send e-mails with a link to online versions of feature articles about the COE that are released by MSU’s News Service. • Let us know if you prefer to not receive these. Articles are available at the COE website (www.coe.montana.edu). • You are always welcome to provide input. • Choose the mode most convenient and comfortable for you, by phone, e-mail, mail, or in person.

  13. Benefits Provided to EAC Members’ and their Companies You and your company get a chance to • influence how we educate prospective employees • see firsthand how we pursue the COE’s mission • learn about facilities and programs to see how you might collaborate with our faculty and students • gain satisfaction of serving your profession

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