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FESTIVAL ITALIANO 2009. 28 October – 7 November. Ambasciata d’Italia. In Bahrein. IX Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel mondo Ottobre 2009. In cooperation with. Presents. FESTIVAL ITALIANO 2009. www.italianfestivalbahrain.com. DALL’AMBASCIATORE
FESTIVAL ITALIANO 2009 28 October – 7 November
Ambasciata d’Italia In Bahrein IX Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel mondo Ottobre 2009 In cooperation with Presents FESTIVAL ITALIANO 2009 www.italianfestivalbahrain.com
DALL’AMBASCIATORE A bouquet, like the one you offer to an opera singer after a concerto alla Scala, or a cocktail you would sip at Harry’s Bar in Venezia, looking at the Canal Grande beyond the laguna glittering in the sunset. This is what the Festival Italiano aims to be by presenting together various aspects of the Italian culture and way of life , from la lirica to il cinema, from la buona tavola to l’arte . Many in Bahrain know l’Italia well, as they are benvenuti visitors every year to our citta’ and resorts . But whichever event you choose from the program, it will again bring you a little closer to Italy, a country that , as a part of the Mediterranean world, has always been in communication with the Arabic culture, and which has developed as special and close relation with the Gulf and Bahrain. Enrico Padula Ambasciatore d’Italia nel Regno del Bahrain كلمة السفير يعرف عدد كبير من البحرينيّين إيطاليا، حيث أنّه مرحّب بهم في مدننا ومنتجعاتنا. ولكن، مهما كان الحدث الذي تختارونه من البرنامج، سوف يجعلكم من خلال أجوائه قريبين إلى إيطاليا، البلد الذي يشكّل جزءاً من عالم البحر الأبيض المتوسّط، والذي هو في حوار دائم مع الثقافة العربيّة، وخصوصاً مع دول الخليج والبحرين، حيث أقام معها علاقات خاصّة ومميّزة. كلمة السفير FROM THE AMBASSSADOR HE Enrico and Milena Padula
LE MASCHERE IN CONCERTO ٌMasks have ancient origins ,as the concealment of identities during the Carnival become the main attraction allowing every citizen, albeit only for few days a year to be on an equal level. Humorous theatre plays sprouted up all over Italy, with each region having its own story portrayed by actors wearing a singular costume and mask representative of the character’s role which gave birth to Arlecchino e Colombina in Bergamo, Pantalone in Venice, Pulcinella in Naples. Arlecchino represents the happy and mischievous comic servant whose love for Colombina is superseded only by his desire for food and fear for his master. Our musical journey through arias of Puccini, Verdi, Leoncavallo and others, performed by the Orchestra della Provincia di Lecco directed by Maestro Roberto Gianola, with soprano Tiziana Scaciga Della Silva and tenore Luca Bodin and the dancers of “Ludica Antiqua” is meant to be a tribute to these characters that have become part of the history of Italian tradition. للأقنعة أصول قديمة، وهي تسمح للمواطنين خلال الكرنفال بإخفاء هويّاتهم، ممّا يشكّل عاملاً مهمّاً بالنسبة إليهم، فيتمكّنون ولو ليوم واحد في السنة من أن يكونوا متساوين مع بعضهم. تشكّل رحلتنا الموسيقيّة إلى عوالم Puccini، Verdi، Leoncavallo وغيرهم والتي تحييها أوركسترا Della Provincia di Lecco من إخراج المايسترو Roberto Gianola مع السوبرانو Tiziana Scaggia Della Silva والتينور Luca Bodin وراقصات Ludica Antiqua، تحيّة إلى هذه الشخصيّات التي أصبحت جزءاً من تاريخ التقاليد الإيطاليّة. 29 October 8:00 pm Cultural Hall free entrance أوبرا ا لأقنعة THE CONCERTOF THE MASKS
CINEMA! Italian cinema manages to be alive and thriving thanks to its ability to present a narrative of today’s Italian society, sometimes with humour, sometimes with drama, but always with passion. A selection of latest movies will be screened at the Dana Mall Cinema and will include... تمكّنت السينما الإيطاليّة من التطوّر والازدهار، بفضل قدرتها على تقديم سرد عن المجتمع الإيطاليّ اليوم، أحياناً بأسلوب فكاهيّ، وأحياناً أخرى بأسلوب دراميّ، ولكنّ دائماً بأسلوب عاطفيّ. وسيتمّ عرض مجموعة مختارة من أحدث الأفلام في سينما الدانا مول وسوف تشمل... “Seconda notte di nozze” Pupi Avati 1 November “Come le formiche ” Ilaria Borrelli 2 November “L’abbuffata” Mimmo Calopresti 3 November “Mai piu’ come prima” Giacomo Campiotti 4 November “Basta un niente” Ivan Polidoro 5 November Dana Mall Cinema 7:00 pm ٌالسينماCINEMA!
I COLORI DELLA LUCE يواصل خمسة فنّانين إيطاليّين على اتّصال بالعالم العربيّ، بدرجات متفاوتة، كلّ على طريقته وفنّه الخاصّ، حواراً ذات جذور قديمة. 5 Italian artists , all in special touch with the Arab world, in various degrees, each with its own way, its own art, continue a dialogue which has very ancient roots. Maura Franciosa (Sculpture) Giuse Maggi (Glass Sculpture) Loredana Mantello (Photography) Maria Pia Munzi (Jewellery ) Teresa Sansotta (Textile Art) present their latest creations at the Bahrain National Museum from 1 to 6 November 10:00 am – 8:00 pm free entrance ٌ ألوان الإضاءة THE COLOURS OF LIGHT
L’ARTE DI BEN CUCINARE تذوقوا أشهى الأطباق الإيطالية التي سوف تقدم خلال المهرجان الإيطالي. Is it the healthiest? Not to say the oldest? And as well the more genuine? If you feel there is still much to learn from la cucina italiana, try for yourself what Italian chefs in Bahrain will offer you during the Festival, with a Special Menu prepared by Christian at Primavera (Ritz Carlton Hotel and Spa), Paolo at Oliveto, Fabrizio at Il Caffé, for the occasion. The Festival will be hosting other fine restaurants, that take inspiration from the Italian culinary tradition, and will offer a special treat during the week: Mondo (Diplomat Radisson); La Pergola (Gulf Hotel) and Cico’s Italian Restaurant As per opening hours فن الطبخ The art of cooking
UNA VESPA E VIA Mobility the Italian way: through the small streets, skipping the traffic jam, parking on a strip of tarmac. The Vespa is part of the last 50 years of Italian history, and an exhibition of its posters is as well a story of how the society has evolved , its taste, and the development of commercial design. التنقّل على الطريقة الإيطاليّة: من خلال الشوارع الصغيرة وتخطّي زحمة السير ووقوف السيّارات على الطرقات المعبّدة. وبما أنّ الـVespa هي جزء من الخمسين سنة الأخيرة للتاريخ الإيطاليّ، يقام معرض للملصقات خاصّة بها، إضافة إلى قصّة تطوّر المجتمع وذوقه وتطوّر التصميم التجاريّ. Bahrain City Centre from 2 to 7 November free entrance ٌالتنقل على الطريقة الايطالية A Vespa and you go
CAFFE’, PREGO من الجبال العربيّة إلى صقليّة ومن ثمّ إلى أميركا، قامت الحبّة الصغيرة البنيّة اللون برحلة عبر العصور. للقهوة نكهات عدّة، وفقاً للبلدان المختلفة حيث يتمّ تحميصها. لكنّ النكهة الإيطاليّة وفيّة للنكهة الأصليّة: صغيرة، بنيّة، و... تملك طابعاً خاصّاً. From the mountains of Arabia to Sicily, Europe and then to America, the little brown bean has made a long journey during the centuries. Coffee has many variations , depending on the different countries were it is brewed, but the Italian version is true to the original bean: small, brown and...with character. Two workshops on the history of Italian Coffee and the best ways to prepare it will be held on 3 November. Morning 10:00 to 12:00 am by invitation,Ladies only Evening 5:00 to 7:00 pm Espressamente Illy, Moda Mall القهوة , تفضلوا Coffee, please
برنامج الفعاليات Program of the events info@italianfestivalbahrain.com
UN GRAZIE A The Italian Festival 2009 has been supported by أصدقائناOur thanks
UN GRAZIE A The Italian Festival 2009 has been supported by أصدقائناOur thanks
Graphic Design :MGA+C Enrico Mari-Grego Architects Pictures from Loredana Mantello’s Archive