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Mendeley Institutional Edition

Mendeley Institutional Edition. University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Hazman Aziz, eProduct Manager (APAC) Email: naziz@sg.swets.com. Introduction. Other Facts. What is Mendeley. The Overview: Architecture. The Mobile Apps. The Mendeley Desktop. Social Collaboration Network.

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Mendeley Institutional Edition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mendeley Institutional Edition University Kebangsaan Malaysia Hazman Aziz, eProduct Manager (APAC) Email: naziz@sg.swets.com

  2. Introduction

  3. Other Facts

  4. What is Mendeley

  5. The Overview: Architecture The Mobile Apps The Mendeley Desktop Social Collaboration Network Open URL Link Resolver Library of Open Access Collaboration Space Work Space Mendeley Suggest The Analytic ValueReadership | Publishing | Impact | Social

  6. Why are we using Mendeley • Apart from just a tool and platform to aid our research work, we need to seed and cultivate a habit in creating knowledge awareness for our research. • So that, our research will harvest eyeballs, interests and lead to the different type of citation metrics

  7. Plan your publication route Published Copy

  8. Plan your publication route To Received Highly Cited Published Copy Final Copy / Submission Copy / Share out the Metadata & Abstract Make sure you place the original (published) link for the community to download

  9. Functions that you needs to know: An End User Edition You can download via Mendeley.com

  10. Encourage Knowledge Collaboration and Sharing 5 5 5 5GB share space 5 GB personal space

  11. Encourage Knowledge Collaboration and Sharing 5 5 5 5GB share space 5 GB personal space

  12. Understanding Your Community

  13. Understanding Your Community

  14. What can Mendeley Institutional Edition offers Demostration

  15. Mendeley Institutional Edition (English) Video can be watched on this url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_G3JcdC1c&list=PL2B61A6BB62DF9D4A

  16. Getting started with Mendeley Desktop • Before we get started, here are some terms you should be familiar with: • Mendeley Desktop : Mendeley Desktop is the downloaded part of the software installed onto your computer. Download Mendeley Desktop if you haven't already. • Mendeley Web : This is the Mendeley website where you can access the web version of your library, edit your profile and search for papers, groups or people. • Sync : The process of synchronizing your Mendeley data across devices. • Web Importer : The browser bookmarklet that lets you quickly import documents from anywhere on the web. • Citation Plugin : A plugin you can install that allows you to create and format your citations and bibliography according to your chosen style.

  17. A quick introduction to the interface Please head to this url: http://gettingstarted.mendeley.com/ for interactive induction

  18. Adding your existing documents

  19. Adding your existing documents

  20. Adding your existing documents

  21. Finding and organizing your files

  22. Finding and organizing your files

  23. Finding and organizing your files

  24. Read, search and annotate

  25. Read, search and annotate

  26. Read, search and annotate

  27. Discover, add and import new content

  28. Discover, add and import new content

  29. Discover, add and import new content

  30. Get started with the citation plugin

  31. Get started with the citation plugin

  32. Get started with the citation plugin

  33. Get started with the citation plugin

  34. Get started with the citation plugin

  35. Get started with the citation plugin

  36. Synchronize across devices

  37. Synchronize across devices

  38. Synchronize across devices

  39. Doing Research in Mendeley Database (Paper) • Mendeley Database holds two types of paper • (1) Metadata & Abstract • Where you need an Open Link Resolver to access the Fulltext • This FullText make sure that your library subscribed. • (2) Open Access Paper • Open Access are shared by the Open Access Journal, themselves • Or share openly by the owner of the paper (himself) • Thus, do look for the Open Access Icon

  40. Mendeley Suggest

  41. Literature Search • To search your existing collection of research, you’d use Mendeley Desktop, but to search for new research in Mendeley’s catalog, you would go to the website. • With the latest release, you’ll see a new section in the folder tree in the left pane. Where there was previously a division between My Library and Groups, there’s now a new section for discovery tools, hosting a literature search tool and Mendeley Suggest, our research recommendation service which learns about your academic interests and recommends new research specifically for you. – • See more at: http://blog.mendeley.com/progress-update/new-release-literature-search-from-within-mendeley-deskop/#sthash.CHj4vcln.dpuf

  42. Updating your Profile • Your profile are very important in Mendeley • Always update Publication • This will improve your Altmetrics counts • Make your researchs viral and visible

  43. Updating your Profile • Your profile are very important in Mendeley • Always update Publication • This will improve your Altmetrics counts • Make your researchs viral and visible

  44. Next steps... • We hope this session has been useful and helps increase your productivity with Mendeley Desktop. • Videos & tutorials - Check out the Mendeleyyoutube channel for short video tutorials. • Upcoming events - Presentations, workshops, webinars, and other Mendeley related events. • Read our blog - More tutorials, new features and Mendeley news. • Download iOS App - Get the iOS app to access and view your library on the go. • Contact support - Have questions? Our friendly support staff will get back to you in no time. • Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for real-time news and updates!

  45. MIE Landing Page

  46. What members are reading

  47. What members are publishing

  48. Readership of members' publications (Impact Factor)

  49. Members' social activity

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