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  1. Presentation

  2. Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publishing or digital publishing or online publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues. Electronic publishing has become common in scientific publishing where it has been argued that peer-reviewedscientific journals are in the process of being replaced by electronic publishing. It is also becoming common to distribute books, magazines, and newspapers to consumers through tablet reading devices, a market that is growing by millions each year,generated by online vendors such as Apple's iTunes bookstore, Amazon's bookstore for Kindle, and books in the Google Play Bookstore. Market research suggests that half of all magazine and newspaper circulation will be via digital delivery by the end of WHAT IS DIGITAL PUBLISHING ?

  3. How they are used ? People have use e-book online as they usually go to a website and download the file or another way of accessing it is downloading it as a app and when the download the app they would go in the app and choose which specific book they want to access and save it in their gallery and access it without any Wi-Fi and also can comment on it their opinion and rate it • where they are published, (e.g. online for viewing or download, using an e-book reader, using a games console, on a smart device, stored electronically, printed • their target audience The target audiences depends on what the product is (as if the product is about fashion it will be for teenagers girl as also young adults and mainly women as women is more interested in fashion usually from men . • why they were produced (e.g. to educate, inform, entertain persuade, promote). The way the e-book educates as the book the audiences read is a geography book or a history a biography book , A way a e-book entertain is as most popular most entertain books a re fantasy books or romantic books as they seem like people do really enjoy reading books like that . Last but not least the way that they produced is by they are really cheap as you Pay once to get access to it as another thing is that you can have a lot of books in one tablet as in real life books are heavy and they Take more space , another good thing about e-books are that e-books are healthier for the environment as you don’t waste paper Some examples of E-books An electronic book (or e-book) is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. Commercially produced and sold e-books are usually intended to be read on dedicated e-reader devices. However, almost any sophisticated computer device that features a controllable viewing screen can also be used to read e-books, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. e-books.

  4. How they are used ? Definition of: CD/DVD drive. CD/DVD drive. An optical disc drive that reads and writes all common CD and DVD formats. All modern optical drives that come with personal computers are CD/DVD drives. See DVD writer, CD-ROM drives and DVD drives. Cover art it is either an artwork as illustration or photograph on the outside of a published product such as a book (often on a dust jacket), magazine, newspaper (tabloid), comic book, video game (box art), DVD, CD, videotape, or music album (album art). The art has a primarily commercial function, i.e., to promote the product it is displayed on, but can also have an aesthetic function, and may be artistically connected to the product, such as with art by the creator of the product. Scribes and typographers (today’s cover artists), like architects, have been shaping visual spaces for countless years. Certain proportions keep recurring in their work because they please the eye and the mind, just as certain sizes keep recurring because they are comfortable to the hand. Even the Web benefits.   For too long typographic style and its accompanying attention to detail have been overlooked by website designers.... In years gone by this could have been put down to the technology, but now the web has caught up. Cover art not only sells, but enhances function, form and content of published works. • where they are published, (e.g. online for viewing or download, using an e-book reader, using a games console, on a smart device, stored electronically, printed • You can get digital copies of them as also view them online on famous apps like Spotify and also you can buy them on amazon and also their officinal site as also you can go and get it from a store and buy the printed copy of it and can be seen and view in a wide scale . • their target audience The target audience depends of the way the cover looks as if the cover was a scary looking it will be for older audiences and as if the the cover is a superhero's it will be based on teenagers boys basically the target audience are based on the genre of the cds cover .Mostly of the way something is design you know of who they are aiming at as if it was for teenagers girls they would be different for women adults as they would change the design of the cover to make it more perusable for the audiences that it is aimed at . • why they were produced (e.g. to educate, inform, entertain persuade, promote). DvD covers are usually trying to entertain the audiences by making a really nice and creative cover for the audiences that Would want to buy it as also is not entertain as also is persuade as they more attractive the cover look the more people Would want to get it as the cover is made to show a quick look trough what is going to happened in the movie so the designers Try to make the cover as more attractive they can make it so the make the audience want to buy it . Dvdcovers

  5. How they are used ? When considering advertising we normally think of ads or promotions that sell things like clothes, fragrances, or household items. But advertising is also used by media organisations to provide information and promote media texts like TV shows and music albums. • where they are published, (e.g. online for viewing or download, using an e-book reader, using a games console, on a smart device, stored electronically, printed • Adverts could be published in a lot different sectors ,Most adverts are published online as people in this day use social media daily as a way of interacting they usually use different types of social apps such as facebook,twitter,instagramand more and by that most adverts are found online because people use it daily and if is online more people will see it and faster. As also another way of advertising a product is a trailer for a movie or a poster to be around places that people usually visit or another way is a billboard or a side advert on a website at last but not least is tv adverts as not that many but few people use the tv so if they don’t use internet that much and haven’t heard of the product they can see it on tv . • their target audience • Their target audience are all ages as also ages have a different way that they interact with the advert as they adults usually want to buy thinks that the saw in tv because of how cheap they are ,as usually kids also target in few adverts as they saw the product in a perfect condition as kids don’t know that the product might look that as it only looks like that because they trying to sell it to the audience . • why they were produced (e.g. to educate, inform, entertain persuade, promote). • Adverts usually inform the audiences as they show the use of the product where you could get it and how much it costs , adverts are a way to inforn the audienes about a new product and make everyone see the facts of the products and not the bad stuff about a product as also is a ways to inform about it before people buy it and not knowing what it looks like and how to actually use it . Adverts

  6. digital publishing • Advantages The advantages of digital publishing are that it is easy to access and it also you will be able to get information quicker as well. Also you will be able to send the information or what you want to send to anther person. You can aslo save a copy of what you are reading to the hard drive to your memory stick if you have one and you can also save it on the cloud. Also the information is safer as well. • Disadvantages The disadvantages of online publishing is that if you accidentally break the device you are reading on then it will cost you a lot of money so it is more expensive than traditional printing. Also when you reading on an online you might get pop up adverts that will start to any you. Also someone could hack into your files and steal the information from you. Also you dont know what wil happen in the future they could change the file format or improve the technology. Also elderly people might not have online access or dont know how to use a computer. Advantages and disadvantages

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