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>> Bloating after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Gas after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Swelling after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Abnormal Enlarging After Coolsculpting.<br>>> Compression after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Numbness after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Itchiness after Coolsculpting.<br>>> Other Issues.<br>>> Additional Considerations.<br>>> Who shouldn’t go for Coolsculpting?<br>
CoolSculpting Aftercare: Dealing with Common CoolSculpting Issues
Introduction So many people in the world are struggling with tummy fat. They are constantly looking for ways to overcome the challenge. This is not just a problem that is common with new moms but with men and kids too. Technology has advanced so much and the newest procedure of addressing the tummy fat challenge is Coolsculpting. So, what exactly is Coolsculpting and how does it really work? For starters, Coolsculpting is a cosmetic procedure done to freeze 20-25% of fat cells in your body so as to give you a smooth appearance and feel around the tummy area, the buttocks region, and the waistline. Because of this, the treatment is widely known as fat-freezing. During the procedure, an applicator is placed on the fatty area not only to suck the fat but also freeze it. Essentially, it takes about 30 minutes to have a Coolsculpting procedure. Even though Coolsculpting is a new technique, it’s highly recommended by FDA. Well, the reasons are obvious – it’s non-surgical, quick, safe, and effective. However, in spite of these amazing benefits, the procedure has its negative effects that you should be aware of. Fortunately, a majority of the issues are manageable or preventable. Here are the common ones and their aftercare tips:
Table of Contents • Bloating after Coolsculpting. • Gas after Coolsculpting. • Swelling after Coolsculpting. • Abnormal Enlarging After Coolsculpting. • Compression after Coolsculpting. • Numbness after Coolsculpting. • Itchiness after Coolsculpting. • Other Issues. • Additional Considerations. • Who shouldn’t go for Coolsculpting
Bloating after Coolsculpting Bloating happens mostly when excessive gas is produced in the body after Coolsculpting. It also occurs when the gut muscles are disturbed following the procedure and this makes the belly to distend. Other than an enlargement, it can also be characterized by pain and stomach discomfort. However, you can manage it in the following ways: • Take your meals in small amounts and at regular intervals. This will reduce the possibility of excessive gas buildup as it’s associated with taking food in large amounts and eating fast. • Avoid carbonated drinks as they introduce gas into your gut. • Skip high-fiber food options such as beans and whole grains as they release excess gas. • Avoid fruits such as apples and pears as they are associated with gas buildup. • Use digestive enzyme boosters such as lactase and beano to help reduce gas buildup.
Gas after Coolsculpting A gas buildup is a common thing after Coolsculpting but it doesn’t always mean that it’s bloating. Actually, it only becomes bloating when the accumulation is excessive. It occurs mostly when you take gas-emitting foods after your procedure. It can be really embarrassing, more so in the presence of people. You can prevent the issue by using the following tips: • Avoid Air-Filling Habits: These include smoking, drinking using a straw, and chewing gum. Such habits introduce gas into your system. • Use OTC digestive supplements: You should talk to your local pharmacists about this so that he or she can recommend the most effective supplement. They’ll aid in digestion while reducing gas buildup. • Drinking before mealtime: This helps to reduce stomach acids, thus minimizing the chances of gas production after taking your meals. To help your stomach digest better, strive to drink liquids about 30 minutes before a meal.
Keep off gas-producing foods: These include vegetables (such as brussels sprouts, onions, and broccoli), fruits (such as pears and apples), and dairy products (such as cheese and milk). Most of these foods contain sugars, starches, and fiber that don’t absorb fast or easily, ultimately causing intestinal gas. However, you should note that these are not the only foods that can cause gas. Almost any food combination can produce gas. It also depends on an individual—some people may find that they get gassy when they eat fruits with proteins while others get gassy when they eat proteins and starches together. So, the most important thing is to keep a diary and note the types of foods that make you gassy. • Avoid artificial sweeteners: Sugar alcohol used in a bigger percentage off sugar-free food can also aggravate gas, so it is advisable to avoid them.
Swelling after Coolsculpting There are different reasons for suffering a swelling on the treated part. They range from constricting clothes to lack of mobility. Therefore, you should be prepared to manage the issue in case it happens. Here are some of the tips to use: • Apply ice on the affected part to ease the swelling. You can put icepacks on a clean towel and place it directly on the affected part. • Wear a compressing garment around the waistline. This will help to not only reduce the swelling but to also shape your body in a way that you like it to look. • Massage the affected area as soon as the procedure is done or immediately when you notice the swelling. This will increase the potency of the procedure while promoting the recession of the swelling. • Use anti-swelling medicines to manage the condition. Talk to your doctor about it so as to get the best recommendation. • Move the affected part gently by considering light exercises. A good way to do this is to walk around frequently to promote proper distribution of body fluids and to limit the chance of their accumulation.
Abnormal Enlarging After Coolsculpting In some rare cases, the fat cells in your body may enlarge excessively as opposed to dying. This is not just a simple case of swelling. It’s a long-term condition referred to as paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (or PAH). According to a 2014 finding, the incidence rate of PAH globally is about 0.0051%. Even though there are no other effects apart from abnormal enlarging of the affected area, PAH should be addressed immediately. The only effective solution is corrective surgery and is done by top plastic surgeons. So, you should consider having the surgery immediately once you are diagnosed with PAH.
Compression after Coolsculpting Sometimes, the affected part may feel firm and rough after the procedure instead of swelling. The effect is equally as disturbing as swelling and thus should be managed. You can do it through: • Heat therapy: Instead of applying ice which may cause further compression, you should apply heat in the form of a warm towel. • Wear loose clothing: It’s generally advisable to bring comfortable and loose clothing to your Coolsculpting session and to wear the same after the procedure. This is meant to avoid compressing the affected part once the treatment is over.
Numbness after Coolsculpting It’s normal to experience an absence of sensation at the affected area or the surrounding regions after Coolsculpting. This may take a while to clear, especially when you are less mobile. The solution is doing some light exercises to move the affected part and to encourage circulation. A walk will do in most cases.
Pain after Coolsculpting It’s estimated that nearly 10% of patients who undergo Coolsculpting experience different forms of pain. Often, the effect is felt on the affected part. It may be brief or may last for weeks. Regardless, it’s always smart to prepare for this setback beforehand. You can manage it using medications. You should consider using prescribed pain relievers. Though Coolsculpting is non-surgical, which mean no medication is needed, you can talk to your doctor to prescribe an effective analgesic that you can use to manage the pain. You should, therefore, avoid OTC prescriptions without your doctor’s recommendation as some may result in side effects that you are not prepared to face. The most recommended pain relievers that your doctor may suggest include acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen.
Alternatively, you can manage the pain using non-medicated approaches such as: • Meditation or deep breathing • Massage therapy • Drinking water • Light exercises • Guided imagery The idea is to find a pain-relieving method that you are comfortable with and one that’s safe for you. Of course, you have to be patient with whatever option you go for.
Itchiness after Coolsculpting Because of numbness, you are likely to feel slight itchiness. Since the applicator freezes the treated part, your skin will feel like it’s pulling away or out and your only option, in this case, is to try to scratch the part. The risk of this consideration is that it may result in scarring on the affected part. There are anti-itchy prescriptions that you can use such as Benadryl and Claritin to prevent the funny sensation. These prescriptions are effective antihistamines. But before you can use any of them, you should talk to your doctor about the doses and possible side effects.
Other Issues Some other popular issues associated with Post-Coolsculpting are: • Change in skin tone: This occurs in the area affected. The part affected looks slightly darker than the rest of your body. The issue usually clears with time but in case it doesn’t, you can consider using lightening creams. • Scarring: Visible scars may appear on the affected parts. They may also clear with time but you can always hasten the clearance by going for an anti-scarring procedure. • Frostbites: These appear like scars but they are more serious and may look like mild burns. You can manage them the way you handle second-degree burns. • Hyperpigmentation: This is a situation where your skin shows dark coloration. The hyperpigmentation normally clears on its own and thus there’s no need to use a skin lightening product. • Dry mouth: In case of a neck or lower chin Coolsculpting procedure, there’s the possibility of low saliva production. This leads to a dry mouth. You can correct the issue by taking plenty of water after the procedure on a daily basis. • Light-headedness or dizziness: This may happen immediately after the treatment and can be managed by drinking water and having ample rest.
Additional Considerations It’s important to note that the above issues often depend on the expert that performs the procedure. For this reason, it’s necessary to identify a plastic surgeon or a certified dermatologist who’s experienced to deliver the best results. This means doing research on the professional as well as the clinic that you’ll go for the fat-freezing procedure. Knowing that Coolsculpting is a new procedure, there’s the probability that most people who you’ll approach may not be aware of it. Therefore, you cannot use this (talking to people) as the basis of deciding if the procedure is good for you or not. In fact, a 2017 research only linked the term Coolsculpting and other relatable words such as fat freezing and Cryolipolysis to only 319 medical studies. The bottom line is, Coolsculpting is approved by FDA and other recognizable bodies to help in freezing fats around the abdomen, thighs, flanks, buttocks, and the back.
Who shouldn’t go for Coolsculpting? There’s no doubt that Coolsculpting is generally a safe fat-freezing technique for most people. However, it shouldn’t be considered as a method of weight loss. It’s only designed to assist dissolve the hard-to-shed fat cells that are related to poor dieting and high levels of inactivity. Generally, the following groups of people should avoid the procedure: • Pregnant, breastfeeding, and those who are trying to get pregnant. • Patients suffering from cold agglutinin (an autoimmune disease), diabetic neuropathy (a nerve condition) or eczema (a skin condition). • Individuals suffering from skin conditions such as dermatitis. • Someone with a recent injury to the area being treated.
Individuals under long-term blood thinning prescriptions. • Individuals who are allergic to isopropyl alcohol. • Those who have medical device implants such as pacemakers in them. • Individuals with a bleeding condition or a hernia. • Individuals suffering from chronic pain or conditions that cause it. • Persons with an extreme anxiety disorder. Considering that no surgical procedure is done on you when having a Coolsculpting procedure, you are likely to get back to your normal routine almost immediately. So, this is a plus if you are looking for a flexible way to get rid of fats around your tummy or waistline. However, the secret is learning to manage the common issues that arise from the procedure. It’s all in the above guide. Your work is to apply the aftercare tips effectively and you’ll have a great Post- Coolsculpting experience.
The End Find out more at https://coolsculptingtorontoclinic.ca/blog/