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How to Use Minimal Pairs in Speech Therapy Sessions?

We have often noticed that certain children replace the voiced and unvoiced /th/ sound with /f/ and many other confusions in that area.<br>One of the best methods to help these children is the introduction of minimal pairs by qualified speech therapists. What do you mean by a minimal pair?<br>

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How to Use Minimal Pairs in Speech Therapy Sessions?

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  1. How to Use Minimal Pairs in Speech Therapy Sessions?

  2. Wehaveoftennoticedthatcertain childrenreplacethevoicedandunvoiced /th/ soundwith /f/ andmanyother confusionsinthatarea. INTRODUCTION Oneofthebestmethodstohelpthese childrenistheintroductionofminimal pairsbyqualifiedspeechtherapists. What doyoumeanbyaminimalpair? Itisapairoftwowordsthatdifferonly withonesoundorphoneme, yetchanges themeaningcompletely.

  3. Theexamplesofminimalpairsinclude thin-fin, feet-beat, car-far, sing-ringetc. Hereonlyonesoundisdifferentfromthe other, yethasadifferentmeaning altogether. Includingmaximumofthesewordswill increaselisteninganddiscriminationskills inthesechildren, andtheylearnto distinguish them pronunciationandmeaning. in terms of

  4. Here are some ways in which you can incorporate minimal pairs to improve the speech of children. Production Practice: Pronounceeachwordseparately forthemtorepeatafteryou.

  5. Memory: Printtheseminimalpairsintwo differentcolumnsandaskchildren tomatchtherightpairs. Listen and point: Showthewordsinflashcardsorwrite themonboard, andpronounceoneof thewordsbycoveringyourmouth. Childrenhavetolistencarefullyand pointouttherightwordtheyhave heard.

  6. LISTENFORTHEENDSOUND: Allchildrenaresupposedtopayattentiontotheend soundandiftheyhearitsitdownormovetooneside, if theyhaven’theardtheendsoundremainstandingor movetotheotherside. ADDVISUALSTOTHEMINIMALPAIRS: Youcanaddvisualimagestotheflashcardsprepared, so thatchildrenalsounderstandwhatthewordsreally mean.

  7. NAMINGEACHCHILD: Youcangatherthechildrenonebyoneandassignonewordto eachchildandaskthemtofindtheirpair. Thechildrenwillhavetomovearoundtheroomshoutingtheir wordsoastofindtheirpartnerword. SCATTERTHEPAIRS: Makecolorfulcirclesheetsandspreadthemonthefloorwith eachcircleofminimalpairs. Childrenneedtojumpononecircle, saythepairsoutloud collectthecolorcircleandjumptothenext.

  8. CONCLUSION Theseareveryfunandexcitingactivitiestobe incorporatedintothespeechtherapysessionsfor thechildrentolearnthroughplaying. Someactivitiescanbeperformedsittingonthe benchandothersrequirewholebodyactionslike runningaroundandjumping. Theseactivitiesarealwaysincludedin  quality speechtherapycentersinDubai  orinanyother placesforthebetterspeakingskillsofchildren withspeechdisorders.

  9. THANK YOU PRESENTEDBY, SpeechTherapyCentersinDubai

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