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Experts say that dysgraphia is an impairment with the written expression. Almost all children face difficulties when introduced to the writing lessons, but they catch on with regular practice. But if the child constantly has writing issues, he or she might have the learning disability of dysgraphia.
INTRODUCTION Expertssaythatdysgraphiaisan impairment with expression. the written Almostallchildrenfacedifficulties whenintroducedtothewriting lessons, buttheycatchonwith regularpractice. Butifthechildconstantlyhaswriting issues, heorshemighthavethe learningdisabilityofdysgraphia.
In case your child is seen with the following symptoms, you must consult the best occupational therapist for a diagnosis and resulting therapy: Adisorderlyfusionofupperandlowercase letters Irregularlettersizesandshapes Thecrampedgriponpencilorpenleadingtoasorehand Poorletterformation Spellingmistakesincludingunfinishedwordsormissing wordsorletters
Inconsistentwordspacing Varyingspeedofwritingandcopying (sometimes veryslow, sometimesveryfastwithfullofmistakes) Mumblingwhilewriting Illegibilityofwrittenworks Reluctancetocompletewritingtasks Stressandfrustrationwhilewriting, whichalsogets fueledbycommonenvironmentalissuessuchas noisesandover-illumination Veryunusualseatingposturewhilewriting (wrist, bodyandevenpaperposition) Ungrammaticalwriting Lowerself-confidenceinwritingtasks.
CONCLUSION Dysgraphia can be easily diagnosed by professionals who practice therapy in Dubai. occupational The severity of dysgraphia in one child will differ from another child. No two children will have the same symptoms, it is most probably a miss and match. Thus, the treatment for dysgraphia also varies from child to child.
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