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How Great Feedback Will Boost Your 3D Render Quality

How Great Feedback Will Boost Your 3D Render Quality. There’s no doubt that 3D rendering is an amazing resource to ensure your creative project turns out exactly as desired and that you can clearly show your clients, manufacturer or investors exactly what the finished result will look like.

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How Great Feedback Will Boost Your 3D Render Quality

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  1. How Great Feedback Will Boost Your 3D Render Quality There’s no doubt that 3D rendering is an amazing resource to ensure your creative project turns out exactly as desired and that you can clearly show your clients, manufacturer or investors exactly what the finished result will look like. Access to 3D rendering services is proving a boon for so many businesses and services, from architects and interior design studios, to furniture and product designers and property developers. In real estate applications, 3D visualisations and fly-throughs are proving to be a popular and successful marketing tool, allowing agents to show potential buyers what an empty property could look like when furnished – without the expense and hassle of moving bulky furniture items in and out. If you, like many people, are new to using 3D rendering as a tool then there are several matters to be aware of to ensure you get the best possible results in a timely manner. For starters, 3D rendering is a finicky and time- consuming process, so knowing how to work efficiently with your chosen studio will save you both time and money as well as ensuring exceptionally realistic results. No matter how skilled the 3D Artist you are working with is, to get the best possible results communication is key. Here are some tips on how to work with your 3D rendering studio to achieve superbly realistic results for every project in the shortest possible timeframe. Start with a clear brief for your 3D Project Make sure you clarify the project at the initial briefing stage. Your chosen 3D rendering studio needs to know what your expectations are and the intended use of the visualisations. You will also need to provide all the necessary materials and inspiration they will need to produce a great result. Ensure you provide:       The time of day you would like portrayed to show the effects of natural light Visual examples (either renders or photographs) of the look you would like emulated Anything you do not want included/highlighted Examples of furniture, materials, lighting etc to be included in the visualisation Your branding strategy if applicable Plans for buildings/developments or sketches for product or furniture designs Appoint a single point of contact Too many people involved, with too many conflicting opinions, can lead to confusion and less than satisfactory delays and results, not to mention additional costs. We recommend appointing a single person as the point of contact to collect all comments from your team, summarise these, resolve any conflicting ideas and provide feedback in a single, precise document.

  2. Take the time necessary for thorough reviews While it can be tempting to rush things when you are under pressure, don’t. The 3D visualisation process is time- consuming and our internal production processes need to be adhered to in order to provide you with the right results. Rushing the review process can lead to additional costs and mistakes neither your team (nor our team) wants. When you receive our drafts, take the time to check every detail with care. Some suggestions of items to check include:      All dimensions where applicable All small architectural details That all items in your FF & E schedule have been included That lighting etc is correctly located That furniture placement is correct and works well Communicate changes clearly and precisely We recommend that you don’t provide your feedback and changes over the phone as this can lead to omissions. The best way to communicate your notes and ideas is by marking up the draft images clearly and precisely. You can simply draw arrows and circle items on the draft image and clearly write comments on it. Print out the image if you prefer or use a screenshot tool such as Lightshot. If preferred, another option is to number items that require changes and provide an accompanying list defining the changes or suggestions that apply to each number. Be precise with your comments. State exactly what you want to be changed, altered, replaced or improved. If you want an item replaced, don’t just say that you don’t like it! Send an example of what you

  3. want placed in its stead. The clearer and more precise you are, the less to-ing and fro-ing will be required to get all the details right and the more time and money you will save. Lastly, if you have any questions on how you can assist in making your project run more smoothly, just ask! At Light Media, we pride ourselves on producing exceptional results for our clients. It takes two to tango however. Great feedback and communication at every stage ensures your 3D rendering project proceeds smoothly, saves time and costs and ensures you receive the accurate and impactful visuals you need. We look forward to working with you!

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