Things To Know Before Buying A House Buying a house is a crucial and significant decision as it is one of the most expensive investments of your life. Thus, a thorough consideration is required before making the final purchase. Appoint a trusted realtor to protect your interests and find the best deal in the market. Consider your budget & the required mortgage before buying the house. Your financial condition is an important factor. Take a note of the location of the property. Also consider availability of facilities in the neighborhood like school, grocery store etc. The size of the apartment is crucial. So, make sure that you consider the growing demands of your family & purchase a home accordingly. Pay keen notice to health of the property, plumbing, wiring & any appliances that are provided in the house. Security is of utmost importance for a property. Make sure that the locality is safe and property has all the security features. Read the contract thoroughly before signing on the dotted line. Read all the terms and consult your realtor in case of any doubts. www.linnemannrealty.com Linnemann Realty 3402 South W.S. Young Dr. Suite A Killeen, TX 76542 Phone : (254) 628 - 9272