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Towards a National Policy Dialogue on Hydrogen in the USA. Presentation on “Science, Society and Sustainability” Conference, Santorini, June 18-21, 2006 Prof. Philip J. Vergragt Ph.D . Visiting Scholar, MIT Senior Associate, Tellus Institute, Boston
Towards a National Policy Dialogue on Hydrogen in the USA Presentation on “Science, Society and Sustainability” Conference, Santorini, June 18-21, 2006 Prof. Philip J. Vergragt Ph.D. Visiting Scholar, MIT Senior Associate, Tellus Institute, Boston Former Professor of Technology Assessment, TU Delft
My background • Chemistry and Society (1970s) • Technological Innovation studies (1980s) • Sustainable Technology Development (1990s); visioning and backcasting • Consumption: the Sustainable Household (end 1990s) • Energy, Transportation, Hydrogen, Buildings, Social Learning (2000s) • Sustainability scenarios; Great Transition (2000s)
Towards a National Policy Dialogue on Hydrogen in the USA • Introduction; context; challenge • Visioning, scenario development, backcasting and socio-technical experiments • A methodology for stakeholder dialogue • Hydrogen scenarios • A stakeholder dialogue • Conclusions
1. Introduction • Hydrogen is touted as ‘fuel of the future’ • In the far future, transportation will be either by hydrogen fuel cells, or battery-electric, or by biofuels • Although hydrogen is attractive for transportation, there is also a number of problems • Hydrogen is an energy carrier, and needs to be generated sustainably on a large scale • Is hydrogen a ‘hype’? Is the hype over? • Arguments for a structured dialogue
World Petroleum Use for Transportation and Other Purposes, 1980 – 2020 Source: EIA, International Energy Outlook 1999
Context: Sustainability; climate change, innovation, life styles • Sustainable energy generation (including conservation) is crucial in all sectors • Transportation is special: mobile energy source needed • Transportation dominated by private car: highly inefficient in many aspects: energy, space use, suburbization • Private car/ SUV has become the symbol of freedom, success, prosperity, the ultimate lifestyle symbol (but, NYC….)
How does it work? (2) • It is the reversal of electrolysis: 2 H20 + electricity---2 H2 + O2 • It is invented in 1843 by Robert Groves • It has been applied in Apollo and Gemini space programs (1960 and 70-ies) • The reaction works only in the presence of a catalyst: Platinum • Hydrogen needs to be stored, which is quite difficult
3. How does it work? (3) • Hydrogen needs to be generated (it does not exist in nature) • The generation of hydrogen costs a lot of (fossil) fuel • There are two main routes: electrolysis and steam conversion of hydrocarbons • Steam conversion is a reaction where a hydrocarbon plus water yields CO2 and H2. CO2 could be captured and stored, but the technology is far from proven
Arguments for a structured dialogue • Technical experts strongly disagree about hydrogen as a solution (CEN Aug 2005) • The debate is not only about technological options; normative issues play a role • The problem is complex (energy security, climate change) • Man-made climate change is still disputed • Nuclear energy dispute back on the agenda • Other options (renewables, energy conservation) are part of the debate.
2. Visioning, Scenario development, Backcasting, and Socio-technical experiments • Visions are powerful devices that can orient and structure actions and behaviors • Scenarios can either be trend-following or trend-breaching (normative) • A scenario combines a future vision and a pathway how to get there • Backcasting is looking back from a desired future vision and develop a pathway
Backcasting • Backcasting is “creating a robust picture of the future, and start to think about which (technical and other) means are necessary to reach this state of affairs” (Vergragt and Jansen, 1993) • Backcasting implies an operational plan for the present that is designed to move forward towards anticipate future states …Such a plan should be built around processes characterized as interactive and iterative” (Vergragt and Van der Wel, 1998)
Bounded Socio-Technical Experiments (BSTE) • In a recent paper, Halina Brown et al. coined the term ‘BSTE’ • A BSTE is ,…an attempt to introduce a new technology on a scale bounded in space and time…’ • ‘…carried out by a coalition of actors…’ • …It is recognizable as an experiment • …It encompasses learning by doing, doing by learning, trying out new strategies, and continuous course correction • ….It is driven by a long-term vision
Learning We define learning as three interrelated shifts: • A shift in the framing of the problem and the solution directions • A shift the principal approaches to solving the problem • A shift in the relationships between the participants in the experiment, including convergence of goals and problem definitions
Learning (2) Learning is derived from organizational and policy-oriented learning Two types of learning: • ‘technical’, ‘adaptive’, ‘single-loop’ searching for new (policy) instruments in the context of fixed policies • ‘Higher order’, ‘generative’, ‘double-loop’ learning involves a change in norms, values, goals and operating procedures
3. A methodology for stakeholder dialogue • A stakeholder dialogue process has been successfully applied in the “National Energy Policy Initiative (NEPI) in 2002 by the Consensus Building Institute • The process consisted of stakeholder interviews, expert workshop, briefings to Congress committees, and wider dissemination • The results were: a diagnosis, a long-term vision, a set of top priority areas, and policy strategies • The final outcome was disappointing because the White House was not participating
Methodology (2) • Higher-order learning processes should become central in the stakeholder dialogue. • In order to facilitate learning, a shared vision should be developed about sustainable transportation • Hydrogen could act as a ‘catalyst’ in such a process
In a stakeholder dialogue process, facts could be separated from fiction and political bias…. • …..interests could be mapped and identified….. • Short-term and long-term arguments could be separated • Visioning and backcasting could be the basis of dialogue and learning • Tellus scenario study could form a useful input for such a process
4. Hydrogen scenarios: Tellus study • Tellus Institute, Boston, has developed scenarios for a transition to 95% hydrogen fuel cell cars in 2050 • They investigated all possible routes for hydrogen generation (centrally and decentrally; transportation, and delivery, and looked at the costs • They found that energy efficiency saves more greenhouse gas emissions than hydrogen
Figure 6‑3 Carbon emissions - hydrogen-consuming end uses, USA
Conclusions from the Tellus study • Strong political will is necessary for a transition to a hydrogen society • A clear strategy including experiments, demo’s, transitional technologies, risk-reducing incentives is also necessary • However, energy efficiency and renewable energy do better for GHG reduction than BAU+ hydrogen for transportation • Electricity and biofuels are strong contenders • Short-term focus on hydrogen may have negative benefits for near-term CO2 emissions
Adding to the conclusions • Hydrogen is no panacea or ‘silver bullet’ • Technological breakthroughs are necessary, in fuel cells and H-storage • Chicken-egg problem of infrastructure needs to be solved • There are strong alternatives: biomass and battery-electric, and also hybrids • Generation of enough sustainable energy is a major bottleneck • Carbon capture and storage is possible, but still unproven • Probably life-style changes are unavoidable
5. Policy stakeholder dialogue Two main questions are proposed: • “How much could hydrogen contribute to solve energy security and climate change problems in the long run for the USA? • Under which conditions should a hydrogen infrastructure for the USA be developed?”
Some discussion points…. • Long term benefits vs. short-term urgency • Renewable energy for the electricity grid rather than for hydrogen production • R&D policy: How much for energy conservation and how much for hydrogen? • Keep many options open vs. pick a winner • Pave the way to hydrogen by other applications (laptops, mobile phones)? • Public awareness should be driving force • Investigate the negative aspects upfront
6. Conclusions • A stakeholder dialogue could be the basis for a strong strategic policy package, endorsed by all stakeholders • However, differences between protagonists and adversaries run deep (‘wicked problem’) • Protagonists argue that in the long run hydrogen is the only viable zero emission solution • Antagonists argue on various levels: other options are more attractive (biomass, electric), hydrogen is not cost-effective, and/or ultimately we need life-style changes
Thank you for your interest… • …Questions? • www.tellus.org • Pvergragt@tellus.org • vergragt&@mit.edu