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India provides successful liver transplant surgery with state of the art infrastructure and expertise at a very reasonable price range of USD 29000 - 35000, depending on the medical condition.<br><br>[ https://www.liverhelplineindia.com/cost-of-liver-transplant-surgery-in-india-liver-transplantation-liver-transplant-surgery-cost/ ]
What is the Cost of LiverTransplant Surgery in India Each organ of the body plays it’s unique role in the maintenance and survival of the body. Liver helps in the detoxification, produces bio chemicals that aid digestion and synthesises proteins, decomposes red blood cells, regulates glycogen storage and also produceshormones. If there is a liver failure, dialysis of the liver is done to help it function properly. But this is not a longterm solution. Till the time an artificial liver is developed which can work like the normal liver, the only solution to this condition is LiverTransplantation. Liver Transplant Surgery’s cost InIndia Liver transplant is a rare and customised surgery. The type of liver transplant surgery, choice of room, duration of hospitalization and course of treatment, current medical condition of the patient, medical tests and reports etc. are factors that determine thecost. On an average, a Liver transplant surgery in India, costs USD 29,000 in the best hospitals. This cost may vary with an increase or decrease of5%. India offers an advantage in terms of price, as the same surgery in US, Singapore, UK or Thailandmay cost three times more. The price benefit, added with world class infrastructure, quality of care, hospitality and success rate of the liver transplant surgery is at par with global standards. Liver Helpline India, has the best infrastructure and the best liver transplant surgeons in delhi, and offers all the above mentioned benefits, making it, the best hospital for liver transplant surgery inIndia. What is a liver transplantsurgery? In a liver transplant, the damaged liver is removed through a surgery, and replaced with another liver from a donor. The donor can be either someone who has just passed away or can also be a living, healthy person. The living donor is not harmed, when a portion of his liver is removed. If it is a perfect match, then the receiver also benefits, if not, then it is harmful for thereceiver. There are lots of people all over the world, suffering from liver damage and are waiting for their liver transplantsurgery.
The availability of a liver is much less than the demand for it. Hence, is is an option only for those who are at a critical stage, and may not survive without thetransplant. • Liver Helpline India, has performed thousands of successful Liver transplant surgeries in India. It’steam • of best liver transplant surgeons in Delhi, who have achieved and an unparalleled success rate in liver transplantation surgery, makes Liver Helpline India, the first choice for getting a liver transplant surgery in India. • An overview of the Liver Transplant Surgery inIndia: • It has been more than a decade since the first liver transplant surgery in India, which was done with a huge success in the year1998. • The first liver transplant surgery, was done for a child, whose father donated 30% of his liver. since then, India hasn’t looked back, and that child is now a Liver transplantsurgeon. • People from the neighbouring countries as well as from the world over, come for their Liver Transplants in India. Every year, more than 100 liver transplant are done inIndia. • 30 – 40% of all liver transplant surgery is for healthcare travellers, who have come from all across the globe, to get a successful liver transplant in india, with world class facilities at an extremely reasonable price. • Liver transplant is the last ray of hope, for those braving liver cancer or facing end stage liverfailure. • Depending on the severity of the condition, some recipients may receive the liver earlier while others may have to wait for several weeks ormonths. • Depending on the underlying cause of the damage, the rapidity at which liver failure can occur, varies anywhere between a few weeks to a few months oryears. • Why is a Liver transplantImportant? • Dialysis can help with the short term liver damage, but liver transplant is the only solution in case of a liver failure. Following liver conditions are a common cause for a livertransplant: • Scarring of the liver, which may be caused by certain diseases, which ultimately leads to the hardening of the liver, followed by liverfailure • Viral Hepatitis infection, which may cause the liver to swell and finally lead to liverfailure • Liver cancer may also be cured with a liver transplantsurgery • Alcohol addiction may cause irrepairable liver damage which can only be cured by a livertransplant • Family history or Genetic reasons for liverdisease • Liver diseases due to birthdefects • Have you been recommended a liver transplant? How to know if you are eligible for a livertransplant? • Any transplant, carried out without appropriate tests and a correct diagnosis from a liver transplant surgeon, may put the patient’s life at risk. Share the following information when you meet your surgeon for your liver transplant • Medical history, ifany • Any medications being takencurrently • Any addiction toalcohol • Presence of any infection other than the one in theliver • All information should be shared with your doctor so that there is complete transparency between the two of you. You should also clear any doubts you mayhave • What are my chances of survival after the liver transplantsurgery • What are the risks after the surgery? Will they create any problems at a laterstage • Who can be my donor? if i do not have a live donor, is it ok to go for the surgery with a deceaseddonor • How much will the treatment cost me
In case of Liver Cancer, will it stop the cancer fromspreading • Consider going for the liver transplant surgery only after you clarity and all your doubts have been answered by your doctor. It is advisable to not delay the process of the liver transplant surgery, if your doctor feels it is urgentlyrequired. • Process of Liver transplant surgery inIndia • Evaluation – This is the first phase of the treatment, is carried out by the surgeon and a hepatologist (liver transplant specialist). This process may be a full day’s activity, you need to be in an empty stomach, and are not allowed any food or drink post midnight before the day of the appointment for liver transplant evaluation • Transplant List – On clearing the evaluation process, the name is put on the transplant list, and now you will need to wait, till the availability of a liver from a donor. You will get a call from the hospital, once a donor is available, and your liver transplant surgery will bescheduled. • Transplantation Procedure – Liver transplant surgery takes approximately 5-6 hours, depending on the use of technology, technique, surgeon’s experience and the severity of the liver damage. General anaesthesia is administered to carry out the procedure. To allow uninterrupted oxygen supply, a tube is inserted into the food pipe. The entire process of the liver transplant surgery, which includes pre- preparation, surgery, and post-surgical process may take anywhere between 6 – 12hours. • Recovery – Recovery for most liver transplant patients, happen in the ICU. The anaesthesia’s effect may last for a few hours or a few days. The patient’s condition is regularly monitored till they get their strength back. The liver transplant surgery may require upto two weeks of hospitalization or more. The body may take 2-3 months to feel normal and function normally. Post recovery, it takes approximately 6 months to get back to your normal routines at home and in office. But it is important to go for a diagnosis, before getting back to your previous normal schedule or taking up any new activity. Care should be taken to avoid any risks orinfection • Medical Tourism Guide for Liver transplant inIndia • A foreign citizen, wanting to undergo a liver transplant surgery in india, may need the assistance of a medical tourism company in India. Denesa Health is one of the best service providers which gives a reliable and best possible guidance to the patient. Denesa Health assists you with thefollowing: • Visa for medical tourism inIndia • Information on who is the best liver transplant surgeon inindia • Information on which is the best hospital for liver transplant surgery inindia • Transport assistance from airport to hospital and viceversa • Booking appointments with the liver transplant surgeon and connecting for onlineassistance • Guiding you with the the best treatment cost for liver transplant surgery inindia • Making arrangements for your stay (before, during and also postsurgery) • Scheduling a revisit for you, ifneeded • Extending your visa if the course of treatment takes longer thanusual • An organ transplant surgery is mentally, emotionally and physically demanding. The right doctor, hospital and it’s hospitality helps minimize your stress. Denesa Health takes every step possible to give you a convenient and a comfortablestay. • Liver transplant hospitals in india are at par with global standards, when it comes to infrastucture,medical • techniques, treatment procedures, and experience and expertise of the liver transplant surgeons. So you can get a fresh lease of life and live it to thefullest • Some Frequently asked questions on livertransplant • What is the cost of liver transplant surgery inIndia? • India provides successful liver transplant surgery with state of the art infrastructure and expertise at a very reasonable price range of USD 29000 – 35000, depending on the medicalcondition
Which is the best liver transplant hospital in Delhi ? Liver Helpline India, is considered the best hospital for liver transplant in Delhi. It has a high success rate of liver transplant, best liver transplant surgeons in Delhi and the best facilities for medicaltravellers. What is the success rate in liver transplant surgery by the best hospitals inindia? Liver Helpline India has a success rate of more than 98%, with rarely any failed liver transplantsurgery. Can international patients get a donor in india? No, The donor has to be a relative. It is illegal for international patients to undergo a liver transplant process if the donor is not a bloodrelative. Who can donate liver for a liver transplantation surgery inindia? Any family member, who is below 65 years of age, and has the same blood group, can donate their liver for the liver transplant surgery inIndia.