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Based in the UK, Richmond Liza Veta is a popular independent eco-friendly brand that specialises in unique womenswear, natural skincare products and luxury home decor. Our brand is positioned for men and women. The home and beauty products listed in our catalogue are natural and 90% organic to ensure they stay eco-friendly and simultaneously present our clientele with the health benefits they desire. When you wear our natural fabrics, use the skin products we sell you will feel the difference and will understand what quality is all about. Apart from our beautiful clothing range, we also have a beautiful collection of handmade jewellery, candles and diffusers, and collectable dolls range.
When looking in your children’s clothing draws, you might notice a huge amount of colourful, soft garments. Whether you picked them on purpose or not, there are good reasons as to why these clothing items are made from natural organic material. When picking your clothes, it is essential to think about the impact the materials you wear every day has. Not many individuals are aware of the fact that the clothing industry can have a major impact on the environment. Besides having a big influence on the environment, it also affects the livelihood of farmers, factory workers and even the well-being of your family. Many individuals are becoming eco-friendly and catching on to the issue of organic clothing. Here are four reasons why you should also be wearing natural organic clothing and not synthetic garments. Natural Organic Clothing Is better for Sensitive Skin: Have you ever experienced itchiness, skin rashes or being subjected to irritated skin when wearing your favourite Basque dress or T-shirt. It is worth noting that clothing made out of toxic textiles may contain traces of pesticide, cleansers, dyes and other harmful chemicals can have an effect on individuals with allergies and cause sensitivities along with other health issues. However, if your Basque dress is made out of organic silk and your T-shirt manufactured out of 100% cotton, you will not be subjected to toxic textiles. Eco-friendly: Eco-fashion is about making clothes that consider the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry. To make clothing sustainable, a lot of companies are trimming down the impact humans have on the environment in some really exciting ways. It’s no secret that environmentally friendly clothing is a bit costly, but you are paying for more than peace of mind. Farmers who produce natural crops use a smaller amount of water and fewer pollutants to harvest yields. This entails using more costly natural products that won't damage the environment. The complete process of creating biodegradable textiles is done on a slighter scale, in specially constructed facilities, where employees are reimbursed a reasonable wage, and toxic chemicals and water expenditure is kept to the lowest amount as possible. Less water and energy usage: A high proportion of the total environmental effect of textile goods comes from their care. The natural fibres of your cotton T-shirt, silk Basque dress or merino sweater will stay fresh longer, stain-resistant, odour-resistant, and skin-friendly. These natural materials will need less washing than polyester, shorter machine cycles, no fabric softeners. At the end of the day, water and energy use are reduced. More durable –Last Longer and looks Better: With an organic sweater, pants or Basque dress, you don’t have to forfeit quality for social and environmental gains. Natural organic material such as cotton and silk are resilient and strong material. Moreover, to produce natural organic fabrics, no harsh chemicals are used that can weaken the fibres. Thus, your silk Basque, cotton T-shirt or Marino sweater will look great, be more durable and last longer.
In conclusion, there is, and always will be a high demand for synthetic fabrics, since they are affordable, easy to find, not need much care and they are easy to wear or use. However, natural fabrics are all around, you just have to know where to look for them. Most shops carry products made from the more well-known textiles, such as linen, silk - but there are more alternatives available. As buyers are becoming more conscious of the clothes and accessories they wear and how it is produced, the demand for natural fabrics is growing, but it needs to grow more. About Us Based in the UK, Richmond Liza Veta is a popular independent eco-friendly brand that specialises in unique womenswear, natural skincare products and luxury home decor. Our brand is positioned for men and women. The home and beauty products listed in our catalogue are natural and 90% organic to ensure they stay eco-friendly and simultaneously present our clientele with the health benefits they desire. When you wear our natural fabrics, use the skin products we sell you will feel the difference and will understand what quality is all about. Apart from our beautiful clothing range, we also have a beautiful collection of handmade jewellery, candles and diffusers, and collectable dolls range. To find out more about us, visit our website http://www.mylizaveta.com