Things To Do Before Tenants Move In It is the property owner’s responsibility to make sure that the home is safe and well-maintained for the tenant to inhibit. Here we have listed certain things that property owners should do when once tenant screening is done and the tenant is ready to move in. Make sure that you fix or repair all the existing damage to the property. Keep a check on the smoke & other sensors to see if they work properly or not. Thoroughly clean the entire home to ensure that there is no debris on the floor. Collect the security deposit & first month's rent before the tenant moves in. Make sure that both you as well as the tenant have read the lease agreement & are clear with all the terms & conditions. Have the property properly inspected to check for any existing maintenance issues that need to be fixed. Ensure that all the appliances are in proper working condition. Take up a good Homeowner's Property Insurance. Lone Star Realty & Property Management, Inc. www.lonestarrealty.net 1020 West Jasper Drive, Killeen, TX 76542 Phone: (254) 699 - 7003