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Plan. Context of End of Life Care and the challenge to primary care Update on GSF programmes -primary care, care homes Measures- PROMS ,ADA,National Primary Care Audit Future challenges and Next Steps .
End of life issues
in Primary Care
Lincoln April 24th 09
Prof Keri Thomas
National Clinical Lead GSF Centre,
Hon Professor End of Life Care Birmingham University,
RCGP Clinical Champion of End of Life care
Chair Omega
2. Plan Context of End of Life Care and the challenge to primary care
Update on GSF programmes -primary care, care homes
Measures- PROMS ,ADA,National Primary Care Audit
Future challenges and Next Steps
3. 1. ContextThe Big Challenge of the demographic time-bomb
are we going to be able to
care well
for all people
nearing the end of their lives
in the future?
4. Clarification of Terms End of Life care
Care that helps all those with advanced progressive incurable illness to live as well as possible until they die
Pts living with the condition they may die from- weeks/months/ years
All 3 types of pt (cancer, organ failure ,frail elderly /dementia pts )
Ante-mortal care like ante-natal or early life care
Supportive Care
Helping the patient and family cope better with their illness
not disease or time specific, less end stage
Palliative care
holistic care (physical psychological, social, spiritual )
specialist and generalist palliative care
Some regard as overlapping or following curative treatment
Terminal care/ Final days
Diagnosing dying-care in last hours and days of life
5. Context- Generalist Community care About 1% of the population die / year
More complex as people live longer
Commonest cause of death is multi-morbidity
85% deaths are over 65
Most end of life care is delivered by the usual healthcare provider GP, DN, care home, ward staff
Workforce- approx 2.5 million health and social care- 5,500 palliative care specialists
Most people (estimated 70%) prefer to remain at home
Only 35% home death rate 18% home, 17% care home
7. Demographics of deathGomes and Higginson PallMed 2008 Dramatic rise in deaths from 2012
Key 3 years before death curve rises
Deaths outnumber births 2030
People dying older- over 85s
32%in 2004 , 44% in 2030
Decreasing home deaths now 18% -less than 10% by 2030- trend to hospitalization
Communities- increase single occupancy households
We have a few key years to plan now
8. How well do GPs deliver palliative care: systematic review Mitchell GK Pall Med 2002 16:457-464 GPs contribution pts appreciate
being listened to,allowing ventilation of feelings
Being accessible
Basic symptom control
GPs deliver sound and effective pall care
Best with specialist support
Increasing exposure/formalised engagement
9. 5 Key factors in enabling home deathFactors influencing death at home in terminally ill patients with cancer: systematic review.Gomes, B and Higginson, I J. BMJ 2006: 515-518 Intense sustained reliable home care
Primary care working optimally,
Supportive care in the home
Self care - public education
Support for families and carers
Advance Care planning- risk assessment
Training practitioners
10. Vision for the future of pall medicine
3 trajectories
3 dimensions of need
Hospice, hospital, and community including nursing homes
Wide construct of palliative care
But focusVision for the future of pall medicine
3 trajectories
3 dimensions of need
Hospice, hospital, and community including nursing homes
Wide construct of palliative care
But focus
11. The biggest killers in UK (unofficial view- poor figures ) Multi-morbidity/ frailty
Heart Failure
Chronic Kidney disease
Neurological diseases
Average life expectancy 79-82
12. Outcomes and Cost OUTCOMES
NOW- about 50% not dying where they choose
Many die poorly
Weighted towards cancer patients- more die of HF+COPD
Overspending on hospitals and unwanted treatments
30% rise in costs if stay same
With better planning and prevention of crises more could be expected to die at home/ where they choose
Focus on community care and reduction of hospital admissions
13. Where are we now in Primary Care? Primary care teams changing
Practice based commissioning + PBR
QOF -registers for 6 killer disease incl.dementia
GSF/ equivalent becoming mainstream- QOF Pall Care pts -register and meeting
Darzi EOLC thinking in PCTs SHAs
EOLC strategy July 08
RCGP End of life care strategy+ Clinical Champions EOLC a priority
14. RCGP End of Life Care Strategy (draft) End of Life Care is a priority
GPs + DNs have a special role
Collaboration with RCN
Link with care for pts with long term conditions
Quality is at the heart of what we do
10 specific recommendations
Passed by CEC- going to Council June 09
15. Multi- morbidity Intrinsic to primary care specific RCGP CIRC workstream
The biggest killer in the UK
Multimorbidity defined as the co-existence of two or more long term conditions in an individual (Mercer et al, 2009).
Recent study of family practices in Canada showed that multimorbidity is now the norm in family practice with prevalence rates of
61% in 18 to 44 year olds,
93% on 45 to 64 year olds and
98% in those over 65 years of age
level of multimorbidity was an independent predictor of prognosis amongst patients with established cardiovascular disease
16. The end of the disease eraCharacteristics of Two Models of Medical Care Tinetti M, Fried T j.amjmed.2003.09.031 Disease-Oriented Model
Clinical decision making disease focused
Cause -discrete pathology
Treatment is targeted at the disease pathology.
Primary focus of treatment- causative disease
Clinical outcomes are determined by the disease.
Survival is the main goal
Integrated, Individually Tailored Model
Clinical decision making is patient focused
Cause- complex interplay of factors
Treatment is targeted at the patients modifiable factors
Primary focus of treatment - symptoms and impairments
Clinical outcomes are determined by individual patient preference.
Survival is not the only goal
17. Example of different approach Disease-Oriented Model
Collect clinical data
Integrated, Individually Tailored Model
Collect patient specific data
Contributing factors impeding goals
Management based on patients priorities
Outcomes in order of patients preferences
18. 2. Update on the Gold Standards Framework Programmes
What is GSF?
A framework to deliver a
gold standard of care
for all people approaching the end of their lives
A system- focussed organisational approach to optimising the care delivered by generalist healthcare professionals
19. The National GSF Centre
20. GSF is about
An ethos that this is important, we do it well but we can do it better
Enabling and affirming generalists home care
Get behind peoples motivation to do this well
Making it easy to do the right thing every time
Optimising systematic consistent care
Adaptable framework using well used tools
Pre-planning care-focussed on current and future clinical and personal needs of patient and carers
21. GSF in Lincolnshire GSF Primary Care
Long tradition of GSF
78 out of 102 practices signed up for LES 24 not yet
National Primary Care ADA Pilot site
2 yr plan- plans for training programme GSF Care Homes
Ph 3,4,- 8 nursing homes
Some Beacon homes
Ph 5 28 homes
Out of 80 N homes
200+ res homes
Developing momentum
22. 2a GSF Primary care most GP practices using GSF basic level 1 GSF is recognised as the bedrock of generalist palliative care
23. GSF 3 Steps identify, assess plan
24. 7 Key tasks C1 Communication
SC Register, PHCT Meetings, PHR /care plan
Advanced care planning (ACP) eg PPC
C2 Coordination
Identified coordinator for GSF, keyworker for patient
C3 Control of Symptoms
Assessment tools, body chart, SPC, ACP
C4 Continuity Out of Hours
Handover form + OOH protocol
C5 Continued Learning
Learning about conditions on patients seen, SEA / reflective practice
C6 Carer Support
Practical, emotional, bereavement, National Carers Strategy
C7 Care in dying phase
Protocol LCP / ICP
25. GSF Primary Care Programme What practices do
Palliative Care Register - QOF
Monthly team meetings
Nominate key-workers for each patient
Symptom assessment
Handover form sent to out of hours
Support carers
Further training / learning
Anticipatory prescribing
Care in final days protocol/ pathway
Embed, sustain, develop -own materials, protocols, Home Packs etc
Audit progress
Better coordination of care
26. Successes with using GSF 1.Attitude awareness and approach
Better quality of care perceived
Greater confidence and job satisfaction
Immeasurable benefits- communication, teamwork, roles respected
Focus + proactive approach,
2.Patterns of working, structure/ processes
Better organisation + consistency of standards, even under stress
Fewer slipping through the net- raising the baseline
Better communication within and between teams, co-working with specialists
Better recording, tracking of pts and organisation of care
3. Patient Outcomes
Reduced crises/ hospital admissions /length of stay
Some doubled home death rate, halved hospital deaths, decrease crises
More dying in preferred place
More recorded Advance care planning discussions
27. Gold Patients ! Patients know they are on the gold register
Implies best care
Encouraging if heard no more can be done for them
28. 2 b)The Gold Standards Framework in Care Homes Training Programme Goals
1. To improve the quality of end of life care
2. To improve collaboration with primary care and palliative care specialists
3. To reduce hospitalisation- numbers of hospital admissions, length of stay and increase home deaths
29. 3 stage processPreparation, training and consolidation + accreditation
30. GSFCH AccreditationGoing for Gold
4 key elements
Self Assessment Accreditation Checklist
Portfolio of evidence
ADA- after death analysis 5 resident deaths
Assessor Visit by GSF Visitor
Findings go to objective panel
Awards Presentation twice a year
31. The GSF Care Homes Training Programme
32. Successes using GSF Care Homes Training Programme Open attitude to death and dying
All residents have advance care plans
Improved confidence of staff
Better working with GPs
Halving hospital death rates
Reducing crisis admissions
GSF has made my work simple to care for my residents. It has drawn me closer to my residents and relatives, given me confidence in discussing end of life care.
(Nursing Home RN Accreditation Round 3 )
33. So what does this mean for you?
Where are you with GSF?
What are the current barriers and challenges for you?
Suggestions for improvement of GSF Primary Care?
34. c) Other areas Public
Out-of-Hours providers GSF Prisons
GSF Acute Hospitals GSF Children International
35. Other GSF tools
36. GSF Prognostic Indicator Guidance- identifying pts with advanced disease in need of palliative/ supportive care/for register
Three triggers
Surprise question- would you be surprised if the pt was to die within 1 year
Patient preference for comfort care/need
Clinical indicators for each disease area eg Ca metastases, NY Stage FEV1, Karnowski, etc
37. Needs Support Matrix
38. Advance Care planning
39. GSF - Advance Care Planning
40. What if
.Mr Bloggs Current Ideal Increasing crisis admissions to hospital
Symptoms worsening
Ad hoc visits -no future plan discussed
Wife struggling to cope unsupported
No life closure discussions,DS1500, respite etc
Worsens at weekend - calls 999-Paramedics attend
A&E- 8 hour wait on trolley
Admitted to hospital-dies on ward- alone
Wife given little support in grief
No reflection by teams
? Inappropriate use of hospital Identification PIG
Assessment of Needs- NS Matrices
Advanced care planning -ACP
Planning -regular support +Coordination within primary care GSF
Support at home- RR/Homecare team
Handover form out of hours-GSF
Crisis Admission averted GSF + others
High quality inpatient care
Dies at home/ hospital ICP/LCP
Bereavement care- GSF
Audit (ADA),reflection+ improvement GSF
Better outcome for patient, family
Most cost effective + best use of NHS
41. 3. Measures- how do we know how we are doing?
Local audits + Significant Event Analyses
ADA- After Death Analysis
National Primary Care Audit in EOLC
Carers views
Staff confidence
PROMS- Patient Reported Outcome Measures
42. An example in the community Online After Death Analysis Audit Tool ADA measures patient outcomes eg place of death, preferences, use of services etc
Comparative- before and after
43. National Primary Care Audit in End of Life Care- current First ever national audit of end of life care in primary care
Easy to use online tool
Includes ALL deaths in Feb and March 2009
Includes ALL practices in PCT area
National sample to benchmark current care
Using ADA and GSF
Reports due Oct 08
Partnership between:
Local practices and PCTs
Department of Health
Omega, National GSF Centre, The Evidence Centre,
and the University of Birmingham
45. Key Topics Covered Patient choice Numbers dying where they choose Reasons might die elsewhere
Hospitalisation Hospital days and crisis admissions
(aim to reduce hospitalisation with better care)
Pre-planning Anticipating palliative care needs early Including people on a register Including non cancer patients.
Local services Use of and gaps in service provision
(supports commissioning)
Systematic Are all aspects of care covered
46. Hogarths view on PROMs
47. Take Home messages This is important. This affects us all. The challenge of end of life care is too big to do alone- need optimal working of generalists and specialists one of the greatest challenges we face
End of Life care provided by primary care and care homes is important and can be excellent. The trend towards long term conditions ,multi morbidities and frailty
GSF has helped to change community palliative care in the UK used in primary care, care homes etc, now mainstreamed to improve further
How do we know we are making progress? what are the measures in end of life care?
Catch the vision Reframe our thinking - Care for people nearing the end of life is a measure of our success not failure. We need to get this right for us and our children- legacy of baby boomers?
48. So what does this mean for you?
Where are you with GSF?
What are the current barriers and challenges for you?
Suggestions for improvement of GSF Primary Care?
How can we meet the challenge of end of life care?
49. Thank you