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Italian Renaissance

Italian Renaissance. 1300-1600. Italian States. The civilization of the Italian Renaissance was urban, centered on towns that had become prosperous from manufacturing, trade, and banking.

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Italian Renaissance

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  1. Italian Renaissance 1300-1600

  2. Italian States • The civilization of the Italian Renaissance was urban, centered on towns that had become prosperous from manufacturing, trade, and banking. • Italians had acquired considerable wealth, and some of this wealth was used to support writers, scholars, and artists.

  3. During the Renaissance, Italy remained divided politically. In northern Italy, the city-states of Florence, Milan, and Venice became major centers of the Renaissance civilization. • Rome dominated the Papal States of central Italy, while the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies embraced most of southern Italy.

  4. Florence Oligarchy Medici family Savonarola Milan Condottiere Spanish empire Venice Great Council Doge Monopoly on spice and luxury trade Papal States Renaissance Popes Julius II Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Poor land Spanish empire Italian States

  5. Tuscan Triumvirate ---> vernacular Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) Italian sonnet - poem of 14 lines (8 and 6) Literary humanism Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince Bladassare Castiglione The Book of the Courtier Benvenuto Cellini Autobiography Lorenzo Valla Linguistic/historical analysis Renaissance Literature

  6. Italian Renaissance Art • Religious scenes focused on expressions • Holy as human • God’s beauty in world • Neo-Platonism • Nude body • Uniqueness - self-portraits • Pagan myths as Christian icons • Individual-secular-profane

  7. Giotto • Religious subjects in more human fashion and realistic setting • Illusion of depth

  8. Masaccio • Used light and shade to perspective • The Holy Trinity

  9. Sandro Botticelli • Vivid colors • Classical mythology • The Adoration of the Magi • The Birth of Venus • Primavera

  10. Leonardo da Vinci • First Italian artist to use oil paints • Mona Lisa • The Last Supper • The Virgin of the Rocks • Religious matter in secular and humanized fashion

  11. Leonardo da Vinci • Studying fossils • Anatomy from dissections • First accurate description of human skeleton • Remained on paper

  12. Raphael Santi • Humanized Madonna paintings • Sistine Madonna • School of Athens

  13. Michelangelo Buonarotti • Sistine Chapel • Nine scenes of OT from Creation to Flood • The Last Judgment • David • Moses • Pieta • Dying Slave • Night

  14. Michelangelo Buonarotti

  15. Titian • Tiziano Vecellio • Most famous Venetian painter • One painting a month • “Titian” red • The Assumption of the Virgin

  16. The Northern Renaissance • The influence of the Italian Renaissance gradually spread northward. • The Northern Renaissance was infused with a more Christian spirit than in Italy, where there had been often an almost open revolt against Christian ideals.

  17. Renaissance in Germany and Low Countries • Printing press w/ moveable type • Johannes Gutenberg • 1456 - the Bible • Rapid spread of knowledge

  18. Christian Humanism • Unite classical learning w/ Christian faith • Erasmus • ‘Prince of the Humanists’ • Praise of Folly • Rejected Luther

  19. Flemish Painting • Jan and Hubert van Eyck • First to use oil paints • The Adoration of the Lamb • Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride

  20. Hieronymus Bosch • Nightmarish fantasy worlds • Garden of Earthly Delight

  21. Peter Brueghel • Earthly and lively activities of peasants • Peasant Wedding • Children’s Games

  22. German Painting • Albrecht Durer • Mastery of expression • Woodcuts • Self-Portrait

  23. Hans Holbein the Younger • Portraits • Henry VIII • Erasmus • Thomas More • The Ambassadors

  24. Elizabethan Literature • Edmund Spenser • Leading poet • Christopher Marlowe • playwright • Brief career • Doctor Faustus • William Shakespeare • Most famous playwright • Ben Jonson • Last major literary figure

  25. Spanish Renaissance • Cardinal Fransciso Jumenez de Cisneros • Miguel de Cervantes • Don Quixote • Felix Lope de Vega • Most prolific playwright • El Greco • Greatest painter of SR • Studied with Titian • Intense religious mysticism • Mannerism • El Escorial

  26. The Protestant Reformation • 1517 - Luther posts 95 Theses • 1534 - Act of Supremacy • 1555 - Peace of Augsburg

  27. Martin Luther • Planned to be a lawyer • Religious conversion to Augustinian monk • Theology teacher at university of Wittenberg • “The just shall live by faith.” Romans (1:17) • Justification by faith • Johann Tetzel • Indulgence controversy • 95 Theses • Diet of Worms

  28. Lutheranism • “Justification by faith” • “Sola scriptura” • Baptism and holy communion • Priesthood of believers • German translation of Bible • Abolished monasteries and celibacy of clergy

  29. Lutheranism

  30. Peasants’ Revolt Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Diet of Augsburg Peace of Augsburg German prince right to determine religion of his state Lutheran or Roman Catholic No recognition of Calvinists or Anabaptists Lutheranism dominant in northern Germany and Scandinavia Lutheranism

  31. Ulrich Zwingli Humanist and Catholic priest Sacraments only symbolic ceremonies Rejected celibacy of clergy Emphasized simplicity in worship Killed by Catholic forces John Calvin Protestant Exile in Geneva Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination Salvation by election Puritanism Theocracy Calvinism

  32. Switzerland France Huguenots John Knox Presbyterians England Puritans Netherlands Max Weber’s theory of the “Protestant work ethic” Spread of Calvinism

  33. King Henry VIII Divorce of Catherine of Aragon Thomas Cramner Act of Supremacy King head of Church of England Six Articles No papal supremacy Sold monasteries Supported by English people Papal taxes “Babylonian Captivity” Monastic land Execution of Thomas More Edward VI 42 Articles More Protestant Cramner’s Book of Common Prayer Bloody Mary Executed Cramner Married Philip II Elizabeth I Last Tudor 39 Articles Opposition Pilgrims - Separatists Mary Queen of Scots Philip II Anglicanism

  34. Radicals of the PR Rejection of infant baptism Active in Peasants’ Revolt Thomas Munzer John of Leyden Menno Simons Mennonites Anabaptism

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