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We offer routine home maintenance including monthly house cleaning, lawn maintenance, pool maintenance, gardening, gutter cleaning, garbage disposal, replacing light bulbs, and much more.<br>
1 COMPANYSUMMARY Luxury Property Care, is a joint endeavor founded by Sivan Gerges and Liran Koren that brings several different business entities owned by each into the ultimate propertymanagementconciergeservice.Weareheretoconsolidatealltheseparate real estate services that investors need into one all-inclusive package so we can delivernext-levelprofitsandpeaceofmindtoourclients. With all these resources under one roof, we offer unparalleled service at unbeatable prices to satisfy every property owner’s and investor’s wildestdreams. 2 OUR MISSION, VISION & VALUES– YOUR ASSET. OURPRIORITY. Our goalistoprovideyouwiththetranquilityneededforyoutoincreaseyourincome. Our tools are diverse, and our knowledge stretches out to various areas, combined together to create mutualsuccess. OURMISSION Our mission is to manage your property so you can focus on expanding your business.Byeliminatingtheday-to-daytediousworkneededtokeepproperties stable,weenableyoutofocusoninvestmentsfromastrategicplace. OURPURPOSE At Luxury Property Care our purpose is simple: Deliver Performance with care. We know it sounds like a cliché, but our objective is to take care and serve you the best waypossible.Wewillmakesurethatyourtenantspayontime,have fewcomplaints andthatallyourpropertiesarewellmaintained. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
C. OURVISION As experienced real-estate investors and property managers, we wish to change industrystandardsandgobeyondtoprovideprofessional,efficient,andperforming service with an extra secret ingredient:CARE. Our goal is to get you premium tenants with the highest income potential and lowest risk. We manage each and every one of our 450 units as if it was the only one we have, deliveringyoupeaceofmindwhiletakingawaythehardworkof owningproperty. D. OURVALUES Wevalueourclientsbeforeanythingelse.Moreover,asinvestorsourselves,weknow what it takes tosucceed. Therefore, our prime values are: Care Weknowhowannoyingitcanbewhenthingsstarttogobadinapropertyandhow frustrating it can be when no one is there to listen, to take care and to provide the best solution. Many costs and mistakes can be avoided by proper maintenance & care of the property. For us it goes even deeper, it’s not just care about your property and its tenants, we also care for your success. If you succeed, we succeed. We chose the name Luxury Property Care for a reason: We actually care about helping you toreach your goals. Transparency We provide you with the tools to be successful. We strive for you to have a clear andtransparentcommunicationwithourteamofexperts,soyouareawareofthe performance of your properties andincome. Freedom Asinvestors,wewanttoshareourexperienceandourknowledgewithyou, soyou can avoid the mistakes we did in the past. The service we provide will allow you more time and freedom to do exactly what you want, reducing your stress and saving youmoney. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
3 OURSERVICES • We have a wide range of services, in multiple locations acrossFlorida. • 1. Managementservices • RentCollection • Tenant Management –including online portals system • Tenant Communication and Transparent on-going Ownercommunication • Cost Effective Maintenance management & Propertypreservation • Emergency Maintenance andInspections • EvictionManagement • Repairs/Remodelingmanagement • Oversee vendors, obtain necessary permits, obtain rentallicenses • Online Owner Portal access toview monthly statements • Accurate Accounting & MonthlyReporting • Bill Payservicesforallbillsrelatedtotheproperty(Including,Propertytaxes, Annual Reports for LLC, Insurance, Mortgage, HOA,Utilities) • OwnerDistributions • Propertyvaluations • 2. Rentalservices • Propertypreparation • Answerallcallsandleadsincludingallquestions • Propertymarketing • Tenantscreening • Contract &Agreements • Leaserenewals • Market RentAnalysis • 3. Our locations – We are present in the followingareas • Miami-DadeCounty • BrowardCounty • Palm BeachCounty • St. LucieCounty • OrangeCounty • LeeCounty • DuvalCounty • HillsboroughCounty • CollierCounty Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
4 OUR COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATION– ONE STOP SHOP OF SAVVYEXPERTS We are not just any property management service. The combination between our departmentsandourexpertisecreatesauniquemixthatwillsuit your needs at anytime. A. OUR 3DEPARTMENTS Wehave3departments,makingusaonestopshop,helpingeachandeveryoneof our clients in different periods, whether you are looking for an initial investment, on-goingpropertymanagementorevenarenovationofyourproperty. Property Management Ourteamofpropertymanagershasgainedvastknowledgeandexperienceinthe required details for successful property management in the following types of properties: • Single FamilyHomes • Townhouses • Multi-Family • Condos/Apts • Villas • Buildings • CommercialProperties • Investment Services &Brokerage • We excel at investing, buying, Selling, renovating and flippingproperties. • We have bought hundreds of properties below market prices and have handled every aspect ofreselling. • We have in-house attorneys and title companies to expedite and improvethe overallprocess. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
We have the experience that comes with owning morethan a hundredproperties. • Thisallowsustoknowtheprocess,whatisagooddealandhowto advise our customersaccordingly. • We advise based on rational numbers and performances, notemotion. • 3. Renovation andrepairs • We effortlessly handle arranging maintenance and upkeep ofproperties, if desired. Our preferred contractors are often able to save property owners significant expenses. The following list covers the different maintenance issues we canhandle. • Plumbing • A/CRepair • Kitchens • Flooring • Drywall and patchrepair • Roofrepair/replacement • Landscaping/treetrimming • Painting (exterior and interior) and powerwash • Appliance repair andreplacement • Poolcleaning • Full homerenovation • B. OUREXPERTISE • Our team members are experts in their field. With accumulative experience of decades in real-estate investments and management across Florida we hold the necessary knowledge and expertise that will save you time and money, as we can recognize mistakes before they happen. • Moreover, we are also experts at marketing via various section 8 sites, attracting tenants who have guaranteed payment vouchers from the government.Aspartoftheseefforts,wealsocreatevideowalk-throughsthat ensurethattheselistingsgetthemostexposure. • Finally, our long track in real estate has led us to create a full eco-system of experts who are the best in their field: From lawyers, to property managers, contractors, realtors and maintenance experts. With each and every one of themwehavealong-termandstablerelationship,rangingfrom2to9yearsof mutualwork.Thisrelationshipenablesustoprovideyouwiththebest • end-to-end service that will accommodateyour needs, whenever, wherever. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
5 SIVAN GERGES —FOUNDER The belief in passive income was how my real estate career got started. I was strugglingfinanciallyinthemiddleoftwoforeclosuresandcouldn’tearnenough tocovermyexpenses.Financialfreedombecamemygoal. IscrapedtogetherallthemoneyIhadintheworld–$29,000–andpurchasedmy first property. After all the hard work to stabilize it and sell it, I bought another which sold. Then two more. At that point, people took notice and asked if I could help them with their properties. I started small, managing a triplex and two sixplexes. Soon, I was able to grow my small investment by purchasing multiple properties,stabilizingthemandstartinganewbusinessallatthesametime. That’swhenIdiscoveredthatIhadatruepassionforthisindustry.Ifellinlove with real estate and its dynamic nature. As a property manager, I’m a problem solver,withtheopportunitytoworkonsomethingneweveryday. I started to understand what people meant when they said, “Don’t work for your money, have your money work for you.” Before, I was living paycheck to paycheck anddidn’tseehowIcouldmakemoneywithouthavingatraditionaljobandsalary. Whatstartedwithonepropertyhadgrownintoabusinessthatwouldchangemy life.Bytheendofmyfirstyearinbusiness,thecompanyhadtripledinsizeandI wasmanagingahundredunits–withnomarketing.Bestofall,withintwoyears, mypersonalcapitalhadgrowntomorethan$600,000. Bywordofmouthalone,Iwasgainingmoreclients than I could handle. That’s when I started to create asystemthatIcouldusetoproperlymanageallof my units. I moved from working out of my car to a homeofficeandthenintoanofficespace. Througheachstepoftheprocess,Itooknoteof whatwasneededtomakeanassetperform. Because I was managing the units, talking to tenantsandproblemsolvingonadailybasisinthe field, I was able to figure out what kinds of properties are good for investors and, more importantly, which arenot. As an investor myself, I took my deep understanding and started to share it with others who, in turn, asked me tomanage their properties. Thanks to my innate understanding of their pain points, I was able to transform their investments into well-performing assets and maximize the potential of theirportfolio. MEET THETEAM Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
LIRAN KOREN —CO-FOUNDER It’s still hard for me to call myself a real estate pro. In my heart, I’m just a computer nerd who turned $39k into a $50 million real estate portfolio in nine years.There’snomagic,lucknorspecialconnectionsinvolved.It’sallnumbers game. Ihavealwayslovedtousedatainordertooperate.IloveditasakidwhenInternet juststarted,IloveditduringmymilitaryserviceasanITspecialistintheIsraeliAir Force and I loved it in my early career stages when I worked as an IT consultant for major banks in London,UK. After moving to Miami, I opened my own business in order to assist other businesses to perfect their process through IT and data. During these days I managedtosave money,hopefullyforapurchaseofmyownhouse.Andthen came2009. We’ve all been there, and we all remember the great crisis it brought. But as you know,everycrisiscanturnintoagreatopportunity.Andformeitwasthefactthat I had vast knowledge in IT and data scrapping with the tremendous real estate opportunities popping out during thecrisis. This mindset is crucial also in assets management. In order to create long-term success,investingisjustonetoolbutnottheonlyone.Bysuccessfullymanaging thepropertiesIinvestin,Iamabletogenerategreatervalueineachasset. Oneofthe key assetsinmysuccessisthenetworkofhighlyratedprofessionalsI managedtocreateandmaintain.Thiscommunityenabledmenotonlytoachieve better deals for my clients, but also to create a strong network that shares my success untilnow. I believe that through commonwork we can create a healthy ecosystem, that serves investors, landlords and even tenants altogether. With this concept in mind, I decided to join forces with Sivan, in order to create the ultimate property management conciergeservice. Other than investment andproperty management, I love to share my knowledge and spread the word of real-estate management and investmentinpublic.AsIliketosay “Information is aCommodity”. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
A. PROPERTYMANAGERS Juliana Poyers — Asst. PropertyManager Juliana is a California native with 8 years experience in the property managementindustry.Sheenablesourteamtoprovideefficientand effective service by coordinating with City and HOA offices, communicating with tenants and so much more. With over 5 years experience in customerservice. Chen Kodish — Senior PropertyManager Chen has over 10 years experience in the world of property maintenance and repair. She is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and the maximum return on our owners investment while bridging thegap between our vendors, tenants andowners. B. ATTORNEYS — (OUR LEGALTEAM) Eric S. BraunsteinPA Eric J. Braunstein, P.A.’s Professional and Clerical Staff specialize, and have a combined 40 years of training and experience In Real Property Law, Title Reviews and Closings. He handles Real Estate closings all throughout Florida, and primarily in the Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Countyareas. TomerL.AlcalayEsq.—Title&BusinessAttorney Tomer regularly represents corporate clients in the formation and operation of businesses including corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships and all other forms of legal entities. Tomer’s Real Estate practice includesrepresentation of clients in a broadspectrum. Juliana Gaita PA —Attorney Juliana has focused her practice of law in litigation and honed that skill through her representation of various clients in real estate,contractandfamilylawmatters:includingnationallenders in mortgage foreclosure actions, consumers, real estate investors and families facing various legalissues. Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
CUSTOMERTESTIMONIALS GoogleReviews 6 Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333
“Ibroughtthempropertieswithmajorissues,especiallycodeviolationsthatIdidn’t know how to deal with. They knew exactly who to call to get things fixed up, inspected and the violations cleared much cheaper and faster than my contractor could.” Saggy,Entrepreneur Boca Raton,Fl “We met Sivan a few years ago when we were looking for another management company for our properties (and thank God we found one!). We finally found a professional team that not only gives us real peace of mind, but also saved us costs significantly. We also had two problematic properties that we got stuckwith. Sivan admitted it would be challenging but found a solution as she had promised. Since then, we have been selling and buying properties only with her help, and with greatsuccess.Wehighlyrecommend!Bothaprofessionalandalovelyperson.” OranThaller “I tried several different property management companies, but I always had the tenants calling to complain about the service. Ever since I switched to Luxury PropertyCare,everythinghasbeenquietdownthere.Iwouldn’ttrustanyoneelse with my rentals inFlorida.” Reuben Alcalay,Investor NewYork “I moved all my properties for them to manage. Being a landlord is not an easy task. I needed peace of mind. I got exactly what I wanted. They take care of every aspectofbeingalandlordandmanagingthetenants,servicecalls,rentsandmore. My best decision ofthe year.” IlanEliyahuz 7 CONTACT INFORMATION & CALL TOACTION Contact us to start your journey into another level of propertymanagement Our website:https://luxurypropertycare.com/ Email:outreach@luxurypropertycare.com Tel: 1-(888)369-9333 Fax: 1-(561)362-2275 Luxurypropertycare.com 1-(888)369-9333 10