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MDX Concepts- What makes our products stand out? Our unique blend of fragrant essential oils form the ideal pesticides for all your indoor and outdoor needs. Made out of the best natural ingredients from West Virginia, our products offer an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides.
Why MDXConcepts? Effective,Eco-friendlyandEconomicPestControlSolutions What makes our products stand out? Our unique blend of fragrant essential oils form the ideal pesticides for all your indoor and outdoor needs. Made out of the best natural ingredients from West Virginia, our products offer an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides. Your Family’s Safety is ourPriority Bid farewell to toxic pesticides. Your kids and pets need not bear the brunt of chemical use anymore. Our products are made with a personal touch toensure safety, quality andeffectiveness.
Gypsum Bed BugSpray Say Goodbye To The Last Bug: The MDX Concepts Gypsum BedbugSprayismadeofnaturalingredientswhicheliminatebed bugsoncontactinallstagesoflife;Eggs,Nymphs,andAdults. Stain-free Exterminator: Get a goodnight’s sleep without worrying aboutthestainsonyourbeddingorpillowcovers.Youcanapplythe spraydirectlytosheets, mattressandcovertokillbedbugsonsite. Quick Treatment: The bedbug killer spray is effective to use as it is amixofvinegar,peppermintoilandspearmintoilandshowsresults veryquickly. SafeforHumans,LethalforBugs:Therearenotoxicchemicalsused in the bed bug killer spray, ensuring you and your family a sound sleep. The natural ingredient composition is absolutely safe to use aroundchildrenandpets. Vigorous Impact: Natural, Organic, and Non Toxic ingredients eliminatebedbugsoncontactatallstagesoftheirlifecycle;Eggs, Nymphs, andAdults.
Gypsum Bed BugSpray TheinstantformulabyMDXconceptsisamustbuyforyouthen. The Gypsum Bedbug Spray is made by natural and organic ingredients,makingitnon-toxicandsafeforusagearound children and pests. Bed Bugs also find vinegar’s pungent smell offensive while the acetic acid kills adult bed bugs and their eggsonimmediatecontact.Thenon-stainingformulagivesita far reaching application: you can apply it on your bed sheets and mattresses without worry. The product lets you sleep undisturbed, without the slightest worry of skin irritant chemicalsandharmfulfumes,givingyouthebeautysleepyou are worthyof.
Flint Lice Spray Natural And Non Toxic: MDX concepts flint lice spray is a naturallyderivedlicespray,whichremovesliceeasily fromyourhair. The spray gives a relaxing and refreshing feel to your scalp and kills the liceimmediately. Prevent Stains: The flint lice spray is a combination of vinegar, lavenderandgeranium,andhence,doesn’tmakeanystainswhenin contactwithyourpillowcover,clothesandfurniture. No Side Effects: As the flint lice spray is made entirely using natural ingredients, there is nothing to worry about headache, nauseaandswellings.Therearenosideeffectsoftheproductandit is100%safeandnatural. USDACertified:Becauseitis nontoxicandnaturallyderived, whichkillsliceandeggsoncontact,MDXconceptslicesprayis certifiedas‘100%naturallyderived’ byUSDA. EasyToUse:Youcanuseiteasilyfromyourhomebysprayingit directly on your hair. It starts showing results within a few minutesofitsapplication.
Flint Lice Spray TheFlintLiceSpraybyMDXconceptsis100%organicandworks without leaving any side effects like headache, nausea and swelling.Theproductkillsthenymphsevenbeforetheybecome adults, thus making the process tirelessly efficient. It might be toughonlicebutisdefinitelygentleandhumaneonyourscalp. For best results, always shake the spray well before use and apply it on freshly washed hair. You can also spray the product anywhere including clothes, luggage, bedding, furniture and moreduetoitsnon-stainingquality.Itisstronglyadvisablethat thesprayMUSTNOTbeusedoverthebody.ItismadeofUSDA certifiedingredients,andthus,doesnotharmchildrenandpets, keepingyouandyourlovedoneshappy.
Jasper Flea and TickSpray Child and Pet Safe: Most of the flea and tick repellent sprays come with chemicals and toxins which are unsafe to use on a pet.MDXconceptsJasperFlea&TickSprayisdevoidofchemicals as it is naturally derived and can be used on cats with no side- effects. Puts Fleas and ticks in Their Place: A flea and tick repellent whichensuresthatyourcatlivesapest-freeandhappylife.Adirect sprayinstantlykillsthemostmenacingfleasandticks. Non-toxicinNature:Anormalfleaandticksprayispyrethroids- basedcausingvarioushealthproblems.Thissprayismadeofvinegar and essential oils such as peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and cedarwoodoil,hence100%naturallyderived. Quick Results: An invasion to the privacy of fleas and ticks does nottaketimetoconquerusingthisspray.Ithasalightscentwhichis extracted from peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and cedarwood oil whichlastslongandprovidesalongtermprotectiontoyourcats.
Jasper Tick and FleaSpray UltimateSolutionforfleaandtickproblemsofyourcat: Theorganichomepestcontrolsprayisapplicableforallkindsoffleas andticks.Madewithnaturalingredients,thesprayensuressafetyfor your dog from fleas, ticks and other pests that might cause any irritationordiscomfortforyourdog.
Jasper Flea and TickSpray It is highly likely that pests can be found in rubbish including food scrap, septic tanks, pools of water caused by drains or homes with unclean tables/kitchens. The Magma Home Pest SpraybyMDXconceptsinvades,killsandthuseliminatesallkinds of pest infestations by ants, fleas, earwigs, stink bugs, mites, scorpions etc. You also need not to worry about the harmful fumes of pesticides because it is not only made of essential oils but is 100% organic. The pest control spray is not only fast in action but also long lasting. All you need to do is shake well beforeuse,spraytheproductinnooksandcrevicesthepestslike to hide in and the rest is on us. The insect killer works to kill adultpests,eliminatestheireggs, ifthereareanyandkillseven the pest resistant pests, keeping your spaces happy and pest free.
MicaRodentSpray Natural Rodent Repellent: MDX concepts Rodent spray is the bestwaytogetridofrats.Thenaturalingredientsinthesprayannoy theratstocomeoutofthecornersofyourhome,hence,theyvanish once it is sprayed. It is made up of natural ingredients which only repel the rodentsnever kill them. SafeForChildrenAndPets:Asitisnatural,non-toxicandeco- friendly,youdon’thavetoworryaboutthesafetyofyourpetsand children.Itcanbeusedanywhere. RodentFreeHome:MDXconceptsiseffectiveforalltypesof mice.Thisnaturalsprayrepelsalltypesofrodentsandgivesyoua problem free home. It is the best replacement available for your traditional micetrap. UserFriendly:Theproductisveryeasytouse.Justonesprayis needed at the required place to eliminate the rats. It will not damageyourhomeorfurniturebecausetherearenochemicals usedformanufacturingtheproduct.
Mica RodentSpray TheMicaRodentSpraybyMDXconceptsisyouranswerthen.It bids farewell to all kinds of rodents, indoors/outdoors without harming humans. Its extensively effective blend of essential oils providesapleasantscentimmediatelyafterusage.Rodentsarea groupofmammalswhonotonlyhaveastronglikingforgnawing non-food items like clothes or shoes but can also cause fatal diseases like leptospirosis, rat bite fever or black-death. This productwithitsstrongandeffectiveimpact,helpsyougetridof chemical rat killing poisons and gruesome manual traps. The mice killer spray, made from a tested blend of essential oils, unlike other rodenticides is 100% organic and is safe around children andpets.
PESTO Rodent RepellentPellets A natural and organic solution to the mice problem: MDXconcepts PESTO Rodent Repellent Pellets, composed of the naturalingredientslikepeppermintoil, cinnamonoil, cedarwoodoil andspearmintoil, areaneffectivesolutiontoallthemiceproblems. The natural ingredients used in the product serve as an ultimate barrierfortherodentsinthemostorganicway. Safe and eco-friendly: The PESTO rodent repellents are not manufacturedusinganyharshchemicalsorratpoisons.Theyare eco-friendlyandsafeorthepetsandthechildren. Long lasting impact and weather resistant: The MDX Concepts PESTO Rodent Repellent Pellets provide long lasting protectionagainstthemiceastheproductlastsforuptoa year.The product is also weather resistant and works well even if kept in the rain. It is not affected by the humidity and gives a guaranteed protectionagainstalltypesofmice. Easy to use: The rodent pellets are easy to use. Just a few pellets need to be placed in the areas where the mice can be foundhiddenandthescentofthenegativelychargedessential oilsoftheproductpelletsrepelthemiceinstantly.
PESTO Rodent RepellentPellets Easyonpocketsandhealth: Themicerepellentpelletscomeat a very handy price and do not leave any negative impact on health due to its organic composition. If the product does not eliminate your mice problem after 60 days of usage, 100% money back guarantee ispromised.
PESTO Rodent RepellentPellets Here is an effective and natural solution for it. MDXconcepts have come up with PESTO Rodent Repellent Pellets which eliminatestheneedforthemousetrapsandmakeyourhome andyardfreefromrodents.Justspreadafewpelletsandforget aboutthemiceinvasionsatyourplace.
Radar pest repellentdevice AllPestsProtection:ThePestRepellentDevicetransmitswaves thatareharmfultothecentralnervoussystemofallpestsandhasa coverageareaofabout1200squarefeet,makingtheproducttarget specific and thuseffective. EasyUsage:Pluginthepestrepellentdevicedirectlytothe outlet and the machine starts working immediately after pluggingin.Noadditionalfittingsarerequired. Noiseless Operation: Radar Pest Repellent renders a soundlessperformanceofrepellingandkillingbugs,thusgiving youthecalmestandmostundisturbedsleep. Night Light: The LED Night Light function in the Pest Repellent Deviceshowsthatthemachineisactiveandworking,ensuringyou don’tforgettoturnitoffwheneveryouhaveto. Non-Toxic:Theproductdoesnotemitanyharmfulfumesthat mightbedetrimentaltoyourhealthandisthustotallysafetobe usedaroundchildrenandpets.
Radar pest repellentdevice Letthepestinvasionnotbeaproblemforyourhouseanymore as mdx concepts has brought an effective pest-control solution foryou.TheMDXConceptsRadarPestRepellentDevicemakes your house pest- free by transmitting the waves which are harmful to the central nervous system of the pests. It is eco- friendlyandnon-toxicforchildrenandpets.Itiseasytouseand iseffectiveagainstawiderangeofpests.
Scoria pest controlpouches All Pests Dynamite: The Scoria Pest Control Pouches by MDXconceptsrepel/killrodents,spiders,roaches,ants,mothsandall kindsofotherpests.Thispackageisaunifiedsolutiontoallyourpest problems. Easy to Use: All you have to do is simply place a pouch in any enclosedspacelikecloset,pantryorvehiclestogetridofmultitude of pest invasions. This pest control is completely hygienic, thus effective thananyotherpesttrap. CostEffective:Asingleproductofthepestrepellentis apackof 12andthepouchesremaineffectivefrom6monthsto1year,giving youasatisfactoryvaluefortheamountofmoney paid. NaturalRepellent:Madewithacombinationofessentialoilslike cinnamonoil,cedaroil,rosemaryoilandpeppermintoil,thisrodent repellent gives 100% natural protection with a pleasant fragrance, thuskeepingyourenvironmentgardenfresh. ChildandPetSafe:Unlikeanyotherchemicalpesticideorpoison, the product produces no harmful fumes and is totally safe around pets andchildren.
Scoria pest controlpouches ThepackofScoriaPestControlPouchesbyMDXconceptsisyour savior then. The product has a natural composition of essential oils that are encapsulated in a pouch form, giving you a minty peppermint aroma, all day, every day. The pest repellent is not onlysafearoundpetsandchildrenbutalsokillsallkindsofpests like rats, mice, spiders, roaches, ants, giving you all the pest solutions in a single package, thus proving to be a matchless value for cost. The package of 12 pest control pouches is a perfect alternative to mainstream mouse and rat traps and you canuseitanywhereyoufearpestinvasions.
Zuba Dog Flea & TickSpray Child and Pet Safe: Most of the flea and tick repellent sprays come with chemicals and toxins which are unsafe to use on a pet. MDXconceptsZubaDogFlea&TickSprayisdevoidofchemicalsand is100%naturallyderived. Puts fleas and ticks in their Place: A flea and tick repellent whichensuresthatyourdoglivesapest-freeandhappylife.Adirect sprayoftheinstantlykillsthemostmenacingfleasandticks. Non-toxicinNature:Anormalfleaandticksprayis pyrethroids- basedcausingvarioushealthproblems.Thissprayismadeofvinegar and essential oils such as peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and cedarwoodoil,hence100%naturallyderived. Quick Results: An invasion to the privacy of fleas and ticks does nottaketimetoconquerusingthisspray.Ithasalightscentwhichis extracted from peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and cedarwood oil whichlastslongandprovidesalongtermprotectiontoyourdog. Ultimatesolutionforfleaandtickproblemsofyour pet:Theorganichomepestcontrolsprayisapplicableforallkindsof fleas and ticks. Made with natural ingredients, the spray ensures safetyforyourdogfromfleas,ticksandotherpeststhatmightcause anyirritationordiscomfortforyourdog.
Zuba Dog Flea & TickSpray Wehavethesolutionforyou.Zuba'sFleaandControlTickSpray by MDXConcepts ensures that your dog lives a pest-free and happylife.Ourloveforpetsiswhatpromptedustoproducethis spray,soastotodoourparttoreducetheirtroubles.Madewith natural ingredients, the spray ensures safety for your dog from fleas, ticks and other pests that might cause any irritation or discomfortforyourdog.Thebestpartaboutthesprayisthatitis chemical-free and thus does not cause any harmful side effects toyourdog'shealth.