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We are ICT Service and consultancy company, offering full stack IT Service, all the way from topology and Network Design to installation, support and after sales service along with onsite online consultancy
Thanks again for your interests into our trainingsessions, We will be more than glad to have you and your friends or colleagues in oursessions. Our goal at MITS training department, is to deliver high quality educational programs, by offering conceptual gigs with tons of hands-on LABs to those who are either looking for a career as an IT Engineer, or experienced engineers who wish to gain more knowledge to improve their current career, or even sales players who need some products overview or technical tricks in order to increase their sales margins, taking into account that ICT managers, gurus and directors can also be benefited by these programs to get to understand more about what their team does. Our official courses can be delivered as academic study programs as well, universities, colleges and IT schools or any other higher educational institutions can apply and offer combination of these courses at each semester, please contact training@mits-co.comfor more information on thisregard. Below you can find full details and info regarding each platform and relatedcourses. BestRegards, Mani Raissdana,(CTO) MikroTik, Ubiquiti and CambiumInstructor Izel Gulden,(COO) TrainingManager
Certifications and TrainingCourses MITS delivers manufacturer-based trainings and certifications, as we are official training center of MikroTik, Ubiquiti Networks and CambiumNetworks.
MikroTik • MTCNA - MikroTik Certified Network Associate(Viewoutline) • MTCRE - MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer(Viewoutline) • MTCINE - MikroTik Certified Inter-networking Engineer(Viewoutline) • MTCTCE - MikroTik Certified Traffic Control Engineer(Viewoutline) • MTCWE - MikroTik Certified Wireless Engineer(Viewoutline) • MTCUME - MikroTik Certified User Management Engineer(Viewoutline) • MTCIPv6E - MikroTik Certified IPv6 Engineer(Viewoutline) UbiquitiNetworks • UBWA - Ubiquiti Broadband Wireless Admin(viewoutline) • UBWS - Ubiquiti Broadband Wireless Specialist(view outline) • UEWA - Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin(viewoutline) CambiumNetworks • ePMP – Cambium Wireless enterprise certification training(Viewoutline) • cnPilot – Cambium Wi-Fi certification training(Viewoutline)
Importantnotes • Timing: • Morning sessions start at 9:00 AM each day and end at 03:00 PM Evening sessions start at 3:00 PM each day and end at 09:00 PM means our sessions are Camp styleevent. • Certification: • At the end of each (2-3 days) trainings, participants attend Certification Test (Exam). Exam time is at the end of each session (last day in last hours) and takes not more than 1 Hour (or 2 depends on the platform). A Certificate generates by manufacturer itself and will be issued only to those who successfully pass the test. (The pass grade for is 60%-%80 depends on theplatform). • Soft copy of the Certificate will beprovided. • Refreshments, (like snack, hot/cold beverages and Lunch) are provided to all participants free of charge during thesession. • LAB Equipment: Each participant will be provided with required hardware to work with during theclass. • We also provide course material and training documents (SoftCopy). • Participants need to bring their own laptop equipped with Ethernetport. • Bonus: • MITS always offers 2 hours of free (online remotely) consultancy and support service Each participant will get 1 free level 4 license for RouterOS. (only in MikroTik Platform) Free T-Shirt will be provided to all students (not applicable in somecountries)
Pricelist • All prices are in ₱Pesos • by attending 3 courses or more, extra 10% overalldiscount • by attending more than one platform, extra 5% overall discount for eachplatform • by attending 7 or more courses extra 15% overalldiscount • by attending full course extra 25% overalldiscount • * NOTE: Only one discount option can beused
Upcoming WISP showEvent Platform Platform Date Date Time Time Registration Registration EventName EventName Agenda Agenda Partner Partner Venue Venue Details Details Opening andsocialization Opening andsocialization Introduction Introduction Productsoverview Productsoverview Solutions andScenarios Solutions andScenarios 2018-August-24 2018-August-24 9:00AM-4:00PM 9:00AM-4:00PM Free Free UganWISP UganWISP JilInsights JilInsights Location Location Click for moredetails Click for moredetails WISPOW WISPOW Value AddedServices Value AddedServices Successful CaseStudies Successful CaseStudies Raffle andFreebies Raffle andFreebies Upcoming TrainingSchedule
Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any questions, problems orconcerns, At MITS training department, we are always ready to answer your questions, evaluate your knowledge, discuss pros and cons and assist you to choose the right course by taking your expertise and priorities into theaccount. Wish you luck and success in sessions will beattended.
MITS Training Department training@mits-co.com +90 (533) 7141192 guldenizel