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What causes black gums

There can be any number of reasons for black gums. Some of them are within our control while others are not. Nevertheless, through proper oral hygiene, anyone can achieve aesthetically pink gums over time.<br>

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What causes black gums

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  1. WhatCausesBlackGums? Justlikeanyotherpart of the body, the mouthisalsoanextremelyimportant section. Not only does it help us eat and speak,butitalsoaddstoouroverall appearanceandgetup.Thisiswhy it is essential to take initiatives that can ensure goodoralhealth.Alas,achievingthe desired results can be quite challenging in reality.Asthenamesuggests,blackgum isananomalywhichsimplymeansthe darkeningordiscolorationof a person's gums. Today, there are quite a few black gum treatment clinics in Mumbaito help allwho are suffering. Our gums come in a variety of colors, just like our hair, noses, and teeth. Though we associategumswiththecolorpink,they can also be brown or even black. It's crucial to pay attention to the natural color of your gums so you can spot any problems. However, in this blog, we are going to pinpoint the major causes of thischange. Smoking Almost every second person in the nation is addicted to smoking. While we are all aware of the major side effects of this habit, what is unknown to many is that it can result in black gums. Our body produces melanin via cells called melanocytes. This gives color to our skin, hair, etc. When a person engages in smoking at an alarming rate, the nicotine from the products forces the cells toincreasethesecretionofmelanin.Thus,ultimatelyresultingindarkpatchesonthegums, lips,and cheeks.This is referred toas "Smoker's Melanosis." AmalgamTattoo Another well-known cause of black gums is the amalgam tattoo. While there are several black gumtreatmentsinMumbaitohelppatients, this particularcondition does not needany. When a person undergoes treatments such as teeth fillings and crowns, a mixture of metals called amalgam is used. Sometimes the metal gets dislodged and appears underneath the gums as darkpatches. Trenchmouth

  2. Trench mouth, medically known as acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a gum infection that causesblackandswollengums.Itisa growth of bacteria due to gingivitis which eventually leads to a buildup of dead tissues inside the mouth, especially on the gums. Bad breath and bleeding gums are common symptoms of this condition. However, owing to the advancement of medicalscience,todaythere are innumerable gum swelling treatments in Mumbaito help withtrench mouth. • Theprocedureissimpleandclear.Themouthwillbecleaned,andantibioticsmaybe prescribed.Repeatinfectionscanbeavoidedbyrinsingwithmedicatedmouthwashand keepingteeth and gums clean. • Addison'sdisease • Hormonal imbalance can be another leading reason. When the adrenal glands of a person are affected duetoAddison'sdisease,itresultsinanunusualsecretionofmultipletypesof hormones.Thisleadstothecreationofdark patchesof skin inside the mouth and on the gums. Itiscommonlyreferredtoashyperpigmentationandisseenasaninitialsymptomof progressiveAddison's disease. • Oralcancer • It is best to get black gums checked out by any of the leading black gums treatment clinics in Mumbai.The main reason for saying so is that it can even be a signal for something more serious like oral cancer. In some rare cases, the reason for black spots to appear on gums is the onsetof malignant melanoma which is a branch oforal cancer. • Others • Apartfromtheabove-mentionedcauses,blackgums can also be a usual side-effect of teething inbabies,pregnancy,orevencertaintypesofmedication.Unlikeothers,theseareoften consideredsituational as their discoloration returns to normalonce the phase is over. • Treatments • In India, black gum treatments in Mumbaiare on the lead. Following are some of the most commonprocedures opted by experts. • Laser depigmentation: Under this procedure, a water laser system is used to alter the melanin manufacturing cells. This in turn heals the gum tissues and gives them a visibly pinklook. • Cosmetic whitening: This is a traditional method where the dentist removes the dead blackgum tissues to reveal thelight pink ones underneath. • Prevention

  3. Brushingteeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and avoiding sugar are all good ways to keep oralhygieneincheck.Theseactionsshouldbecombinedwithregulardentalvisits.Thebest way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is to practice good oral hygiene.Brushing one's gums witha soft-bristle toothbrush on aregular basis may be beneficial. Tosumitallup There can be any number of reasons for black gums. Some of them are within our control while othersarenot.Nevertheless,throughproperoral hygiene, anyone can achieve aesthetically pinkgums over time.

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