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Do you want to be a freelancer? but confused about whether to be a freelancer or an employee at a company? Itu2019s ok. You are not alone who is stuck in this dilemma. Professionals all over the world are debating the pros and cons of Freelancing and Full-time employment.<br><br>Being a full-time employee or a freelancer has numerous benefits and drawbacks, and before determining which is ideal for you, you need to think carefully about the positives and negatives of both.
Pros and Cons of Freelancing and Full-time Employment Doyouwanttobeafreelancer?butconfusedaboutwhethertobeafreelancer oranemployeeatacompany?It’sok.Youarenotalonewhoisstuckinthis dilemma. Professionals all over the world are debating the pros and cons of Freelancingand Full-time employment. Being a full-time employee or a freelancer has numerous benefits and drawbacks,andbeforedeterminingwhichisidealforyou,youneedtothink carefullyabout thepositives andnegatives of both. Let’sdiscussthebenefitsofbeingaFreelancer ProsofFreelancing TaketheJobwhereyouwant Being a freelancer, the foremost benefit is that you can take your job with you whereveryougo.Itdoesnotobligateyoutostayinonespot.Youcanchoose towork fromhome orwork fromanywhere youwould liketo. NoFixedWorkingHours
Oneofthebenefitsofbeingafreelanceristhatyoudon’thavetoworkforOneofthebenefitsofbeingafreelanceristhatyoudon’thavetoworkfor fixedhourslikeanemployee.Youcanchoosetoworkatyourpaceandtimeas youare theboss. Beinga freelancer,there areno staybacks orlate hour meetings.Nobodytellsyouhowtowork,youknowyourworkdeadline,and youget to finish it whenever. Takeabreakwhenyouwant Ifyouwanttobe afreelancer,thebenefitof takingvacationsorbreaksat any time can be enjoyed. Because you’re not committed to a schedule and you don’thave to ask forpermission! Thisisoneof thebestbenefitsof beingafreelancer,as you’renotboundby a certain amount of days for vacation and you’re allowed to take as many holidaysas you wantand whenever youwant. Money Freelancing is more lucrative than full-time employment. You do not have to waitforamonthlysalarybecauseyouarepaidperproject,andyoucanhave more than one project per month, so your income could be double that of a salary. ConsofFreelancing IncomeStability We know that money is better in freelancing than fixed employment, but it is notstable.Itmighthappenthatin onemonth,youearnalotbut subsequently, in the second month, you don’t have any project. It all depends on the employer’s needs. LackofBenefits
Infull-timeemploymentorfixedemployment,theemployeegetsnumerousInfull-timeemploymentorfixedemployment,theemployeegetsnumerous advantages, such as medical, health insurance, and travel allowances, while freelancing does not. Furthermore, as a full-time employee, your days off will bereimbursedbecauseyouarepermittedtotakecertaindaysoffasholidays; freelancing will not pay for your time off and will have an impact on your finances. Isolation&Boredom One of the disadvantages of being a freelancer is that you get bored working allalone.Whileworking,sometimes,youmayneedsomeonetotalkbutthere isno one to gigglewith when you’re a freelancer. Full-TimeEmploymentProsandCons ProsofFull-timeEmployment FixedIncome Havingafull-timejobmeanshavingamonthlywageandaconsistentincome to support yourself or your family; it may not be as much as what freelance jobsgive,butatleastyou knowyouwillbepaid attheendofthe month. CareerGrowth As a full-time employee, you will get numerous career growth job options whicharenotpossibleinfreelancing.Atfixedemployment,youalsolearn fromotherpeopleandfromyour ownmistakestoo.Thereissenior managementtoguideyou. ExtraBenefits
BeingaFixedtimeemployee,youareentitledtoafewofthebenefitslikeBeingaFixedtimeemployee,youareentitledtoafewofthebenefitslike medicalandhealthinsurance,travelallowances,rentallowances,incentives etc.This is notpossible in freelancing. TheConsofFull-timeEmployment WorkPressure Beingafull-timeemployee,themainissueisworkpressure.Youareforcedto work for fixed hours and work to be completed under a given deadline. You can’tworkas peryour ownwillas yourboss isthereto guideyou. Time-Consuming People working full time are always complaining that they don’t have enough timefortheirsocialwork.Travellingfromhometoofficeandvice-versatakesa lotoftime whichwillleave youexhaustedto doany otheractivities. WorkingwithaBoss If you’re a freelancer, you are your own boss. Freelancing allows you to choosewhatyouwanttoworkon,whereasworkingfull-timeusuallyrequires you to work on projects and complete particular duties as per your job description. As everything has its pros and cons, the same freelancing and full-time employmenthave.Itdependsonyouwhatyouchooseasperyourwilland personalityandhowyouovercometheproblemsthatcomealongtheway.