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Generally, bacteria are seen as something that can cause diseases or other problems; and Probiotics is seen as a remedy to not only keep the gut healthy but also facilitate properu00a0treatment of gastritis. Being a dietary supplement that has not yet been approved nor tested even in the advanced nations, it is important to consult a gastritis treatmentu00a0specialist atu00a0Bangalore gastroenterology hospitalu00a0before opting to consume it.
The Benefits And Risks Of Probiotics For Gut Health In recent years, like many other dietary supplements, Probiotics have been in the news prominently as a possible remedy for chronic gastritis treatment. Generally, bacteria are seen as something that can cause diseases or other problems; and Probiotics is seen as a remedy to not only keep the gut healthy but also facilitate proper treatment of gastritis. Made up of good live bacteria and/or yeast that naturally live in the body, Probiotics helps to keep the body healthy and working well. The good bacteria helps in many ways, like warding off bad bacteria when there is an excess amount of it; and making the body feel better. Being a dietary supplement that has not yet been approved nor tested even in the advanced nations, it is important to consult a gastritis treatment specialist at Bangalore gastroenterology hospital before opting to consume it. BENEFITS AND RISKS
Here are the major benefits and risks of Probiotics. Benefits Brings Down ‘Bad’ Bacteria In The Gut Microbes present in the lower intestinal tract generally aid in proper digestion of food; regulate the immune system; and ward off harmful bacteria. However, on certain occasions, an imbalance of microbes occurs. This leads to diarrhea and other health issues connected with the digestive tract. Now, when there is an imbalance in the gut due to unhealthy levels of certain bacteria, Probiotics can play a key role. They can assist with the restoration of the balance to normal level by secreting protective substances’ which could turn on the immune system and also prevent the pathogens from creating issues that could lead to major diseases. Additionally, Probiotics helps to bring down the number of ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut that otherwise can lead to illness or inflammation. Furthermore, they can also replace problematic germs with good or helpful bacteria. Prevents And Treats Diarrhea Diarrhea is known to be a common side-effect of the intake of antibiotics’ in excess. When you take antibiotics in excess, it can affect the balance of good and bad bacteria considerably in the gut. According to medical studies, Probiotics possess the ability to prevent diarrhea or reduce the intensity of diarrhea to a considerable extent, that is, by an average of 25 hours. The studies further reveal that Probiotics also greatly helps to reduce the risk of antibiotic-fuelled diarrhea. Additionally, it can also help to bring down the risks of other forms of diarrhea not caused by the intake of antibiotics.
However, its success depends upon how what type of diarrhea you have and the level of its intensity; and the amount of Probiotics dosage taken by you. Overall, it can greatly reduce the risk and severity of diarrhea from a number of different causes, provided it is taken in the required dosage in accordance with doctor’s advice. Improves Certain Types Of Mental Disorders Several medical studies have linked gut health to mood and mental health. Furthermore, the same studies reveal that tests conducted on both animals and humans showed that probiotic supplements can greatly help to improve certain mental disorders. Human studies found that Probiotics when supplemented with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains for a couple of months can go a long way to improve psychological issues like anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, memory issues, and autism. One medical research conducted a study on 70 chemical workers for six weeks. The study revealed that when they consumed 100 grams of Probiotic yogurt in a day or consumed probiotic capsule every day experienced quality health improvements relating to anxiety, depression, and stress. Overall, their general health improved tremendously. Another study conducted on 40 patients with depression found that when they took probiotic supplements for about eight weeks, they experienced decrease in depression levels and also reduced levels of C-reactive protein (said to be a marker of inflammation) and hormones like insulin, when compared to people who did not take it. Helps To Keep The Heart Healthy There are certain types of Probiotic strains that can help to keep the heart healthy. They do this by lowering LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol and blood pressure.
Additionally, there are certain categories of lactic-acid producing bacteria that can help to reduce cholesterol by breaking down the bile in the gut. Bile is a naturally occurring fluid that is mostly made up of cholesterol. It helps to aid in digestion. By breaking down the bile, Probiotics can prevent it from getting re-absorbed in the gut, where it can enter the blood as cholesterol. Helps To Reduce Severity Of Some Allergies According to some medical studies, some strains of Probiotics can help to reduce the severity of eczema in children as well as infants. However, the link between reduced eczema severity and Probiotics is not still proven to be truly authentic. Medical experts believe more research needs to be done before passing final evidence on the same. Until then, it can be said that it can reduce the risk and severity of some allergies like eczema in infants. Can Greatly Help To Boost The Immune System According to some old medical research studies, Probiotics is said to have reduced the likely chances and duration of respiratory infections. However, it is said that the quality of the evidence was low, that is, weak. Additionally, the same medical research studies also revealed that a Probiotic called Lactobacillus Crispatus is said to have reduced the risk of urinary tract infections in women by about fifty per cent. Medical experts believe more research still needs to be done before passing final judgment on the link between probiotics and immunity. Until then, it can be taken as Probiotics can help to boost the immune system and protect it against infections.
Can Help To Shed Weight And Belly Fat Medical studies conducted some years back revealed that Probiotics can help to induce weight loss through a variety of different mechanisms. Like for instance, some categories of Probiotics can work to prevent the absorption of dietary fat in the intestine which is instead excreted through feces rather than be stored in the body. Probiotics, according to certain medical studies, are commonly used to bring down gastrointestinal symptoms that do not occur from causes like acute illnesses like bloating or gas or constipation. However, more studies still need to be done to finally validate if this is true and if there has been any symptom improvement, especially in older people. Aside from the above, some types of Probiotics can help to 1. Reduce the intensity of inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease, Ulceration Colitis, etc, by keeping them in remission, that is, a state of little to no disease activity. Additionally, it can prevent in some cases, Crohn’s Disease from relapsing and becoming worse. 2. Reduce the intensity of Irritable Bowel Syndrome OR greatly ease its symptoms like stomach pain or bloating or gas or diarrhea or constipation. 3. Prevent and treat Yeast Infections. 4. Treat stomach and respiratory infections, especially in children. 5. Control Lactose Intolerance 6. Treat allergies as well as asthma. Overall, a great majority of medical researchers and doctors are still unsure about the effectiveness of Probiotic supplements.
Risks Probiotics can 1. Trigger an allergic reaction. They can cause mild stomach issues, especially in the first few days after their intake. Those taking them might have stomach upset or bloating or diarrhea. However, thankfully these symptoms are known to go away after the body gets used to them. 2. Cause immune system issues. Some medical studies have linked Probiotics to serious infections and other side-effects. Those who are said to have taken it are said to have experienced immune system issues Apart from the above, there are greater chances of increased risks if you happen to have medical issues that weaken your immune system. These risks can build-up resistance to antibiotics; or develop an infection. A matter of concern is Probiotics is considered as a dietary supplement, and not as a drug. Aside from this, it should also be noted that unlike medications, dietary supplements do not need to be approved by the U.S. FDA. As a result of this, 1. U.S. based FDA does not monitor its manufacture nor has given a clearance to it nor approved its purchase at pharmacies and health food stores as high-quality products. 2. There still remains neither credible proof nor validation about the actual success of Probiotics, even though many manufacturers vouch for its safety and effectiveness. Hence, a word of advice here – always speak to your gastritis treatment specialist at the best Bangalore Gastroenterology Hospital, M H Surgery,
before taking it as a dietary supplement or giving it to a child. There always lies the danger of it interfering with medications that you may be taking. If you are a woman and pregnant or happen to breast-feed, then it is better to consult the chronic gastritis treatment specialist at Bangalore Gastroenterology Hospital, M H Surgery, before opting to consume it. Conclusion It is important to note that not all Probiotics behave negatively or cause side-effects. Each of them has their own individual merits and demerits. To stay safe, it is best to consult the gastritis treatment specialist before taking it as dietary supplements or introducing probiotic-rich foods like Yogurt into your diet.