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Life Made Simple Preconception/Interconception Health

Life Made Simple Preconception/Interconception Health Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Maternal, Child, and adolescent Health Black Infant Health Fetal and Infant Health Antelope Valley Partners for Health Antelope Valley Best Babies Collaborative. Activity #1.

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Life Made Simple Preconception/Interconception Health

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  1. Life Made Simple Preconception/Interconception Health Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Maternal, Child, and adolescent Health Black Infant Health Fetal and Infant Health Antelope Valley Partners for Health Antelope Valley Best Babies Collaborative

  2. Activity #1

  3. Life Made SimplePreconception/InterconceptionHealth

  4. If you are planning to get pregnant or are pregnant now, your body should be in it’s healthiest condition possible!The ABCDE’S can help you remember how!

  5. ABCDE’SA-Abuse Avoid alcohol. Quit smoking. Avoid illegal drugs. Domestic violence

  6. ABCDE’SB-Behavioral Screen and treat for all psycho-social issues such as depression. B- Baby Spacing

  7. What is that? It is the period of time a woman waits from when her last child is born until the next subsequent pregnancy. Baby spacing

  8. Why baby space?

  9. Hair Illustration

  10. The hair you see in this picture is strong and healthy

  11. If you cut your hair It needs time to grow back.

  12. Baby Spacing • It is best to wait 2years or longer before your body will be ready for another pregnancy • Family Planning is the best way to promote baby spacing • Remember “Between” Pregnancies?

  13. Activity # 2

  14. We are going to play a quick game with Family Planning Several years ago there was a game called: Truth or Consequences

  15. Sterilization Tubal ligation Vasectomy Truth or Myth

  16. Sterilization Methods TRUE Long Term Methods • Tubal Sterilization and Vasectomy are permanent methods of birth control • Tubal ligation for Women • Vasectomy for Men • IUD (not permanent) Remember: • These long term methods do not protect against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)

  17. Birth Control Ring Truth or Myth

  18. Hormonal Method True • Other Hormonal Methods: • Birth Control Pill • Birth Control Shot • Birth Control Patch • Emergency Contraceptive Pills • Remember Does Not protect against STD’s

  19. Breastfeeding Truth or Myth

  20. Informational-Based Method TRUELactation Amenorrhea Method • Other Informational based Methods: • Abstinence • Withdrawal • Natural Family Planning

  21. Myths????? What are some myths that you know about?

  22. Prevent unplanned Pregnancies • To prevent unplanned pregnancies for atleast two years utilize these (TRUE) methods Breastfeeding Sterilization Ring

  23. See your doctor for regular health check-ups (prior to pregnancy or between pregnancies) Once you are pregnant start prenatal care immediately! Most doctors recommend you start prenatal care before your 3rd month Be sure to return to the doctor for your 6 week post partum check-up (and wait two more years before another pregnancy) In the Meantime

  24. ABCDE’SC-Chronic Disease Diabetes High blood pressure Asthma Obesity Epilepsy

  25. Include fruits and vegetables in diet. Take a multivitamin Take only medications as prescribed by the doctor. Talk to the doctor about medications and their affects on pregnancy. Have a supportive Partner ABCDE’SD -Diet, Drugs, & Dads

  26. ABCDE’SE -Environment Exposures This means avoiding harmful exposures that can be found at home and at work.

  27. Get tested and treated for sexually transmitted infections Chlamydia Bacterial vaginosis Genital herpes HIV Immunizations Screened for genetic disorders: Tay Sach’s Disease Cystic Fibrosis Go to the dentist to treat any dental infections. ABCDE’SS -STI’s, Shot, & Screenings

  28. Activity #3 Organizational Information Box

  29. Activity #4

  30. Join us for Interconception Health Module II Resources: • Black Infant Health • Antelope Valley Best Babies Collaborative • Los Angeles County Dept of Public Health Maternal Child & Adolescent Health • California Family Health Council • 2ll

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