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Modern Case Studies

Modern Case Studies. John MacIntyre 0191 515 3778 john.macintyre@sunderland.ac.uk. Application Areas. Engineering Diagnostics Environmental Monitoring Building Design Nutrition Advice Baking Police Investigation Remember the feasibility key points!. The TIGER System.

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Modern Case Studies

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  1. Modern Case Studies John MacIntyre 0191 515 3778 john.macintyre@sunderland.ac.uk COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  2. Application Areas • Engineering Diagnostics • Environmental Monitoring • Building Design • Nutrition Advice • Baking • Police Investigation • Remember the feasibility key points! COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  3. The TIGER System • Developed Intelligent Applications Ltd, Scotland • Monitors gas turbines in real-time, and diagnoses faults • Linked to on-line data acquisition systems with hundreds of possible variables • Sophisticated front-end graphics for data visualisation COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  4. The TIGER Problem • Information overload for plant engineers • High capital costs of catastrophic failures • High costs for non-availability of turbines • Desire to run turbines to optimum efficiency • Lack of skilled engineers in turbine diagnostics COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  5. Benefits of TIGER • Continuous, 24-hour a day analysis of data • Automatic or semi-automatic diagnosis • Storage of complete picture of events leading up to turbine trips or faults • Reduced downtime, increased availability • Hundreds of thousands of pounds saved by National Power and PowerGen COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  6. The SEPCA System • Developed by the National Ecological Institute of Mexico, and the US Air Force • Monitoring of air quality in Mexico City • Data from 25 monitoring stations located around Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City (MZMC) • Measure general air conditions and specific pollutants (ozone, carbon monoxide, etc etc….lots of information) COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  7. SEPCA Approach • Uses meteorological data to forecast air quality information • Performs: • quantitative analysis -levels of pollutant • qualitative analysis - graphical interface showing forecast air quality against allowable bands and alarms • Being expanded to include photo-chemistry data COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  8. Benefits of SEPCA • Improvements in information available to meteorologists • Improved ability to warn public of bad air quality events • Improved ability to identify particular problem areas • Ability to see patterns and trends in pollution COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  9. Computer Aided Design • Two systems developed by universities in Hong Kong • Floor Plan Design Expert (FPDX) • Interior Design Expert (IDX) • Linked with CAD systems COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  10. FPDX • FPDX used by architects to evaluate whether an apartment building floor plan adheres to government requirements and standards • Very high overhead on regulations • Regulations often required subjective interpretation • Need faster, more consistent decisions • Automated from drawings COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  11. IDX • IDX analyses design based on a set of design principles • Gives suggestions for improvements • Helps designer with: • spatial relationships of objects • basic design guidelines • regulations and standards • health and safety issues COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  12. Benefits • Quick decisions • Efficient design • Regulation compliance • Health and safety benefits • Consistency! COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  13. NUTRICON • Developed at East Texas State University • Nutrition consultant expert system • Used by nutrition consultants, dieticians, health care professionals • Graphical interface for user input, linked to database of stored domain knowledge COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  14. NUTRICON Approach • Has a knowledge base of nutrients present in thousands of food items • Has rules on Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for different age groups, different sexes, different lifestyle requirements • Highlights problems, deficiencies, and recommends remedial actions COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  15. Benefits • Simplifies a very complex alternatives dependent upon age, sex, lifestyle • Remedial actions tailored to the individual • suggested menus etc • Can easily be used by non-experts in nutrition to give advice to patients • Consistent and traceable COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  16. Advising the Baker • Developed at the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association, England • Designed to help bakers to: • optimise product quality • improve operational use of retarding equipment (basically to control the yeast activity in the dough) • Allows either manual or automatic operation of equipment COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  17. Retarding Advisor • Rule base of complex relationships between ingredients, formulations, dough process and retarding process • Includes a “What If?” capability - lets the user see the outcome of scenarios (both ingredients and plant settings) • Advises on plant settings and ingredients • Plant settings can be automatically downloaded to the machines COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  18. Benefits • Helps the baker to make better bread!! • Better product quality, more consistent, less waste • Efficient use of plant - more throughput • Improved knowledge of the baking process itself • Spin-off benefit - training and education of machine operators COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  19. Investigators’ Notebook • Developed by the Ottowa Police Service, Canada • Supports investigations of residential break and entry incidents • Motivation is the vast amount of information gathered by the police during investigations • Used as a pilot study to show how ES could be used throughout police service COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  20. Investigators’ Notebook • Large set of historical data available • Used in conjunction with new incidents to carry out knowledge acquisition and modelling of break and enter events, suspect profiles etc • KA process led to modification and standardisation of documentation of incidents • Allows links to other cases COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  21. Benefits • Makes information easily accessible • previously held only in reports • Standardises “best practice” approach to investigation • Allows trending and linking with other cases in vicinity/similar case parameters • Links with previous offenders • Generates list of suspects • Graphic display capability COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

  22. Conclusions • Very varied!! • Potential for applications in most domains • However successful applications have been “scoped” well • definition of the area of the knowledge domain to be tackled • Feasibility rules apply in all cases COM362 Knowledge Engineering Modern Case Studies

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