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The 200 7 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods

The 200 7 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods. By: Mohammad Reza, SHARIF, MD sharif@ocasia.org. In competition Substances: S1. Anabolic Agents S2. Hormones and related Substances S3. Beta-2 Agonists S4. Agents with Anti-Estrogenic Activity

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The 200 7 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods

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  1. The 2007 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods By: Mohammad Reza, SHARIF, MD sharif@ocasia.org

  2. In competition Substances: S1. Anabolic Agents S2. Hormones and related Substances S3. Beta-2 Agonists S4. Agents with Anti-Estrogenic Activity S5. Diuretics and other Masking Agents S6. Stimulants S7. Narcotics S8. Cannabinoids S9. Glucocorticosteroids Methods: M1. Enhancement of Oxygen Transfer M2. Chemical and Physical Manipulation M3. Gene Doping In and out of competition (at all times) Substances: S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 * * * * Methods: M1 M2 M3 Sharif The 2007 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods

  3. S1. Anabolic Agents Anabolic Agents: 1. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) a. Exogenous ( not capable of being produced by the body naturally ) b. Endogenous ( capable of being produced by the body naturally ) 2. Other Anabolic Agents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The drugs classified under the name of AAS are derived from male sexual hormone (androgen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other Anabolic Agents are anabolic with no androgenic effects because of different mechanism and origin with AAS group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  4. Exogenous: Boldenone Boldione Clostebol Danazol Ethylestrenol Fluoxymesterone Gestrinone Methandienone Methyltestosterone Nandrolone Oxabolone Oxandrolone Oxymetholone Stanozolol Tetrahydrogestrinone And the other substances with a similarchemical structure or similar biological effect(s). Endogenous: Andrestenedione Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Testosterone And the relating metabolites and isomers. Sharif Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)

  5. Other Anabolic Agents • Clenbuterol • Tibolone • Zeranol • Zilpaterol --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These substances have definite anabolic effects with various mechanisms but no androgenic manifestations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  6. S2. Hormones and related Substances 1. Erythropoietin (EPO) 2. Growth Hormone (hGH), Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), Mechano Growth Factors (MGFs) 3. Gonadotrophins (LH, hCG), prohibited in males only 4. Insulin 5. Corticotrophins And the other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), and their releasing factors which will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding. Sharif

  7. S3. Beta-2 Agonists Their use requires a Therapeutic Use Exemption. As an exemption: (only) • Formoterol • Salbutamol • Salmeterol • Terbutaline When administered by inhalation to prevent and/or treat asthma and exercise-induced asthma/broncho-constriction require an abbreviated TUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite the granting of a TUE, is prohibited: • All the beta-2 agonists expecting the above exemptions • Reported concentration of salbutamol > 1000 ng/ml = Adverse Analytical Finding unless the athlete proves that the abnormal result was the consequence of the therapeutic use of inhaled salbutamol --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  8. S4. Agents with Anti-Estrogenic Activity 1. Aromatase inhibitors: • Anastrozole • Letrozole • Aminogluthetimide • Exemestane • Formestane • Testolactone 2. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs): • Raloxifene • Tamoxifen • Toremifene 3. Other anti-estrogenic substances: • Clomiphene • Cyclofenil • Fulvestrant Sharif

  9. S5. Diuretics and other Masking Agents Masking Agents: • Diuretics (acetazolamide, amiloride, chlortalidone, etacrynic acid, furosemide, metolazone, spironolactone, hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene, …) • Epitestosterone • Probencid • Alpha-reductase inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride, …) • Plasma expanders (albumin, dextran, hydroxyl starch, …) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For diuretics, a TUE is not valid if an athlete’s urine contains a diuretic in association with threshold or sub-threshold levels of a prohibited substance(s). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  10. S6. Stimulants Only in Competitions Stimulants: • Adrafinil • Adrenaline • Amphetamine • Bromantan • Cathine • Cocaine • Ephedrine • Fenfluramine • Fenproporex • Methylphenidate • Modafinil • Nikethamide • Pemoline • Selegiline • Strychnine • Tuaminoheptane And other similar substances Sharif

  11. Narcotics: Buprenorphine Dextromoramide Diamorphine (heroin) Fentanyl and its derivatives Hydromorphone Metadone Morphine Oxycodone Oxymorphone Pentazocine Pethidine Sharif Cannabinoids: Hashish Marijuana S7. NarcoticsS8. Cannabinoids

  12. S9. Glucocorticosteroids Glucocorticosteroids: • Betamethasone • Prednisolone • Methylprednisolone • Triamcinolone • Hydrocortisone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are prohibited when administered: • Orally • Rectally (not anal) • Intravenously • Intramuscularly Their use requires TUE approval. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All other routes of administration require an abbreviated TUE, e.g. intraarticular, periarticular, peritendinous, epidural, intradermal injections and inhalation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dermatological and anal preparations are not prohibited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  13. M1. Enhancement of Oxygen Transfer a. Blood doping: autologous, homologous or heterologous blood or red blood cell products of any origin, other than for medical treatment. b. Artificially enhancing the uptake, transport or delivery of oxygen: perfluorochemicals, efaproxiral (RSR13) and modified haemoglobin products (haemoglobin-based blood substitutes, microencapsulated haemoglobin products). Sharif

  14. M2. Chemical and Physical Manipulation Tampering, or attempting to tamper, in order to alter integrity and validity of Samples collected in Doping Controls. • Intravenous infusions • Catheterization • Urine substitution And similar issues. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Except as a legitimate acute medical treatment, IV infusions are prohibited. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharif

  15. M3. Gene Doping Enhancement of athletic performance through the non-therapeutic use of: • Cells • Genes • Genetic elements • Modulation of gene expression Sharif

  16. Substances Prohibited inParticular Sports P1. Alcohol (ethanol) • Prohibited in-competition only • Detection by analysis of breath and/orblood • The doping violation threshold(hematological values)for eachFederation is different P2. Beta-blockers • Prohibited in-competition only, unless otherwise specified Sharif

  17. P1. Alcohol (ethanol)

  18. P2. Beta-blockers

  19. Beta-blockers: Acebutolol Alprenolol Atenolol Betaxolol Bisoprolol Bunolol Carteolol Carvedilol Celiprolol Esmolol Labetalol Levobunolol Metipranolol Metoprolol Nadolol Oxprenolol Pindolol Propranolol Sotalol Timolol Sharif

  20. Specified Substances Particularly susceptible to unintentional anti-doping rule violations because of their general availability in medical products or less likely to be successfully abused as doping agents. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A doping violation involving such substances may result in a reduced sanction provided that the “… Athlete can establish that the Use of such a specified substance was not intended to enhance sport performance …” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specified Substances: • Ephedrine, L-methylamphetamine, methylamphetamine, cathine, cropropamide and any other stimulant not expressly listed under section S6 • Cannabinoids; • All inhaled Beta-2 Agonists, except clenbuterol at any level and salbutamol at urinary level>1000 ng/ml • Probencid • All Glucocorticosteroids; • All Beta Blockers; • Alcohol; Sharif

  21. Thanks a lot Mohammad Reza, Sharif M.D. • WADA independent observer • Olympic Council of Asia ADC member ------------------------------------------- sharif@ocasia.org (98) 912 193 6404 -------------------------------------------

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