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EM propulsion drive technology road map. Matter in motion exhibits internal Lorentz-contracted moving standing waves (de Broglie matter waves). The inverse effect of self-induced motion of matter may be potentially realized by utilizing synthesized red- and blue-shifted Lorentz-Doppler waves in a phase conjugate four-wave mixing process modulating a standing wave signal to generate a matter wave producing self-induced motion of a wave system without expulsion of reaction mass. A simplified impulse drive may be constructed with a standing wave cavity resonator excited by two-counter-propagating traveling waves with independent phase and frequency control.<br><br>https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Wave-Mechanics-Larry-Reed/dp/1634929640/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Quantum Wave Mechanics&qid=1605387093&sr=8-4<br><br>https://booklocker.com/books/10176.html<br>
EM Propulsion Drive DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31793.40801
Introduction • Types of wave energy • traveling waves – released kinetic energy • standing waves – stored potential energy • contracted moving standing waves - stored energy in motion • Wave forms • de Broglie matter waves • Synthesized matter waves • Impulse drive • EM Drive technology roadmap • Inertia control • Resonator motion • Push-Pull cavity resonator • Phase conjugation • Phase conjugate cavity resonator • Spectral energy dendity gradient • Types of mass • Negative Index Metamaterials • Inertia neutralization • Phase conjugate phased arrays • Mass currents effects • Mass inversion & imaginary mass • Gravitic drive
EM drive & Inertia control Electromagnetic propulsion without repulsion of reaction mass has yet to be realized. Do we not understand the physics of force fields and wave mechanics to set forth some notional theoretical concepts? What sort of energy conversion is required? Energy is a measure of wavefront curvature and may be conveyed in waves. Consider what sort of energy transfor-mation is required. Waves occur in any of several forms including:
Wave system resonator at constant velocity • Displacement of phase triggers shifting of standing wave nodes. • Mass transport is a result of node displacement of contracted • moving standing waves.
Inertia control Nonuniform acceleration/decceleration -> strain wave -> buckling breaking force v
Confinement of traveling EM waves • Confinement of traveling electromagnetic waves within a phase-locked • cavity resonator creates rest mass and inertia.
Self-referral dynamics of radiation trapped in a phase-locked resonator
Lorentz contraction of a standing wave resonator in motion • Stored energy in a resonator is in the • form of standing waves while released • energy is in the form of traveling waves. • Matter in motion undergoes a Lorentz • contraction in the direction of motion • as a result of increased EM flux density • Inertial mass and gravitation mass are • equivalent as both arise from the same • causal mechanism: accelerated motion • into regions of increased energy density. • Rest mass and relativistic mass have a • common origin – both are a measure • of EM wave interaction in regions of • increased spectral energy density.
Wave motion represented as Riemann sphere projections onto a complex plane • Mappings on the complex plane in the form of Möbius transformations • correspond to Lorentz transformations.
Constant wave energy phasor Traveling wave, standing wave and contracted moving standing waves
Contracted moving wave diagram for an electron moving @ 0.5 c Compton, Lorentz Doppler and de Broglie wave components
EM cavity resonator equivalent LC circuit • A lossless electromagnetic cavity resonator and equivalent LC circuit. • The electric and magnetic energy are in phase quadrature. • A resonant system must contain at least one element in which kinetic • energy is stored and another element in which potential energy is stored.
Impedance and energy triangle comparison • Mass and electrical impedance are measures of resistance to energy flow.
Resonator velocity staircase A Minkowski spacetime diagram illustrating a phased-locked standing wave resonator in motion with oscillatory sequence of accelerative jumps and constant velocity intervals
Coupled standing wave resonators Motion is a result of an imbalance of momentum and electrodynamic momentum
EM wave reflection/diffraction from Bragg planes formed by EM wave interference • Phase conjugate beam formation in four-way mixing of signal & pump beams
Irradiated phase-locked phase conjugate resonator • Conceptual diagram for induced motion of a phase-locked resonator with • a phase conjugate reflector irradiated by amplified Lorentz-Doppler shifted • pump beams modulating a standing wave generating a ponderomotive force.
Phase-locked phase conjugate resonator induced motion • Simulated Lorentz-Doppler effect results in a contracted moving standing wave. • The internal radiation pressure imbalance results in a net ponderomotive force. • Pump beam energy input provides the kinetic energy of motion.
Resonator Motion Equations Lorentz-Doppler wave frequency difference Dn = a/2c = (c/h)(mv)/Dl)·ldB = (c/Dl)·ldB = c2/(Dl·ndB) Lorentz-Doppler wave length difference Dl= (c/h)(mv/Dn) = (c2/h)(mv/Dn·ndB) de Broglie matter wave frequency ndB= c/ldB = (h/mv)(Dn/Dl) = E/h = E/(DE/Dn) = pc/h de Broglie matter wavelength ldB = h/mv = c/ndB= h/p = Dl/(c/h)(mv/Dn) wave guide impedance ZTM = Z0√(1 – (nc/n)2 ZTE = Z0√(1 – (nc/n)2 velocity of light c = √(vpvg) = ln = c0/G velocity ratio b = v/c = Df/p = √(1 – 1/G2) group velocity vg = c·(Df/p)·r = v0/G = c·b = c·(n1 – n2)/(n1 + n2) phase velocity vp= c/(Df/p)·r = c/b wave phase f = kx-wt phase displacement Df = vg·p/c = p·b blueshift frequency n1 = l(1 – b)g redshift frequency n2 = l(1 + b)g beat frequency Dn = |n1 – n2|≃ nsignal Lorentz contraction g =√(1 – b2) = 1/g Lorentz factor g = 1/g = 1/√1 – b2) = G acceleration a = dv/dt = 2c·Dn·r ̂ = (2c2/h)(mvDl)·ldB·r̂ = (2c3/h)(mv/Dl·ndB)·r waveguide cutoff nc = c√(m/2a)2 + (n/2h)2 vp above cutoff vp = c/√(1 – (nc/n)2 vg above cutoff vg = c√(1 – (nc/n)2 rapidity r = bg = tanh-1v/c
Induced motion of wave system resonator • Contracted moving standing waves created by superposition • of Lorentz-Doppler shifted modulated standing waves.
Self-induced motion of wave system resonator • Velocity v is proportional to • phase difference (= Df·c/p) • Acceleration a is proportional • to frequency difference (= 2c·Dn) • Energy flow is in the direction of • the frequency gradient. Pump • beam energy is converted directly • into kinetic energy of motion. • Very high velocity and acceleration • possible with no expulsion of • reaction mass • Electromagnetic energy contained • within resonator(s). Low external • observables.
Push-pull cavity phase conjugate resonator • Direction of motion may be rapidly changed by redirecting the vector • orientation of the incident and phased array conjugation beams enabling • levitation and high acceleration, darting, zigzag motion without expulsion • of reaction mass. Amplified pump beams provide energy of motion.
Broad band frequency phase conjugate resonator system • High internal radiation pressure • provided by high frequency • standing wave modulation over • a wide frequency range. • Amplified synthesized Lorentz- • Doppler shifted pump beams • modulates a standing wave in • a phase conjugate resonator to • generate a matter wave inducing • motion of the wave system. • Energy of motion is proportional • to the number of frequency pairs • DEi = nhDni.
Gravitational spectral energy density gradient subject to electronic augmentation and control • Acceleration is proportional to the frequency differential Dn.
Paired overlapping multi-band swept frequencies with discrete frequency differential • Available energy is proportional to the number of frequency pairs (DEi = nhDni) • Acceleration induced inertial strains are reduced by minimizing jerk (Da/Dt)
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Matter Wave Propulsion Performance Summary Analysis cases Mass range: 1 – 100,000 kg Thrust: 1 – 1,000,000,000 N
Matter Wave Propulsion Performance Summary (cont) Analysis cases Mass range: 1 – 100,000 kg Acceleration: 1 – 10,000 m/s2 Velocity: 1 to 10,000 m/s g-level: 0.1 to 1020.4 g’s Thrust: 1 – 1.0 E09 N
1.00E+09 Acceleration vs. Thrust 1.00E+08 1.00E+07 1.00E+06 1.00E+05 m = 100,000 kg 10,000 kg 1.00E+04 1,000 kg 1.00E+03 T = m(2·cDn)·r̂ 100 kg Thrust, T [N] 1.00E+02 10 kg 1.00E+01 1 kg 1.00E+00 0 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 Acceleration, a [m/s2] • Frequency differential Dn for 1 g (9.8 m/s2) acceleration ≃ 1.6344E-08Hz